Reintroducing myself ;) new momma

I joined over a year ago and met my fitness goal by teaching Zumba 4 days a week and changing my eating habits. I am 7 weeks post partum and have already lost almost 20 lbs and only have 18 more to go to get to my prepregnancy weight of 120. Currently breastfeeding and trying to slowly ease into fitness again. Anyone out there in my sane situation or has been? Would like, same goal oriented mommas as my fitness pals friends for mutual support and motivation.


  • hollad03
    hollad03 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, I am 4 weeks postpartum and breastfeeding as well. I lost about 20 lbs but was overweight to begin with so I am hoping to lose about 30 more lbs.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi just had a baby girl about 2 weeks ago. I also want to loss weight while I am breastfeeding. I am down weight already but I know a lot of that is baby.
  • curlyqt85
    curlyqt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats to you both! You guys still have a few weeks before you are cleared by the dr. What workouts do you think you will be doing to lose the rest of the weight?
  • I am 10 weeks postpartum. I gained 13 lbs during pregnancy and lost 20 lbs by 5 days pp. unfortunately, I was overweight before pregnancy so even though I lost the baby weight, I still need to lose 30 more lbs. I'm hoping to start couch 2 5k as soon as the weather permits.
  • curlyqt85
    curlyqt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi mrsjaxn84! What is couch 2 5k?
  • athena2395
    athena2395 Posts: 3 Member
    Couch to 5k is an app that trains you in 8 weeks to run a 5k. You run 3 days a week and slowly work into the program. It's pretty amazing for easing yourself into running!
  • Yeah. It's a great program. I've completed it before, but I didn't run while pregnant because I'd had a miscarriage the previous year so I need to start over.
  • izalac
    izalac Posts: 20 Member
    I started Couch to 5k today :) There's a group for it here on MFP.
  • curlyqt85
    curlyqt85 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome! I'm not the running type but I'll try anything once! Will definitely check into it!! I might just like it and wish I got the jogging stroller lol