Success With Wii Fit?

Is there anybody here that has lost weight by only doing your exercises on Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus?
What do you think about the Yoga exercises that they give you on Wii Fit?
Do you have a favourite that you think has burnt more calories?
Do you ever build up a satisfying sweat?

I have my Wii Fit and can't do hardly any exercise right now but I'm just trying to get the jist of how successful Wii Fit has actually been for people.
If small exercises that I can do are working for people then I'll become obsessed with them until I'm able to do more. :)


  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Is there anybody here that has lost weight by only doing your exercises on Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus?
    What do you think about the Yoga exercises that they give you on Wii Fit?
    Do you have a favourite that you think has burnt more calories?
    Do you ever build up a satisfying sweat?

    I have my Wii Fit and can't do hardly any exercise right now but I'm just trying to get the jist of how successful Wii Fit has actually been for people.
    If small exercises that I can do are working for people then I'll become obsessed with them until I'm able to do more. :)

    I had a regime of doing boxing, step, hula hoop and jogging. I ended up sweaty!!!!!! They are obviously good for cardio but I've used the 'my workout' option on wii fit plus to make up a routine for strength and muscle. It's great.

    I don't do it often, twice a week maybe, but I enjoy it more that way!

  • traceysturn
    traceysturn Posts: 196
    I am curious to see what other have to say as well ...
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I use only the Wii Fit Plus trainer program and I set it for usually about an hour. It chooses and gives you a variety of exercises and games. I wear a HRM and usually burn about 450 in the hour and do work up a good sweat. I'm a single mom so can't really get out of the house to do much of anything else. I also like on the Plus that you can put on your exercise (step, basic run, etc) and then turn it to the TV and watch your show while the remote talked to you to keep going and it still keeps track and case you have any "can't miss" shows.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    When I started exercising, I used the wii fit and it helped me to build up my stamina and energy after an operation. I lost some weight initially, I think this stalled once my body had got used to the intensity of the exercise.

    The things I enjoy doing on it are / were:

    Free step for 30 min
    Wii step extra (5 min)
    Boxing, worked my way through all levels - that built up a sweat!
    On the wii fit plus, you can build up your own muscle / yoga routine, and I did that for 30 min at a time which helped
    The rhythm parade game was like a more energetic step routine - good.

    I did try and order some risers for the balance board, so I could do a more intense step, but they never materialised :-( If they had, I would probably still be doing that activity along with my routine now.

    Hope that's been helpful :-)
  • Britte86
    Britte86 Posts: 4
    My fiancée has had some success but he doesn't limit himself to just the Wii Fit. The Wii Fit is good to use because it's a lot of fun and when you have fun you are more likely to keep with it.

    I have built up a sweat with the racing courses. One that requires me to jog in place and jump and things like that. My parents, me, ad my fiancée will have competitions with it and it makes it a lot of fun and makes us all work harder. The thing about the Wii Fit board is that it works best on a hard surface. We had ours on a carpet so we had to put a piece of ply wood underneath so that the board could read easier.

    If you don't exercise right now the Wii Fit is a good way to get into it, IMO. It's fun, it keeps track of things, you can be competitive with it and it's easy because it's right there in your home.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I use only the Wii Fit Plus trainer program and I set it for usually about an hour. It chooses and gives you a variety of exercises and games. I wear a HRM and usually burn about 450 in the hour and do work up a good sweat. I'm a single mom so can't really get out of the house to do much of anything else. I also like on the Plus that you can put on your exercise (step, basic run, etc) and then turn it to the TV and watch your show while the remote talked to you to keep going and it still keeps track and case you have any "can't miss" shows.

    Cool, I didn't know you could do that on Wii Fit Plus!

    Does anybody do a lot of Yoga on Wii Fit?
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    I started out in Oct. 2010 using WII Fit Plus and walking rapidly on a treadmill in the morning. I lost at least my first 15 lbs. that way. I made up my own routine of aerobic and calisthenic exercises and did that religiously. What I felt really helped me the best was the arm/leg raise and the boxing and HoolaHoop ( boxed for 10 mins. and did hoolahoop for 6 mins.). I've since been able to increase my exercise to the point where I've run a 5K (placed 3rd) and am now using Wii Active 2 and I LOVE IT!!

