MARCH 2015 Walk/run/bike Challenge



  • bettina274
    bettina274 Posts: 59 Member
    Monday 3/9 4.45 miles walking (plus Yoga)
    Tuesday 3/10 no walking, only Zumba:-)
    Wednesday3/11 2.15 miles walking

    Total so far: walking 20.39 miles plus 31.01 biking = 51.40 miles - half way there :D
    Now if I can only figure out how to add the cool tracker...
  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    3.2 mile on Ellipitical
  • runnincrazy14
    runnincrazy14 Posts: 13 Member
    3/9- 2 mile walk
    3/10- 2 mile walk
    3/11- 5 mile walk
    Total- 36 miles
  • pattistrain
    pattistrain Posts: 12 Member
    22 mile bike ride on the 7th and 13 miles yesterday.
  • Rigi8
    Rigi8 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow - so many of you will smash this challenge within two weeks let alone the month - puts me to shame! My fitbit battery dies on me yesterday so I lost around 5k steps, still nevermind. Together with 10th and 11th I added 8.34


  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Good Thursday morning, guys! Welcome hmthomas317! Just pile on up in here with us. The more, the merrier!!

    2ledbetter, don't you just despise those days? Ugh, I say, "Next please!" lol And here we are, a new day, another beginning. Yes!

    Matchka9, the link you sent... Awesome! Loved checking out your neck of the woods. My two boys and I really enjoyed experiencing some of your nature. Thanks for that. Not many koala bears over this way. None actually... But we have lots and lots of raccoons, armadillos, squirrels and opossums.

    4.33 miles
    41.68 total miles

    Rigi8 is right, some of your guys are smoking the rest of us! :p
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    Wow, everyone is rocking the exercise. Thank you all for your encouragement. Have to have an MRI on the ankle, but dr. gave me an okay to do exercise bike and the rowing machine. Also upper body weights although I have to make sure no weight is on my foot. So so happy to not have to remain still for a few weeks. I'm off to the gym tomorrow to finally get a cardio workout in. YEAH!!!!!!! Will still be behind in my 100 mile goal, but I'm okay with that. Just thrilled to be able to do something.
  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    4 mile outdoor walk. Great spring-like weather today! So ready for warm weather!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    Rigi8 Im not too far ahead of you on the walking part! YOU HANG IN THERE!!!!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwe Australia ..I LOVE IT!!!!

    jahmanry I am so sorry you're having too go thru that with your ankle. I feel for you. I really do. Having my set back in Dec and Jan made me realize how much we NEED every muscle, tendon, foot, ankle, etc etc of our bodies too function correctly. Praying everything works out for you. :)

    Today was a good day. We actually had SUNSHINE! 3.25 walk/run combination with my girls. Later day slower walk shopping/browsing without sitting so another 2.25 miles..

    TOTAL thus far March 11th.................40.50 Walking miles...
    ..........................................................67.0 Exercise bike miles
  • runnincrazy14
    runnincrazy14 Posts: 13 Member
    3/12- 4 mile walk
    Total- 40 miles
  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    3-12-15 Walked = 7.8 miles

    March total = 94.1 miles
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hello Friday!!! How YOU doin? <3

    Welcome to the weekend, milers! Jahmanrv, also sending a bit of encouragement and well wishes you to. Physical setbacks can quickly turn into a bit of depression so I'm praising right alongside you that you are able to get moving again. Take it slow though!

    Jeannie, I'm a tiny bit envious at your SUNSHINE! I want some too!

    4.54 miles
    46.22 total miles (That half-way mark is in sight!!)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    My Daily early morning check in.... YES those 'milers' are looking good... (*) I dont THINK I've ever had this many people on a thread I started. I am wondering WHERE they were last month and the month before and the month before etc ? :p

    jesiann you will get your Sunshine as soon as you stop those storms! lol

  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning and happy Friday :)
    3/12 3 mile run
    3/13 4 mile run
    Total: 24 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    keep forgetting too change my date. Yesterdays was 12th.....

    Exercise bike only today...11.0 miles

    TOTAL thus far March 13th.................40.50 Walking miles...
    ..........................................................78.0 Exercise bike miles
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    So excited to have gotten to the gym today. Did upper body workout and no weight on my ankle. Did the exercise Bike and the sit down elliptical. YES!!! no pain on ankle at all.
    3/1 - 3.30 miles walking Treadmill
    3/2 - 4.10 Elliptical Machine
    3/3 - 1.0 walk
    3/13 5.5 (3.5 exercise Bike and 2 Elliptical)
    Total: 13.9
  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    3-13-15 = Walked 7.8 miles

    March total = 101.9 miles :D
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Nice early trail center ride this morning, feels great being rolling on mud again and ive not lost the skills :smiley: only 8miles though. Ok swim last night had to go to the National center as local had water polo on. Congested lanes made for alot of stop/start lenghts so only 600m
    Upto 200 on the bike sofar for the month

    Clocking up a good distance there jeannie. Youll have some sunshine soon jesi
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Not been able to log for couple of days, but here goes:
      - 12 March: Run 5K - 13 March: Run 5.2K - 14 March: Run 7.4K
    Total for March: 90.7 Miles

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Sunday 01 March -- 40.22 km cycling (approx 2 hours (120 min) ... maybe slightly more) with 227 metres of climbing.

    Monday 02 March -- 7.7 km walking in 96 minutes.

    Tuesday 03 March -- 3 km walking in about 37 minutes + 27.24 km cycling in about 80 minutes.

    Wednesday 04 March -- 7.2 km walking in about 85 min

    Sub-Total: 67.46 km cycling + 17.9 km walking = 6h58m

    Thursday 05 March -- 2.1 km walking + 11.22 km cycling = 60 min

    Friday 06 March -- 1.2 km walking = 15 min

    Saturday 07 March -- 60.87 km cycling = 230 min

    Sunday 08 March -- 37.37 km cycling + 4 km walking = 150 min

    Monday 09 March -- 41 km cycling = 135 min

    Sub-Total: 16 hours 48 min (217.92 km cycling + 25.2 km walking)
    (135. 4 miles cycling + 15.6 miles walking)

    Tuesday 10 March -- 3.9 km walking = 48 min

    Wednesday 11 March -- 8.22 km walking = 100 min

    **that's my longest day of walking so far this year** ... and on the evening portion of the walk, my husband and I tried a trail near our home that we haven't tried before. We discovered a small beach we didn't know was there, and a reserve full of pademelons. :D

    Sub-Total: 19 hours 16 min (217.92 km cycling + 37.32 km walking)

    Thursday 12 March -- 16.49 km cycling (60 min) + 2.5 km walking (30 min) = 90 min

    Friday 13 March -- 2.7 km walking = 30 min

    Saturday 14 March -- 77.67 km cycling = 240 min
    **my birth-age ride**

    Total: 25 hours 16 min (312.08 km cycling + 42.52 km walking)
    193.9 miles cycling + 26.42 miles walking