Gym days :how many, how long

how many days do you go to the gym/workout a week? How long do spend working out? What exercises do you do? Cardio, strength, classes ?


  • minnieme1976
    I go every day if I can or 5 out of 7 and do cardiovascular for hour and ahalf
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited March 2015
    I average 5 days, though sometimes 4 and sometimes 6. I lift four days for at least an hour, two of those days usually have 10-30 minutes of cardio after, and one day is dedicated to cardio or a cardio based class. If I go 6 days, it might be some fluff-like zumba, or a new lift I want to try.
  • hh07
    hh07 Posts: 33 Member
    My routine is typically as follows:
    Monday - treadmill for 45 minutes
    - Tuesday - 60 minute body pump class
    - Wednesday - 45 minute swim
    - Thursday - treadmill for 45 minutes
    - Friday - rest day
    - Saturday - couple of hours hiking
    - Sunday - 45 minute swim
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited March 2015
    I do at least 5 days of exercise. Either a little under an hour of Tough Mudder circuit training (to prepare for the Tough Mudder), or around an hour of running (again to prepare for Tough Mudder), or 75 mins of Hot Yoga, or Hiking (2-3 hours).
    Once I have done the Tough Mudder I will nix the circuit training days (hate them so much anyways) and add in proper weight lifting.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    Monday - 30 mins intervals on elliptical then a 15 min abs class
    Wednesday - 30 mins weights and body weight class.
    Thursday - 30 mins intervals on elliptical then a 30 min Metafit class
    Maybe a class or a swim on Saturday
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    sunday- thursday gym- an hour or so, mostly cardio but some work on the weight machine things (not enough to log, just me getting familiar with the machines, mostly)

    friday- zumba (hour)

    saturday- rest - unless my neighbor wants to go to the gym, then ill go with her and depending on how i feel, depends on what i do.
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    I go three days a week; lifting on Tuesdays and Fridays, and an hour long Zumba class on Wednesdays.

    I run on the treadmill (hopefully outside as soon as all the snow melts) and do strength/bodyweight training at home another two days.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    6 days a week 55-75 minutes at a time. Four days of weights and two days walking.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Having some independent fitness goals will go a long way in helping you out here...because really, there is no one size fits all just depends.

    Right now I'm not training for anything and I'm in a cut so I'm just working out...this means I get in about 50-60 miles in the saddle and I do some cross training a couple days per week on the elliptical...I think I've been going for 40 minutes or so...and I lift 3x weekly. It's just a basic fitness routine that keeps my fitness base up.

    Things change dramatically if I"m training for a race or doing cyclocross, or in a bulk cycle, etc. For example, if I'm getting ready for a 1/2 century or a century ride, I spend a lot of time in the saddle and much less time in the weight room...and my lifting routine completely changes. If I'm doing cyclocross I don't log as many miles, but I do a lot of sprinting and speed work, just depends on what's going on at the time.

    As far as your general fitness is concerned I would try to do some cardio a few days per week and some resistance training a few days per week.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    5-6 days at the gym

    MWF: 34-50 mins Stronglifts 5x5 (varies depending on how many times I fail a set)
    Tues, Thurs: Zombies, Run!5k Training and other various cardio or swimming (total time ends up close to 90 mins)
    Sat: Optional Zombies, Run!5k Training, other various cardio or Rest (total time 45 - 90 mins)

    I try to keep Sunday as a complete Rest day. I say try, because sometimes I get antsy and end up working out to burn off some excess energy.

    Random cardio at home when I feel like it.

  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    Not all in the gym
    Monday, Thursday, Saturday -c25k, 30mins + walk home.
    Tuesday, Friday - 15 min warm up cardio, 45 min weights and 60mins cardio.
    Wednesday - 60mins swimming lengths
  • gemm30
    gemm30 Posts: 110 Member
    Monday body pump.
    Tuesday body pump
    Wednesday body combat
    Thursday pump and combat sometimes Zumba
    Friday. Nothing unless I can get to a spin class
    Sunday nothing.
    Saturday body pump
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    Don't have fixed days. it always depends on how I feel and what I feel like doing. I do try to go to the gym on Thursdays as I'm off an hour earlier from work.
    Otherwise I'm trying to throw in 2 bodyweight sessions and 3 cardio sessions (running or swimming)
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    4 days a week, at the moment I'm doing a 5 mile run each day on the treadmill.
    Weekends are long runs outside as my gym in near where I work.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I Run 5-7x/wk. I switch things up constantly though. Depending on what I'm going to race.

    Simple example:

    Mon: off/xtrain/recovery run or hike
    TUE: easy
    Wed: easy or speedwork
    Thur: easy
    Fri: easy or tempo
    Sat: off/xtrain/recovery run or hike
    Sun: Long
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    4-7 days of the week, depending on what's going on. I do 15-30 minutes of bodyweight or machine resistance stuff, and then another 30-50, usually intervals with resistance, on the bike or elliptical, or walk on the treadmill (with incline and speed changes).

    For active recovery days, I like a swim (40-60 mins of breaststroke) or sometimes just an easy walk outside (1-1.5 hrs), when it's nice.

    I like being able to set my own schedule and do my own thing. Classes are a little annoying, not as flexible, and it's hard to do modifications if you don't know what's coming
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    3 times a week at the gym, optional 1 home weight workout. 1-2 times a week body combat.
  • FemaleWarriorxo
    FemaleWarriorxo Posts: 222 Member
    Since I'm training for tennis right now it consists of;
    2-3 days of Tennis practice for 2-4 hours long.
    Endurance training w/ strength training 2 days for 2 hours a day
    Endurance training w/ flexibility training 1 day 1-2 hours
    Everyday I stretch twice.
    My rest day usually includes a short walk with the pup.
  • fullylugged
    fullylugged Posts: 67 Member
    I work out at home (or in the room when at a hotel) using a doorway pull up bar and anything convenient to hook my feet under. 6 days per week, I alternate routines. Each routine is 3 sets each of two exercises (chin-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups), and I also pedal a bike outdoors 2 - 4 times a week based on weather.
  • gymbunny09
    gymbunny09 Posts: 69 Member
    Absolutely loving the gym just now. 7 days until I have lost another 2 stone then might reduce to 5 or 6 days.

    Monday - 45 min spin class, 45 min treadmill interval training
    Tuesday - 60 min Body Step Class
    Wednesday - 45 min treadmill interval training, 60 min Body Balance Class
    Thursday - 30 min spin bike 30 min treadmill, 60 min Pilates Class, 60 min Body Balance Class
    Friday - 30 min spin class, 60 min Body Balance Class
    Saturday - Body Step Class
    Sunday - 60 min Pilates, 45 min Spin class, 30 min weight machines.

    Go away in holiday on sunday and resort has no gym so panicking a bit about putting on any weight I have lost. Just planning on swimming and long walks along the beach.