Oh yes, I am losing again!

I took a long break from weight loss (about 10 months), but now I am continuing on my path to the ideal weight! For the last 3 week I've lost 1 kg/week. If I maintain this pace I will be done losing weight in 6-8 weeks! :smiley:

It's going quite natural. This is what I do:
1) I am changing my eating habits. I look for healthy changes I can make and turn those into strong habits that will last. I build the habits one by one.
2) I do the same for exercise/moving; I am building the habit of walking at least 30 minutes per day (also a great time to relax) and of exercising 30+ minutes per day (cycling, fitness or swimming... other activities may be added).
3) All of these changes are not made top-down, but more bottom-up (listening to how I feel about things): I try to make changes that I like (like walking, I do it so much because I really like how relaxed I get it) and I make them as enjoyable as possible (walking through a nice area).
4) I don't skip meals and thus avoid getting really hungry. I allow myself a cheat day every week or so. In general, I am not very strict
5) I have an extremely strong motivation; (A) there is a girl I like (I swim with her every week) and I want to look as good as possible (B) I want a six pack (to see how it looks, and to show it to the girl :blush: (C) I want to break my (Olympic) Triathlon record this year and losing 6-8 kg will make a big difference for sure (D) though I still like the process, eventually I want to finish this weight loss project and put my focus elsewhere (the girl, maintaining my weight, the triathlon, etc)

I never thought I would feel so good about losing! :smiley:


  • QAPmom
    QAPmom Posts: 458 Member
    Kuddos to you! Sounds like you are off to a wonderful start!
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    This is a very good way to develop and keep healthy habits!
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    You are defintely doing it right it seems. Go you! :)
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Awesome! I love walking and find it relaxing as well. It's the best go-to exercise for me. It always leads to me doing more and more. I am now getting close to 3 hours a day (at moderate pace). I do it at different times of the day, in 30 to 60 and sometimes 75 minutes at time. I walk aside from what i log, but leisurely and I don't log the leisure walks. I enjoy adding each one to my exercise log because it is now feeling like a game where I win points, although I am rarely eating any of those calories. I may start that when I am at maintenance. About three to four months for that, losing at a slow pace. It does feel great! I am learning to associate the awesome feeling of a successful day with the workout/eating right for me with a "good" feeling. There have been times when I thought food was comfort, but always feel "bad" when and after i over-indulged. The discipline and effort at first is hard work, but the payoff from conditioning myself to feel good with living good, is so much more rewarding than eating two helpings and feeling full, bloated, guilty, sad or mad at myself. Anyway, I love to hear people enjoying their healthy and happy journey! Happy downsizing to you!
  • Thunaer
    Thunaer Posts: 21
    Thanks! :smile: I hope I can really pull it off!

    @uvi5 - wow 3 hours of walking per day! That's impressive!
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Thunaer wrote: »
    Thanks! :smile: I hope I can really pull it off!

    @uvi5 - wow 3 hours of walking per day! That's impressive!

    I'm conditioning myself to become addicted to it. As I walk, I work things out in my head (positive self talk and venting). I love that I can babble to myself as much as I want and then when I'm talking to my husband, he thinks I'm such a good listener :smile: I do listen to him, but sometimes the repetitiveness and just stuff that unnerves me...ie crap i can't answer w/o raising a huff... Well that all gets worked out in my head while walking. It's great therapy with a fantastic feel good side effect. So i find myself craving the walk more and more. Many less arguments over silly stuff and I am getting in shape too. I guess it's all perspective.

    Also, it's not all at once. I just keep on racking up the walking spurts. All of a sudden by the end of the day and into the evening (sometimes late night/early morn) I've walked 3 hours. I also love the ache in my legs and lower back. Sounds weird maybe, but exercise pain feels good :smile: