Accountability friend :)

Hi I'm Jessica from Montana. I've always enjoyed physical activities...sports, working out, hiking..ect but I've managed to gain some weight that I need to get off. I don't have a very good support group in regards to my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle. I'm looking to connect with people who are looking for people to help encourage weight loss and healthier eating. I'm 25, 228 pounds. My current goal is to loose 28 pounds. I currently workout 5-6 days a week and spend most of my time with cardio machines.


  • haleynorthrup
    haleynorthrup Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to be your friend! Can I send you a request??
  • NewMeAB2015
    NewMeAB2015 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello im 25 and want to lose 60lbs, add me there is nothing better than motivation and support when trying to accomplish something :)
  • mclauchlin406
    mclauchlin406 Posts: 8 Member
    I added you
  • Hey, I'm 28 and basically the same weight. I'd love to connect to encourage and be encouraged.
  • mmariag
    mmariag Posts: 47 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm 23 and I have way more than 50lbs to loose but my first goal is to loose 50lbs by my 24th birthday! Youre welcome to add me! Its always nice to find other friends around my same age :)
  • haleynorthrup
    haleynorthrup Posts: 6 Member
    I added you

    Thank you so much! Lets all reach our goals together!
  • smorris142896
    smorris142896 Posts: 40 Member
    edited March 2015
  • prj1996
    prj1996 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm basically in the same boat as you. I've always been a bigger girl, but once I lost my two year old nephew, everything went crazy. I became depressed gained 50 pounds. I moved out with my now fiancé and have gained 30 pounds. I am now 210 lbs. I'm only 18, and I want to live my life HEALTHY. I would love to be your friend!