What is your weigh-in day?



  • Whittedo
    Whittedo Posts: 352 Member
    I weigh myself intermittently through the week but log on Thursdays and Mondays. Thursday so I know what kind of weekend I can have and Monday so I know how rigorous the week has to be to make up for it. >:)
  • Lacey0903
    Lacey0903 Posts: 40 Member
    I weigh daily & log with "happy scale" to see & understand daily fluctuations. I log losses with MFP to keep calorie needs accurate. I've tried a specific day weigh-ins & it makes it so much worse for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I weigh myself pretty much daily but my official day is Wednesday. Your body weight is like a wave...it is always fluctuating. There have been studies that illustrate that Wednesday or Thursday is typically when people are lightest. I'm usually lightest on Thursday with Wednesday's weight generally being somewhere right smack in the middle of my heavy day and my light day.
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh every Saturday.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I was a daily weigher for a long time. Multiple times a day in fact. This was more to see the fluctuations throughout the week and I thought I needed at least daily in order to be accountable.

    I now weigh in once a week, on Saturday. This has helped me a lot in that it has allowed me to have the confidence that I don't need the scale as much as I previously thought I did in order to reach my goals.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Every day and whenever i feel like it. Its just data.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I weigh in Sunday mornings. It just happened to be the day I started weighing in.
    I record the weight and don't step on the scale until the next week.
  • marine172064
    marine172064 Posts: 28 Member
    Every morning.... :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Once a week - Sunday morning. :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited March 2015
    I weigh myself everyday. The app I use averages my week and I go with that. My issue with once a week weigh-ins is that I can manipulate the scale and almost cheat it. I rather see my daily fluctuation.

    How can you manipulate the scale, and why would you want to? Isn't that only cheating yourself? ;)

    83GRLONFIRE Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh in every Sunday...I used to hop on the scale every morning...wondering if I should start again for accountablity/motivation.. or stick to every Sunday morning ?
  • revmod
    revmod Posts: 3 Member
    Psychologically, different things are going to work for different people. For me, I don't weigh in every day, because I know the daily changes I might be seeing fall well within the margin of error for the device. Once a week seems like plenty to prove to myself that the process is working. Even with that, I'm not going to panic if one Saturday morning I show myself a few ounces heavier. It would take a couple of those in a row before I reevaluate my plan.
  • clubbybear
    clubbybear Posts: 30 Member
    I weight almost every day for fun on our bath scale, but only weigh every Saturday on my Wii balance board which I then use to update the weight here. I picked Saturday so if I want to eat a little extra on the weekend, I have 5 days, (Monday-Friday), to recoup. It's worked so far.
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    I weigh everyday, but I log Saturday morning's weight.
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member

    Knowing and being in tune with metabolic rate and predicting increases.
    Another example why daily may be opportune. Consumed 4700 yesterday and woke up 1# heavier. Anticipated 2-3.
    This tells me getting depleted and more structured refeeds and nearing peak before lean bulk.
    Daily can often catch more but nothing wrong with weekly as well, just use it to a benefit :)

  • rennid
    rennid Posts: 3
    I'm a Monday weigh in kinda girk
  • hannahhixson
    hannahhixson Posts: 2 Member
    When i started my diet i weighed everyday. Eventually i stopped feeling motivated. I eat healthy every day now since February 23rd. I got MFP last Thursday. I weighed February 23rd and i was at 156.0lbs. Two weeks later, Sunday morning i weighed and had lost 8lbs. That's what motivates me. I've never seen 140 something.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Whenever I feel like bringin' out the scale and jumpin' on. Typically 2-3 times a week, but there's no rhyme or reason. Just do checks. Main log day is Monday, but you better believe if I have a good day Thursday, I'll log it too!
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Every day.
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    I weigh at night be for my bath. I know I generally have a 2 lb drop over night. I then weigh again in the morning. I I have been doing it this way since I was a teen. I post the weight I have had for a couple or 3 days. It takes 2 days for the body to show what you did to your self by eating that cake or doing well.