    Good luck to you!
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I have lost 10 pounds with the majority of Wii Fit. I've started walking more recently too.
    The Super Hula Hoop and the Free Step and the other Step ones are excellent. I've really started sweating since I've taken up the Free Run and the other Running ones.
    I really like the Yoga, as it's a great stretching tool. I can tell if I haven't done it a few days
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    When I started exercising, I used the wii fit and it helped me to build up my stamina and energy after an operation. I lost some weight initially, I think this stalled once my body had got used to the intensity of the exercise.

    The things I enjoy doing on it are / were:

    Free step for 30 min
    Wii step extra (5 min)
    Boxing, worked my way through all levels - that built up a sweat!
    On the wii fit plus, you can build up your own muscle / yoga routine, and I did that for 30 min at a time which helped
    The rhythm parade game was like a more energetic step routine - good.

    I did try and order some risers for the balance board, so I could do a more intense step, but they never materialised :-( If they had, I would probably still be doing that activity along with my routine now.

    Hope that's been helpful :-)

    Very helpful thanks :flowerforyou:

    I am 4 weeks away from an operation on my hip so movement is very limited. I've been able to do a few exercises but can never get all the way through and I'm in bad pain afterwards for ages.
    I'm hoping Wii Fit will help me get back into exercises too along with swimming once the op is over and done with.

    I'm losing weight at the moment just by eating healthy but have heard a lot of people mentioning loss of muscle and I'm a bit worried that that is what I'm losing.

    The yoga is probably the easiest for me right now as it's just certain positions but even most of them I can't do :(
    Do you think the yoga that I can do, if I do enough of it, will help my body to realise it's the fat I want to burn and not the muscle?
  • mikejones161
    A couple of years ago, I lost 6st (that 84lbs) in a year.

    I started on the Wii Fit and used it for up to an hour a day - just on aerobic exercises. I made it interesting by making a map of the island, discovering all the routes (ie which dog went where) and looking for all the hidden items. I also made some fun Miis so I would try to see if I could spot Luciano Pavarotti or Ozzy Osbourne jogging along or waving. It was fun trying to beat my score on the other games.

    I hardly did any yoga or muscle exercises as I was focused on losing weight, not strength or balance.

    Eventually I felt fit and confident enough to go to the gym and the swimming pool and try more traditional exercises such as real step aerobics, but I stll continued to use Wii Fit (and some other Wii exercise programs).

    Since I lost all that weight, I have put two stone back on (28lbs) and I have just started another diet and exercise regime. Again, I am going to start fairly gently with Wii Fit Plus.

    I always found it an incentive to try out the latest Wii exercise programs and have got about half a dozen plus a few dance ones. I also tried Wii Jog which is a thing you attach to your nunchuck in games like Zelda so you can only move your character when you jog on the spot.

    Like Triquetra, I can't always get out of the house to exercise, not because I'm a single mum, (I'm not - I'm a married granddad), but because I frequently have to be on call for my job so cannot leave the house.

    The Wii has been a godsend.

    Anyway, I recommend the Wii for big fatties who are new to exercising as the exercises are fairly gentle to begin with and you don't have the embarrassment of appearing in public until you're ready. Also, when you've had enough you can collapse in your own armchair instead of on the floor at the gym.

    There is now a whole range of exercise programs and dance programs too. If you think Wii Fit is too twee, get EA Active Sports or something a bit more exercise-y.

    If there is anyone local to me (London - Borough/E&C area) who would like to try out Wii Fit Plus or some of the other games, you're welcome to come round and have a go. Just message me.
  • mikejones161

    PhoenixRising11 said "I am 4 weeks away from an operation on my hip so movement is very limited."

    There is a game on the WiiWare channel called Helix which involves moving your arms in time to techno rythms. It's good fun, can work up a sweat on the harder levels and is good for upper body exercise. I play it standing up but there is no reason why you couldn't play it sitting on a chair or stool. It's played with two Wii remotes - on in each hand. You don't need Motion Plus.

