Low carbs? Add me!

I've heard working out and eating right for losing weight, but what about a low carb diet?


  • Holygoddess
    Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
    Low carbs is how I lose all my weight. It works but the moment I drink alcohol I stall out. That's not the same for everyone though. I do enjoy this diet, it encourages you NOT to be hungry.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Low Carb high fat is how I eat..for medical reasons. I eat at a deficit for weight-loss and exercise for strength, endurance, and more calories.
  • ChristaLii
    Have you heard of "Paleo"?
  • Chia7Berries
    Hi there

    Food quality and their nutrients is much more important than restricting macronutrients. I recommend eating natural foods according to your body's needs . You will inevitably find a macronutrient balance that suits you.

    For example: There are three main types of oxidizers (Metabolic Rate) which are Slow, balanced and Fast:

    Slow oxidizers do better with a higher amount of carbohydrates like me than to the opposite fast oxidizers do much better with a higher protein levels. There are simple tests to discover your rate. You can also note in your journal how your body responds to different meals (e.g protein meal of eggs and spinach ect or a bowl of granola or oatmeal for brekki).

    Also Carbs is fuel and when you workout you need carbs for energy and better performance . So the harder the workout the more carbs you need so if you restricted your carbs it may not be enough for your workout, burning less calories. But if your doing something like yoga you simply do not need to carb load like athletes.

    Finally Instead of restricting carbs (which can lead to physically fatigue, nausea, low blood pressure and much more) choose good quality nourishing carbs (complex carbs) such as:

    • Wholegrains/gluten-free grains
    • All beans & legumes
    • All vegetables
    • Low-GI fruits

    Reduce/Avoid simple carbs such as the following:

    • White bread
    • White rice
    • Cereals
    • Pastries
    • Potatoes
    • Chips
    • Candy bars
    • Refined Sugar

    So yeah the key is finding balance for you and discriminating not eliminating, This will all help you loose weight :smiley:

    Hope this is useful for you


  • meek595
    meek595 Posts: 12 Member
    I started the low carb diet Saturday. Also, I came across a podcast call Primal potential: Mastering Fat Loss Naturally. It's really interesting the way the human body works. She tells you ways to keep your body in prime fat burning mode. Just started and the scale is already going down.
  • lukeyjune
    lukeyjune Posts: 15 Member
    I've been catering my choices to the South Beach Diet. I screw up often though! Feel free to add me.
  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    I began a low carb journey for weight loss this weekend! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Anyone low carbing, please join your fellow low carbers on the Low Carb Daily Forum: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group. Would love to see you there.
  • webs_21
    webs_21 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey I'm on low carbs feel free to add me xx
  • food247
    food247 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting the ketogenic diet (low carb, around 20g/day and high fat) next week! Please add me! I would love to exchange support, inspiration, and updates!
  • monii702
    monii702 Posts: 52 Member
    Currently on a goal on 87 carbs a day (according to my macro calculator). Always happy to swap recipes and meal ideas and low carb food finds!
  • sheembarks
    sheembarks Posts: 3 Member
    I love the Primal Potential podcast, too!