10 pounds lighter and tighter by April - Support thread!



  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    My progress so far, I know it's a bit fast, but I am eating, I even raised my calories by 100 a day this week.

    Start weight on 5th jan: 187
    Start weight of this thread: 175
    Week 1: 173
    Week 2: 171
    Week 3: 170
    Week 4: 168
    Week 5: 166 (CW)

  • lycheenmango
    lycheenmango Posts: 112 Member
    I am in!

    SW (Jan 1, 2015): 154.4
    CW: 146
    GW(April 1): 139
    UGW: 125
  • territime
    territime Posts: 13 Member
    I skipped tracking these past couple of days and it felt like I skipped a week! I just got so busy and couldn't find time to track. I did try to still be conscious of my calorie intake, though. I just hope I didn't stunt my progress.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Last day of no-cut-week: had a great cedar-plank salmon for dinner.

    BUT I just discovered a great new SO-FREAKIN'-EASY Guinness bread recipe.
    I made it Saturday and another loaf today, along with some fluffy honey butter.
    So scary good.
    DON'T ask me for the recipe; you'll regret it!
    Can't wait to make it again next week's no-cut-week.

    Looking forward to an awesome workout tomorrow!
    Bring it!!!

    some people take breaks from logging.
    It's like a little breather.

    I've gotten into a pretty good routine, using MFP as a great tool to help get my protein up, and to stay w/in my calorie goal.
    I like to pre-log things, to help guide me on what to have for dinner, lunch, etc.

    Example: I purchase some great jumbo sea scallops, so I'm making those for lunch tomorrow.
    Also, it's GNO tomorrow and I found a great new French cafe/bakery, so I pre-logged a whole bunch of carbs: croissant, macaron, crepe, etc.
    Which then must mean that my snack MUST be loaded with protein, so I am planning a protein shake for after my workout.

  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    jlkermode wrote: »
    Happy March!

    My current stats:
    SW: 140
    CW: 138.8
    GW: 130

    One more month to go! We should probably continue after April with a spring challenge?

    Progress report:
    SW: 140
    3/2: 138.8
    CW: 137.6

    Another pound gone! I'm so excited for this, since I was stuck at 140 for almost all of Jan & Feb!

    I love this group for all the support and accountability! Thanks ladies!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    @faelight‌ hope you are feeling better! It is never fun to have the tummy bug, and even worse with dehydration. Get better before anything else!

    @jlkermode‌ awesome work! Patience is a virtue, huh?!

    Ladies GAME ON!
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    Alright everyone! We have basically 2.5 weeks left! How are we all doing?! @faelight‌ you have done a great job with getting this group up and running and really motivated! thank you so much for doing it! @huango‌ and @jlkermode‌ you guys have been so helpful to me also. I thank you so much!

    I think we should keep it going! I have about 20 more I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to drop.

    Let's stay focused these last 2.5 weeks!
    GAME ON!!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's FAST day.
    I ate a small serving of dinner: Indian chicken/cabbage/chick peas/tofu and a quinoa patty. 1 hour later, while warming up the 2nd serving, I drank 12oz of water and got so full that I put the 2nd serving back into the fridge and called it a night.
    I can always eat it tomorrow.
    I'm liking my smaller portion control.

    71days of no-nighttime snacking! Woohooo!
    Hmmm...What should I get for when I reach 100days?

    I'm weighing myself tomorrow. Curious if I've lost any weight since the last time I weighed in (5.5weeks ago).
    Will also do measurements and progress pix.

    I know I'm on the right path, but I still have 10pounds to go.
    So yes, I'd love to continue this group.

    Anyone making any pies for pi day: 3/14/15 Saturday?
    I'm making yummy coconut cream pie with gingersnap cookie crust (been craving a really good one for several YEARS now), and Bailey's whoopie pie.

    Yes, I've pre-logged the calories: can't wait!!!



    Dreaming about non-cut-week next week to eat all the following food:
    - bagel
    - Chex mix
    - sweet potato puffs
    - Guinness bread/honey butter
    - waffles
    - pad thai
    - potato chips
    - tiramisu
    - yummy carbs from my next favorite restaurant: "Paul" French cafe
    - ice cream: just got this new Breyers flavor: Hershey's Caramel Kisses, bursting with caramel-filled Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses AND a tasty caramel swirl! <<--- scary!

    How are you doing?
    How's your energy level?
    The few days of warmer weather and sunny days have been really nice.

    Going to bed early (so I don't eat anything).
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    edited March 2015
    From 1/22/15 post:
    huango wrote: »
    SW: 129
    CW (2 weeks ago): 125.2
    GW: 115 (I haven't been under 116 since teenage years)
    UGW: 114

    guess CBF = 30% (even though my scale says 26%)
    GBF = 24%

    This was me in November 2014, near my peak heaviest:

    And today: almost 7.5weeks later:
    CW: 115.6 = 9.6pounds down, almost reaching my GW=115, just 1.6pounds from my previous UGW.
    Scale shows BodyFat=18.8%

    Need to update my goals.
    GW by June 1: 112.5
    UGW by Dec 1: 109 (I can't IMAGINE being lower than 110!!!)
    GBF: 16%

    I've lost all the weight I put all this past Holiday (Halloween-NYE) season, and then some.

    THIS is the lightest I've ever been since I hit puberty; lighter than when I KILLED myself for my wedding by working out 10times a week (running 6miles in the morning and 1hr cardio after work) while not eating much.

    This IF and 5:2, weight training, portion control, and banking calories and moving more is so working for me. I don't feel deprived, I'm doing truthful logging and planning, and I get to have pie for pi day. --- If you told me 10 years ago that I could have delicious pie as part of my diet and still lose weight, I'd say you're lying.

    But I'm going to raise my calorie allowance up by 100: I don't want to lose 1pound per week. That's too fast.

    Can't really tell w/ pictures: I tried to wear the same clothes:
    I think I'm less bloated.
    My belly skin is more wrinkly (from having 2 kids) w/out the fat to stretch it out.


    Wow: I no longer have boobs:

    I think I'm retaining a good amount of lean body muscles:
    today's workout, I did lats at 85#x5. Haven't done 85# in a few months!
    plus 4x5 green band assisted pull-ups.

    --> Come on, folks.
    This thread is not just about me (even though I do write damn long stories).

    I need some updates, good and bad.
    We can do this.
    I'm shocking the hell out of myself that I'm doing this.

    I would love to help anyone. I am actually on the right path.

  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, not such a great week for me, I've gone from losing 2 pounds a week to this week only 2 ounces! Haha. It is TOTM though so hopefully I will see a better drop next week.
    I'm 9 pounds down in this challenge and 21 overall so I'm still feeling happy.

    I do keep finding I'm running out of calories early so I have to come up with low calorie dinners. And I'm not the most imaginative cook. In my pre MFP days all my dinners were pretty much smothered in cheese. Oh how I miss cheese smothering!

  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    It's not been a very good month. Eating more than I should and things that aren't on my "list". Last month was a great weight loss month. I was accountable, and really into it, lost weight, and then I think I unconsciously/consciously blew it. I need to get back connecting and getting encouragement from you all again! You are amazing. Thanks!
  • roselynscott84
    roselynscott84 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. I'm 5'6". I weight 150. I have already lost 15lbs. Long term weight goal is 130-135. #addmeplease
  • jgrabowski33
    jgrabowski33 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm only two pounds away from 10 pounds! I really need to focus on eating better over the weekends- not being perfect but definitely keeping better track of my calories so I know where I'm at. I'm really happy with the changes I have been seeing in my body, and so proud of myself for doing this. It's funny how much my mindset has changed too. The other day my aunt was talking about dieting and how she just couldn't do moderation, and I just wanted to yell "Yes you can! If you really wanted it you would!" Once I realized how much I was over-filling my body, it was easy to cut back and only eat what I needed to. Now that I'm used to what an actual portion size is, realizing how much I ate before is kind of just gross. Well, 40 pounds didn't come from nowhere!

    This spring a new YMCA is opening closer to where I live. I've been a member basically my entire life, because my mom works for the Y, but never go because it's farther than I want to drive after a long day at work. This new one is going to be huge and amazing, and so convenient!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    "how much my mindset has changed too...
    Once I realized how much I was over-filling my body, it was easy to cut back and only eat what I needed to. Now that I'm used to what an actual portion size is, realizing how much I ate before is kind of just gross."

    quick drive-by to say:

    You're doing it!!!

    yay to hear about new Y.

  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm really happy with the changes I have been seeing in my body, and so proud of myself for doing this. It's funny how much my mindset has changed too. The other day my aunt was talking about dieting and how she just couldn't do moderation, and I just wanted to yell "Yes you can! If you really wanted it you would!" Once I realized how much I was over-filling my body, it was easy to cut back and only eat what I needed to. Now that I'm used to what an actual portion size is, realizing how much I ate before is kind of just gross. Well, 40 pounds didn't come from nowhere!

    That is exactly how I feel too!
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    I miss having a workout buddy or at least a familiar face at the gym. It makes it very hard for me to go when I know no one. I am awake and she be walking to the gym right now, instead I am sitting in the apartment debating about going. The joys of new places.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'm thinking the flip side of NOT knowing people at the gym.
    My gym time is MY time. It's my time to rock out to my awesome work-out music, it's my time to break some PR (personal records), it's my time to answer to no one but myself.

    I used to take the cardio/aerobics classes and people would wait ~15-20minutes BEFORE a class just standing around gabbing.
    I would do my warmup, and go do some deadlifts before the class, hoping that no one would talk to me and distract me from getting the job done.

    No, I'm not an introvert or snob or cold ice.
    Yes, it's nice to see a friendly face.
    BUT my gym time is just about me. Not about what so and so did over the weekend or so/so's new haircut, etc.

    Yes, having someone accountable, knowing that she'll be waiting for you at the gym is a great motivator to GET to the gym.
    But once you're there, it should be all about you.

    I can be your accountability buddy.
    You know you need to report to me how hard you rocked it at the gym today.
    I'll be asking!


  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Wow - exactly 2 wks left til April 1!
    SW: 140
    3/2: 138.8
    3/9: 137.6
    CW: 136.8
    GW (for this challenge): 130

    Nice work everyone!!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Aw poopie.
    78days of no night-time snacking streak ended today. (Darn work). Was working (when I should have gone to bed) when DH came home from a Revolutions (NEngland soccer) PR event with goodies: big fat chocolate chip cookies and chocolate-covered pretzels. --- Tomorrow's another day.

    Darn it, I was hoping to reward myself with a Stella/Dots necklace charm on Day 100.

    You're on a roll!
    Keep up the good job!
