Stuck at 151lbs

Hi there, I'm 25 and 5ft 4" when I started this 2 months ago about I lost 5 pounds pretty quickly with sticking to the 1275 calorie goal a day, I've been walking 4 miles a day and doing aerobics at night for an hour.
But after those 5 initial pounds the first two weeks I haven't been able to lose any, each week I weigh in I bounce from 151 to 152 pounds and I'm not losing any more, it's pretty frustrating. Any tips? I'm eating super healthy all whole foods, home cooked no junk food and very little sugar (aside from fruit sugars) I don't eat any dairy and I'm really strict with my goals.

Any tips or someone having this problem has gotten over it's advice would be greatly appreciated :(


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Your diary is closed. Are you weighing your foods? Are you eating back exercise calories?
  • Oops, the diary is open now. No I'm not eating back exercise calories, I'm kind of confused about that.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    I am 5'5, so close to your height. I was stuck between 150-152 for about two weeks (after starting at 167) and then one week I had a "whoosh" and lost 5 lbs in a week doing nothing different. You haven't been stuck that long, although I know it feels like eternity.
  • I've been stuck for about a month and working really hard ; o; It's frustrating.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Just a quick look at your diary, it looks like your logging could be tighter. Are you weighing some things and measuring others (rice, for example, is expressed in cup measurements, not weight -- you could be having more calories than you think). You have things like "1 slice" of cake and some portions that seem really small (1 ounce of potato -- although that could be right).

    Before you determine you are stuck, you should make sure that your logging is accurate. Do you have a food scale?
  • bethzilla89
    bethzilla89 Posts: 7
    edited March 2015
    I have a food scale, yes. The one ounce of potato was from a 1lb potato that was in a hugggee pot of curry :P But I do weigh everything that I can or I measure it out.
  • deaniac83
    deaniac83 Posts: 166 Member
    Try replacing your fruit juices with actual fruits. You will feel fuller on fewer sugars and get fibers.
  • deaniac83 wrote: »
    Try replacing your fruit juices with actual fruits. You will feel fuller on fewer sugars and get fibers.

    Thanks for the tip! I actually try to not drink any fruit juice at all, only smoothies with water and fruit :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have a food scale, yes. The one ounce of potato was from a 1lb potato that was in a hugggee pot of curry :P But I do weigh everything that I can or I measure it out.

    You have multiple entries for .5 cup of white rice (unclear if that is pre-cooked or post-cooked) and another entry for .1 cup of mashed potato. All of your fruit seems to be measured in cups or fruit (1.5 banana, 1 cup blueberries). I personally found a huge difference when I began weighing my grains, fruit, and starchy vegetables. You also have entries for things like fried eggs, but no entry for the oil it was fried in. These are calories you should be accounting for.

    If it was a huge pot of curry, how do you know you got just an ounce? If you're cooking food, have you considered using the recipe builder instead of just estimating how much is in each serving you are eating?
  • sharondray50
    sharondray50 Posts: 1 Member
    B Could be you are not eating enough and your body is storing fat. I am in the same position with a 750 -1000 calorie deficit a day and not loosing on the scales. I have now decided to eat more ( keeping it healthy) and aim for a 500 deficit per day to see if that kick starts my motabolisum. So far I feel much better as not starving all day and thinking about food!!! Will let you know if it works when I weigh in on Monday.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    B Could be you are not eating enough and your body is storing fat. I am in the same position with a 750 -1000 calorie deficit a day and not loosing on the scales. I have now decided to eat more ( keeping it healthy) and aim for a 500 deficit per day to see if that kick starts my motabolisum. So far I feel much better as not starving all day and thinking about food!!! Will let you know if it works when I weigh in on Monday.

    Your body doesn't store fat when you don't eat enough.

    Since it isn't really clear how many calories OP is eating (because of the logging issues), I am not sure why you would recommend that she eat more.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I have a food scale, yes. The one ounce of potato was from a 1lb potato that was in a hugggee pot of curry :P But I do weigh everything that I can or I measure it out.

    You have multiple entries for .5 cup of white rice (unclear if that is pre-cooked or post-cooked) and another entry for .1 cup of mashed potato. All of your fruit seems to be measured in cups or fruit (1.5 banana, 1 cup blueberries). I personally found a huge difference when I began weighing my grains, fruit, and starchy vegetables. You also have entries for things like fried eggs, but no entry for the oil it was fried in. These are calories you should be accounting for.

