Will sodas end up as the "smoking" of the 21st century?



    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I read that "sitting is the new smoking."
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Sugar is not evil. This is one of the dumbest threads I have ever seen. Seriously!!!!! I usually don't go off on these things. So, I apologize if you are offended.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    Any time Fed Up is mentioned, I'm going to eat a bag of Cheetos and down a Coke.


    I doubt it. If I drink a soda, I am not impacting anyone else. if i decided to smoke, the secondhand smoke impacts people around me. I think more and more people will jump on the stupid bandwagons, because documentaries that are fear mongering, but I doubt they will ever be banned.
  • albchubbychubs
    albchubbychubs Posts: 13 Member
    Agree, nothing is Evil (Fat, Sugar) as long as it is consumed in moderation.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    For the record:

    I drink soda, have processed food, and eat full-fat, full sugar foods including deserts regularly (and am successfully losing weight, thank you!)... I do NOT buy into this demonization of any food.

    I don't see it (soda) as being "banned" completely.. but I do see it being put into disfavor by policymakers... which means it will become like alcohol and tobacco - taxed, regulated and controlled.

    I don't think it's RIGHT, or that it should happen, but it is already beginning (see references above).

  • down_ell_beez
    down_ell_beez Posts: 23 Member
    Never said people should STOP eating sugar, but you cannot argue that it is anything but bad for you.

    I eat sugar everyday. I also occasionally have a smoke. Does that mean they are some how magically good for me? NO!

    Poor sensitive people...I'm taking away your cheetos.