New to running



  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I always started to fast like from zero to 2.5 miles or more and then my knees would hurt. This time I started walking fast and mixed in some running. After several weeks went by I was running and the knees didn't hurt, so I ran more. Worked up to about 35 miles a week and after a Friday morning run I opened the paper to see a half marathon scheduled for the next morning. I thought "I can do this" . Entered my first race and ran the whole way (1:54:30) and had fun doing it. Start slow and keep adding distance very slowly. Get good shoes too.
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    GatorDeb1 wrote: »
    I couldn't run more than 30 seconds at a time when I started on Jan 2010, so that's what I did. Couch to 5K works. Android and iOS apps that play your music and tell you run now, walk now. No thinking, easiest thing ever. I was running 30 minutes straight within 9 weeks. I've since done a full Ironman, a marathon, a couple of Half Marathons, a couple of Half Ironmen, and various shorter distances for both.

    I'm now training for Dopey (2nd week of January 2015 at Disney, 5K Thursday, 10K Friday, Half Marathon Saturday, Marathon Sunday).

    P.S. I did feel like I was going to die during each and every one of those 30 second intervals, so that's normal :D

    Thank you for this!!! :)
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    I have been running (and loving it) for many years. The HARDEST point in any run (no matter what you are training for or how long you have been at it) is the first 10-15 minutes. You don't have your breathing down and your body hates you. But if you endure, you can push past the first mile and calm everything down. I tell myself to push down and drop my arms so I am not working so hard and relax my shoulders. Invest in the time to go to a running store that can watch you run and get the RIGHT shoes. It makes a world of difference. GOOD LUCK! I hope that you fall in love with running.
  • lizardrn95
    lizardrn95 Posts: 14 Member
    I am not a natural-born runner; I've always hated it. But runners are always thin, right? So I did the C25K last year, took longer than the prescribed 9 weeks to get through it, but I DID get through it, and ran my very first 5k last June, followed by a few more over the summer and fall. It works.