    If it was a huge pot of curry, how do you know you got just an ounce? If you're cooking food, have you considered using the recipe builder instead of just estimating how much is in each serving you are eating?

    I agree with all of this. Some of your logging seemed a little off. It's possible that you're absolutely spot on with it and it's just not reflected in your entries, but take a look at it and make sure that you're logging as accurately as you can be. Unfortunately, it's really easy for little mistakes to throw off the whole day.

  • I have a food scale, yes. The one ounce of potato was from a 1lb potato that was in a hugggee pot of curry :P But I do weigh everything that I can or I measure it out.

    You have multiple entries for .5 cup of white rice (unclear if that is pre-cooked or post-cooked) and another entry for .1 cup of mashed potato. All of your fruit seems to be measured in cups or fruit (1.5 banana, 1 cup blueberries). I personally found a huge difference when I began weighing my grains, fruit, and starchy vegetables. You also have entries for things like fried eggs, but no entry for the oil it was fried in. These are calories you should be accounting for.

    If it was a huge pot of curry, how do you know you got just an ounce? If you're cooking food, have you considered using the recipe builder instead of just estimating how much is in each serving you are eating?

    I've got a pretty nice nonstick pan so I don't really use oil to fry eggs..? that's just the closest entry for what I do that I could find (and it was pretty close to the information on my carton of eggs) With the curry it was a 16 serving pot of curry with 1 1lb sweet potato in it, if there's 16 ounces in a pound I just figured that was the easiest way to measure it out.. It's probably not 100% accurate but I don't know how to get it much better than that when it's something in a large portion...? ^^;; I'm not great at math haha.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have a food scale, yes. The one ounce of potato was from a 1lb potato that was in a hugggee pot of curry :P But I do weigh everything that I can or I measure it out.

    You have multiple entries for .5 cup of white rice (unclear if that is pre-cooked or post-cooked) and another entry for .1 cup of mashed potato. All of your fruit seems to be measured in cups or fruit (1.5 banana, 1 cup blueberries). I personally found a huge difference when I began weighing my grains, fruit, and starchy vegetables. You also have entries for things like fried eggs, but no entry for the oil it was fried in. These are calories you should be accounting for.

    If it was a huge pot of curry, how do you know you got just an ounce? If you're cooking food, have you considered using the recipe builder instead of just estimating how much is in each serving you are eating?

    I've got a pretty nice nonstick pan so I don't really use oil to fry eggs..? that's just the closest entry for what I do that I could find (and it was pretty close to the information on my carton of eggs) With the curry it was a 16 serving pot of curry with 1 1lb sweet potato in it, if there's 16 ounces in a pound I just figured that was the easiest way to measure it out.. It's probably not 100% accurate but I don't know how to get it much better than that when it's something in a large portion...? ^^;; I'm not great at math haha.

    At the end of the day, you can choose how accurate you want to be in your logging. I personally found that when I began weighing and taking a moment or two to figure out exactly what I was eating, my weight loss really took off. Before that, I was often underestimating how many calories I was consuming in a day.
  • bethzilla89
    bethzilla89 Posts: 7
    edited March 2015

    At the end of the day, you can choose how accurate you want to be in your logging. I personally found that when I began weighing and taking a moment or two to figure out exactly what I was eating, my weight loss really took off. Before that, I was often underestimating how many calories I was consuming in a day.

    I'll certainly try to weigh my foods in ounces more often, but even if I'm off maybe 100-150 above or below a day would that still make that much of a difference? I can't really see it being much more than that with what I do eat, I know it's kind of hard to describe since I can't physically show what I'm consuming but I'm pretty sure it's fairly close to what I log.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    B Could be you are not eating enough and your body is storing fat. I am in the same position with a 750 -1000 calorie deficit a day and not loosing on the scales. I have now decided to eat more ( keeping it healthy) and aim for a 500 deficit per day to see if that kick starts my motabolisum. So far I feel much better as not starving all day and thinking about food!!! Will let you know if it works when I weigh in on Monday.

  • itsjosiebitch
    itsjosiebitch Posts: 68 Member
    I'm stuck at 151 too!! Ahaha. What sucks is for my height 5'5 this makes me 1 pound overweight. Hahaha. I used to be 143, 147 but then I hit this new weight and I'm stuck (my starting weight was 210 though)