24 day challenge

well its been a long time since I used this app. Finally i said to myself its time to make a change. I started using the App 40days ago again and i noticed no changes in my body. I kept my calorie goals to be under what i should be eating and noticed no difference. I have a friend of mine who sell advocare and she has tried to get me on this program for about a year now. My wife wasn't very supportive of me spending the money on this product. My wife started taking Zumba classes and was having a hard time loosing any weight. Her instructor said to her "hey why not join me on the 24 day challenge" My wife knew exactly what she was talking about because i showed her this product. So I guess it took her friend to motivate her so now we are both starting the program. Today is day one and so far so good. Anyone else on here use Advocare? Thought? Suggestions? I would like to see me down to 212 by the end of this year being that i am currently 302.


  • Aberry761
    Aberry761 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a friend also that has tried it and she has good results, but she also took up boxing and other classes. So I am not sure if it was the exercise that worked, the advocare or a combination. So I am also interested if anyone else had results on this??
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    well i am on day 2 i will report back on day 11 when i have to weigh in again
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    If you saw no difference with calorie counting, it means you were either underestimating how much you were eating, (which happens when you don't weigh solid foods and meassure liquids correctly) or you were overestimating exercise or you were eating at maintenance.

    Advocare is also a calorie deficit program. All it did was calculate the math for you.
  • jaymie_elizabeth
    jaymie_elizabeth Posts: 3 Member
    I am on day 10..doing the modified 24 day challenge for breastfeeding moms. so far I have lost 11 lbs. tracking all my food, I'm consuming around 1600-1700 calories.
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    Starting the 24 day challenge on Saturday. Looking forward to results!
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    I am on day 10..doing the modified 24 day challenge for breastfeeding moms. so far I have lost 11 lbs. tracking all my food, I'm consuming around 1600-1700 calories.
    yeah i am having fun with it so far. Only problem i had was 2 days ago i don't think i had enough food because i came home with a headache tired and cranky...lol so far down 5 pounds and today is day 5 for me!

    Starting the 24 day challenge on Saturday. Looking forward to results!

    Good Luck with it stick to it. its tough in the beginning but you get use to it really fast
  • FPSchulz
    FPSchulz Posts: 9 Member
    Started the challenge today. :-)
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    I've ordered mine. Can't wait to start.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    how are you guys doing with it?I have lost 12 pounds so far
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    How did everyone do? I am starting a challenge today. I have done it in the past and used advocare products for a while, just not consistently! LOL. I avoided the cleanse because it messed with some medication that I was taking. Currently not taking the meds, lost my health insurance, so I thought I'd give the challenge another shot. I need something to give me a boost and get me motivated. I'm excited about the next 24 days and hoping the clean eating will help with my health and I won't need the meds anymore.
  • nomegan15
    nomegan15 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    I lost 75 lbs using Advocare and calorie counting. The bottom line is eat less.... Exercise.... You can't take it and sit on the couch