    If you have hip problems, this may be one way to get some exercise. You don't need to swivel your body like you do in the boxing exercises so it may not affect your hips - and the music is quite good too if you like techno.

    Have a look at the trailer on YouTube:

    There is a review here:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks Mike that seems like a great, fun way to burn a couple of calories while I'm sat on my bum :happy: I'll definitely give it a go!

    I'm hoping that even if I'm just moving my arms and not so much of my lower body that the weight I'm losing will be fat instead of muscle.

    When things start getting a little better with regards to movement I am going to jump head first into Wii Fit, it saves money and it's in my own home. I'm also thinking of JM 30 day shred but think that from what people have mentioned its quite high intensity so that's more than likely going to be a good 6 months into recovery stage for me.
    There are so many different fitness games for the wii out there right now it's hard to decide which one to get.

    Thanks for all your replies so far :flowerforyou:
  • mikejones161
    There are so many different fitness games for the wii out there right now it's hard to decide which one to get.

    Thanks for all your replies so far :flowerforyou:

    If you live in London, you're welcome to come round and try a few out. They're just sitting on my shelf. (In fact, if you're in the UK, I could lend them to you, I guess. They won't work on a US Wii though.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I started using the Wii Fit Plus in March, after I'd lost 20 pounds. I do the Free Step most frequently, but I also like the balance and Training Plus games. Once I'm home next week, I'm going to get back to the yoga and try to add some strength training every morning as well. I've really liked it for the days that I can't go walk outside. I think I'm going to get Zumba for the Wii next fall.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks but I live in South Wales so it's a trek and a half! And still I won't even be able to try any demos until after the op and recovery time so maybe about November/Christmas time ish.
    It sucks but once this is done and dusted and I'm back on the exercise I'll be one happy bunny. :happy:

    I also like the sound of Zumba.

    By the time I'm able to exercise the games will be so cheap! :)
  • aladd2
    aladd2 Posts: 70
    I lost about 20 pounds last summer doing Wii Fit Plus. I mostly did the jogging and occasionally hula hooping. It is a good cardio workout but doing it every day gets repetitive and wasn't really fun for me so I'd try to switch it up every other day or so :)
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    I lost 12# the first couple of months I did WiiFit Plus. That was last year. I gained it all back after I quit using the program. This time around, I still workout with the programs but not as much. I LOVE the fact I can run or do step aerobics while watching TV! I'm not crazy about the yoga because to me it focuses more on balance than on technique. It is hard for me to balance on the balance board while doing single leg poses. I do much better on the ground. I do like the strength moves though. My planks are much more stable after all of the time I put in challenging the instructor. The Wii pose uses your forearms but my straight arm planks still got stronger. I also do the boxing and the karate for cardio. I like the parade game too.

    My favorite part is actually the "humor" the board has. I added profiles of my pets so I could see them in the games with me. The board asked me if I wanted to throw a surprise party for my kitten when he turned 1 last week! What was I supposed to do...invite every cat in the neighborhood over and make some sort of a liver cake??? :laugh:
  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    i lose weight using it but as part of a wii workout including other games. The ea sports active are the best for weight loss i'd say they get a bit boring as they aren't games, but you really feel the burn! n runnings better than on wii fit. I like the skateboarding best it may not burn much but it's the most fun and you really feel it in your leg muscles.

    I Just got a new balance board from EA cos it has an actual scales read out to boot pretty cool! anyone wanna buy my old balance board? lol
  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    the balance board april fool banter one cracks me up, should tell you ya lost loads of weight but it backs out!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Wii Fit Plus is really quite cheap here, only about £10 if you already have the balance board. My OH got it for me for christmas but I traded it in for a game less physical until after the op then I'll buy it again. Bless him. I did say I wanted it but under the circumstances you would have thought... :happy:

    Great recommendation for Helix thanks Mike. I had some spare points on my wii so bought it for 1000 and had a good go on it. Believe it or not it still moves my hip a little but it's not too bad and will be worth the pain if it helps me burn fat and not muscle.
    Plus my sister now wants a wii just for that! Thanks :flowerforyou: