

  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Still sticking with it!! I am psyched about continuing the 10 mile challenge. I need to challenge to add water, that is a real challenge for me... I HATE water and LOVE Diet Mt. Dew. My activity is at 5 3/4 miles so far this week.

    Great job EVERYONE!!!! Together we will reach our goals :)
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Behind a few days! Lost another pound and walked over 10 miles last week. Like the water challenge and will keep at this:smile:
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Can I count Zumba as my walking for today? I'm not sure how to figure it out miles wise, but boy is it TOUGH!!!!!!
  • tbrew811
    tbrew811 Posts: 40
    Can I count Zumba as my walking for today? I'm not sure how to figure it out miles wise, but boy is it TOUGH!!!!!!

    Not sure how you would translate into miles. This may help -

    I spend 42 minutes on the treadmill, 3.0 mph, 2.034 miles, burn 230.7. If you burn 460 calories doing Zumba, maybe that would equate to 4.064 miles. Just a thought
  • tbrew811
    tbrew811 Posts: 40
    Okay, how's everyone doing on the challenge? I have to admit I'm not doing so well with the water, still averaging 5 per day. I will step up my game for these last couple of days. However, I am doing quite well with the walking. As of today, I've walked a little over 6 miles!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Okay, I have finally made it up to 8 glasses of water!!! Yesterday was the first day and I hope to keep it up today. I decided to give myself one mile for the Zumba since it was only 15 minutes. I'd rather err on the lower side that fool myself. Yesterday however, I did 3.5 miles on the elliptical. I think I reached the 10 mile mark!!
  • Ljc3
    Ljc3 Posts: 46
    Weigh day! 190.6 :)
  • Weigh day! 190.6 :)

    Wow! well done that's an amazing loss!
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Weigh Day: 180.4. Down for the first time in a while!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Weight: 152 down two pounds! Really think the water challenge was helpful. Going to be very mindful of drinking 8-10 glasses a day!
  • Pearcecat
    Pearcecat Posts: 68
    Hi everyone!
    Sorry I didn't post on Monday, I was busy collecting my parents from the Airport and catching up on their holiday stories. I stayed the same this week, which wasn't surprising considering my blow-out on Saturday night. I'm working hard this week with exercise and food, so hopefully it will help. The battery in my scales has died so I was thinking I might start weighing myself at the start of each month and concentrate on inch loss instead. I hope it's ok with everyone to post inch loss every Monday instead.
    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Weight today is 247.8, that's down another 3.5 pounds! Things are finally starting to move, which makes me VERY excited!!

    Have a great week.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    151 today! Down 1 pound : ) Down 10 pounds since I joined MFP on April 13, 2011!:smile:
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    179 pounds today!!! I was involved in a 30 hour famine with my youth this weekend so I haven't been posting or tracking. Hope to do better starting tomorrow:tongue:
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