The problem with losing weight...

Options the in between period when you have to get new clothes but you're losing weight so fast that you don't want to invest in any good clothes 'cause you know you're going to need the next size down in two weeks.

This happened to me last was such a pain because one week a style worked really well for my body shape and then by the end of the month I would need a different style because the previous one no longer worked. I spent ALOT of time in stretch clothes for awhile but at the end of September when I reached my initial goal I felt I had truly found a style that worked for me and that I could stick to...the problem was the style that looked good on me cost 150.00 dollars a pair. I had no way to justify getting another pair so I've been doing the wash and wear thing with them. My bf said it was better to invest in like two pair of high end jeans that not only make you look good but that can you can feel good about yourself wearing than investing in 5 pairs of cheap jeans that make don't have the same effect. Needless to say I never did work up the nerve to buy another pair of 150.00 dollar pair of jeans but yesterday I found a knock off brand(22 dollars) that have the EXACT same effect and now I'm really excited that I can afford to buy another pair of jeans that I can feel good in.


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. My story is a little different though. I have dress clothes because I work in an office, but I have been looking for another job and didn't know what I would need. I have some medical, restaurant and office experience. I didn't want to buy dress clothes and then need scrubs, or casual clothes and then get a job in an office.

    I did get a job at a restaurant so I needed to get black casual pants, but I fit in 2 sizes and I'm still losing. Who wants to buy 5 pairs that won't fit in a month?
  • kittybitz79
    kittybitz79 Posts: 213
    If you like a certain style of jeans, also try going to thrift stores. Right now I am still in the weight loss portion and am having the same issue. Luckily I have found some old pants in the back of my closet that are fitting. But not enough so I went to the local thrift stores (Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers and Earth Exchange) and were able to pick up some name brand pants and shirts for about 3-10 per piece. All the piece I picked up were in good shape. Hope this might help you find some things.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    i know what you mean! i try and keep the same size clothes as long as I can before getting the next size(s) work trousers are getting a bit baggy on me now!!!

    I find stretchy stuff works best whilst losing weight! Leggings and stretchy skinny jeans etc.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I found out that the more well-off people in my city donate to one particular Salvation Army, so I buy alot of my clothes there. I have gone from a 16 to a 10. I've been stalled at 10 for awhile, but am finally starting to lose again. And I know what you mean: I was only in a size 12 for about 3 weeks. I only bought one pair of work pants for that time. Luckily I have people I can give my clothes to as I under-grow them (the opposite of outgrow).
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    and being between sizes is the most annoying thing!! stuffs either too big or too small!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Definately hit the thrift stated you can find some really good deals there!
    I had gastric bypass surgery done 12/09 and was losing weight quickly in the way could I afford brand new clothes every month and wearing baggy clothes made me feel dumpy and bad about myself. Try going to the thrift store in the "expensive" part of!!!
    Good luck and congrats on your loss so far!!!
  • carlynishere
    carlynishere Posts: 330 Member
    It's getting to be the time of year for yard sales too!

    I picked up a couple pair of jeans at a yard sale for $1.00 each and they were too long - I am 5' 1.5" tall (short lol) and took them to be hemmed for $8.00 each - a total investment of $9.00 per pair. not too bad since I have already under-grown them now too.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The good thing about it being Summer is that I can live in dresses and it doesn't matter that they are far too big for me! I am very into the "sack" look right now.
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    The important question is... What was the knock off brand for $22 a pair??!??
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    I'm there at the moment. I'm now below my pre-pregnancy weight so not only are the maternity bits too big (waaaaaay too big!) but a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes are now too big as well. I've held onto a few pieces of clothing from a weight smaller than what I was pre-pregnancy, and I am transitioning in those. I refuse to go clothes shopping until I reach my goal. I'd rather wear baggy stuff than waste money on bits I may only wear for a short time.
  • farmgirlrrt
    farmgirlrrt Posts: 168 Member
    Those are all great ideas...I especially like the idea of going to the thrift stores where the uptown girls donate their clothes :-)

    The knock off brand I got were called Amethyst and I bought them at Gordman's. Here is a link to the amethyst website. Next time I get a day off work...I will post a picture of me wearing them...the only problem is I'm 5'1" and even short pants are too long...thankfully, I know someone who can take them up for me :-)