Tracking challenge?? ...or support??

So I'm new here, again! I struggle so much with tracking. I start off tracking every single thing I eat and after a few days my brain says "I got this" and before I know it I'm off the wagon. Anyone else like me? Would you like to give each other a little nudge each day just to make sure we're tracking like we should be. I know this is essential to weight loss! :)


  • amandaturner612
    amandaturner612 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Jen! I'd love to be your buddy on this! My issue is that I tend to fall off at the end of the day... and then a square of chocolate after dinner turns into a bowl of cereal, which turns into an "i was good today' cookie... and then the day is shot! I'd love for us to help each other!
  • I can totally relate! I do good until I get off ....then it's downhill from there!