I need some input.

Currently I am in a calorie deficit and lifting weights while doing cardio trying to get my BF% down to 12-15% so I can do a bulk phase and add some muscle...I am getting bored with the deficit, weights, cardio thing. I am itching to eat and lift heavy to start putting on some muscle. I know that if I don't get the fat% down first it will be harder to get it off later. My progress has stalled significantly over the last 4 to 5 weeks and I need a change. What are your thoughts to my going ahead with a muscle building phase now? BTW I have gone from 32% BF down to 27% so I am a LOOONNGGG way from 15%.


  • tarheelboy
    tarheelboy Posts: 74 Member
  • jett69
    jett69 Posts: 60 Member
    I recommend you get your BF down to about 15% and continue your cut. what are you getting bored with? you can still eat as long as you dont go over your cut calories and lift just as heavy with intensity.
  • redoakcircus
    You might get more responses if you put this in the Gaining Weight section of the forums.