How accurate are you?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member

    I'd say extreme is when you crack an egg and weigh that out (rather than taking the average off of the carton (e.g. 80 per egg) and lax is not logging little things (like creamers or anything under, say, 20 calories)!

    i guess im extreme then.

    the only things i dont weigh are dried seasonings (Which have negligible calories anyways). and i dont always log 0 calorie things like diet sodas.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    When I log, I'm very having 0.1625 servings of a Tablespoon of oil accurate (that's about 1/2 a tsp BTW). I pretty much weigh everything unless it is a liquid and then I measure.

    I'm more lax on the weekends and may only log a meal if I'm unsure of the consequences. when I was in maintenance I didn't log at all and did just fine for about 1.5 years.
  • jtallwood
    jtallwood Posts: 53 Member
    Love the kitchen scale! I weigh pretty much everything but for an egg I'll go with the egg size (large) rather than the scale. In the beginning, I was often surprised by some food weights, like : wow, that's a lot of cooked chicken or the opposite : wow, that's not many tortilla chips haha
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'm somewhere in between.

    If I'm cooking for myself at home, I'll put most everything on the food scale and weigh it out.

    If I'm eating at a restaurant or friend or relative's place, I'll guesstimate.

    And some packaged foods, I just go based on what it says on the package, even though it might be slightly off. For instance, I don't bother weighing single-size yogurts, because I'd rather eat them out of the container than spoon them into a separate dish, and because the calorie count is pretty close.

    I'm losing weight at an expected rate, mind you. If I stall, I'll probably tighten up on the logging to get back on track.
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    i pretty much weigh and / or count everything I can, but rely on nutritional info on MFP and on packaging to fill in the rest....
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I log everything i put in my mouth, with the exception of seltzer and herbal tea. (I drink one of them all day long).
    I measure everything I put in my mouth unless it is premeasured (a pita that has cal info for example) - I do this when cooking.
    I do not measure the meals I prepare, but if my recipe makes 4 servings, I give myself 1/4 and log that.
    I weigh nothing.

    I've lost 11 pounds in 8 weeks. If I stop losing weight, I'll rein it in more. But as long as this is working for me, I don't feel the need to do more.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    Extreme. I log the cream in my coffee that is carefully measured. The only reason I'm not weighing food is that the battery in my scale is dead and I would rather go to the gym at lunch than go battery shopping. Extreme.

    why not both?
  • Oneironaut
    Oneironaut Posts: 43 Member
    I'm very lax. I usually log everything, but I mostly eyeball the volume rather than using a scale. It's worked well for me so I'm not planning on changing any time soon. I eat out with my family and eat food cooked by others quite often, so weighing is often impractical.
  • mdeleeann
    mdeleeann Posts: 25 Member
    I log everything that I eat during the day. However, I need to get better at weighing my meat portions. So today, I have decided to place my scales on the table permanently and use it every day. I normally do not go over 1,200 calories per day and lose at least a pound or more each week.
  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    I weigh my meat, cheese, potatoes & snacky food (pretzels, popcorn etc), and use measuring cups/spoons for rice, butter, oils, milk etc. Fruits and vegetables are done relying on the MFP database entirely for the calories in '1 apple, medium'

    An individual on the forums once said that eating clean was the solution, and you could eat 5000 calories of vegetables and not gain weight. Out of curiosity I calculated how much 5k calories of broccoli would weigh, and it's something like 32lbs. Good luck eating that in one day. All I took away from that conversation was I can get away with eyeballing my vegetables and not sweat it.

    For one pot meals like chili and stew, I add up everything going into the pot, then estimate my calories based on how much of the total I take.