I am ALWAYS TIRED, what gets you going?



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited March 2015
    vmt2010 wrote: »
    -Nope not pregnant! I even checked myself a couple times because people kept telling me this is how the felt when they were pregnant.
    - It'sbeen a while now maybe a year that I have been feeling like this. I never sleep through the entire night. I wake up multiple times but am only awake for a few minutes before I go back to sleep.
    - I am taking Women's One a day for a multivitamin.

    Yeah, I think that you have an issue of sleep quality. You may not be getting enough REM sleep.

    See a sleep specialist and have a sleep study done.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I also suggest a sleep study. If you have sleep apnea it won't show on the blood test and it will drain you of energy no matter how much you sleep.

    Running also energizes me, given time.

  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    Some people just need 9 hours of sleep. 7-9 is considered normal. I also need 9' which sucks. I started going to an acupuncturist, at my doctors recommendation and it's done wonders for my energy levels. Oh, and I have more energy without caffeine- it seems to interfere and make me tired if caffeine is a consistent part of my diet.
  • laurahickman14
    laurahickman14 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey, im looking for friends to help keep me motivated with positive encouragement- all friend requests accepted! And motivation shared back too ☺️
  • Fayeworth
    Fayeworth Posts: 60 Member
    Seeing that weight come down the scale...gets me moving every time.
  • 10alliemarie
    10alliemarie Posts: 66 Member
    I need at least 9 hours too and often I'm still tired. I have had a sleep study and blood tests. I did have a vitamin d deficiency and once I got that taken care of I felt a little better but still needed nine hours and still do.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    vmt2010 wrote: »
    No matter how many hours of sleep I get I am so tired all day from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. I have to get at least 9 hours of sleep, anything less I can barely function. I have gotten blood test done and everything is Good and that's good news , but what is wrong with me then? I love to run and yesterday was the first day I could weather permitting and I felt great! Maybe its just the season? What do you guys do for energy that is healthy? My 4 cups of coffee a day is getting me no where.

    I love to work out. This morning I barely got out of bed at 4 a.m. as usual (probably because my eyes didn't close until a little after ten, which is unusual), but once I did and got to the gym, I was fine. I lifted and did a cardio machine, and I feel great.

    Glad you blood tests done.

    Are you eating enough? If I don't eat enough for my activity level, I will get worn out pretty quickly.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    vmt2010 wrote: »
    -Nope not pregnant! I even checked myself a couple times because people kept telling me this is how the felt when they were pregnant.
    - It'sbeen a while now maybe a year that I have been feeling like this. I never sleep through the entire night. I wake up multiple times but am only awake for a few minutes before I go back to sleep.
    - I am taking Women's One a day for a multivitamin.

    Given the above, I also suggest getting a second opinion.