Best Time Of The Day To Work Out?



  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited March 2015
    I prefer first thing in the morning to get it out of the way.

    Whatever works best for you.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I prefer to workout in the morning. When I'm forced to workout at the end of the day my lifts suffer.
  • 9Rounder
    9Rounder Posts: 40 Member
    I'd prefer to work out in the morning, but I have a full time job that starts at 7:30am, and 2 kids to get up and on the bus before I leave, so that's not happening. Plus my gym doesn't open until 9am. So I work out right after work before I get the bright idea to sit on the couch "just for a minute" which turns into the entire night. The same people go to my gym at the same time, so I feel like there's a fun group to work out with, which gets me there. I work out on Saturday mornings, but around 4:45-5:30 the rest of the week days. Works for me and I'm consistently exercising, which is important.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    For me: a few hours after waking, or early afternoon. I feel most energized and least clutzy then. Or evenings, 6-9. I'm a night owl.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I prefer evenings. My mornings are reserved for practicing piano, and I HATE getting up in the morning with a purple passion, so exercising then would be torture. If I exercise about 2 hours before bed, it makes me tired, and going to bed after exercise and a shower is so relaxing.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    If I can workout in the morning, I will, because it's nice to have it done, but I find it very hard to get myself motivated in the morning (unless it's summer; in the summer I'll go and run at 5 am, but in March? No way!). I tend to workout in the afternoon between 12 and 6, depending on my schedule (hooray for grad student schedules!). If I'm going to the gym, I go between 12:30 and 3 pm because that's when it's the least crowded.
  • AushaDahh
    I think I'm the only one who prefers to work out before I head to bed... but I dont really think it matters.
    But honestly working out helps me sleep alot better!! So it just helps(: