Your denial and excuses story



  • aquamarina_182
    aquamarina_182 Posts: 119 Member
    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit?----> Yes, I realized I had gained alot of weight when I saw pictures of myself and my favourite jeans no longer went past my thighs!

    What were your go to excuses to be that way?----> I blamed it on the birth control pills I had started taking, the fact that I had quit smoking, the new desk job and my depression when in reality I was just eating all the wrong foods and not taking care of myself.

    What popular myths were your go to? ---->none. I've always known what it takes to be healthier and fit, I've just never taken the initiative to take care of myself.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    edited March 2015
    I was always a slightly chubby kid, always a curvy/chubby teenager, onward as an adult. I kind of just believed that was my body type, as I'm built similarly to my mom... The thing is that she was fairly slim until menopause, and I've always been like this. My sister and I have really different builds, I joke that she an elf and I'm a hobbit. I got stuck thinking that this was just what adulthood would be like for me.

    When I was pregnant a couple years ago, I was really proud of myself for having a healthy, moderate weight gain. The problem was after when I used breastfeeding as an excuse to eat as much as I wanted of everything... Sometimes eating twice as much as my husband, who is 8 inches taller than me and has an active job. I kept saying "I'm just not one of those women that lose weight breastfeeding".

    It was my "wake up call" that my son is turning 2 in a few months, and I've been at my full term pregnant weight since a few months after he was born. I decided to take control and not blame environment or genetics for my out of control eating habits.

    [Edited because words are hard :p]
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    Back as a teen/young adult, I was skinny. SKINNY-skinny. But also very muscular. I could bale hay and toss it 10' up into the loft and keep up with the best of the guys. Also very.... well-endowed. I weighed 125 lbs at 5'-7"... no idea of BF% but it had to be VERY low (you could bounce quarters off my abs) and mostly in my boobs.

    I still had people call me fat.

    So that was my excuse: I'd be called fat anyway, so why bother worrying about it?

    After kiddo was born, I didn't lose the baby fat. It just kept getting worse and worse. Had to sell the horses which made it even worse. I just kept telling myself it didn't matter. But then I started getting the 'bad health' symptoms starting. At that point I started seeing myself as unfit. Got a horse again and realized just *how* unfit I'd gotten, and decided to fix that.

    Still figure people are gunna call me fat or just judge anyway (now I'm getting 'too skinny' comments, lol), but it's no longer an excuse for anything except being comfortable in my own skin, and healthy.

    The only popular myth I believed at first was certain foods being 'bad' for you. Quickly learned all that mentality got was a bunch of binging and/or feeling bad/sick/hungry all the time!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit? Not most of the time. I had a kind of final realization of my unfit/obese state after a few incidents in the last year.
    What were your go to excuses to be that way? I don't eat as much as other people and I don't eat packages of cookies or bags of chips so I am okay. I don't like to exercise so I don't need to do it.
    What popular myths were your go to? Weight loss is hard. You have to do weird or extreme things to lose weight.

  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    I was ill for 6 months but managed to avoid returning to the gym properly for two years after that. its true what they say about making and breaking habits.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I was never in denial about being fat, I was in denial about what it took to lose weight and keep it off. I made a lot of excuses for eating too much. I tried every type of diet out there looking for the magic solution. There were none, there are none. I was fat until I was 40 when I'd had enough. I lost about 70 pounds and kept most of it off for quite awhile, but my weight still went up and down, until I had gained about 30 back over five years. My weight was always in the overweight range even though I'd lost all that weight.

    Two years ago I decided to start logging again, then learned how to weigh food, account for exercise burns, and flash forward to now: I'm 44 pound lighter and I have been maintaining for over a year.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited March 2015
    I know why I initially gained so much weight so fast, and I know why I kept it on then added more.

    I knew I was very overweight, but I avoided scales and really did not know I had gained as much more as I had. Finally getting on the scales was a 50 pound shocker (in addition to the pounds I already knew I was over....) Being tall, it spreads around more, so as my weight went up, my clothing size really didn't (again, after I was already wearing much larger sizes).

    I also have low blood pressure - runs in the family. Even being so overweight, my highest blood pressure readings were what is normal for most. But, because of that, I really do have to make sure I eat and I can't go low on carbs (don't want to anyway LOL). It was never an excuse to overeat though.

    I did work a job where I'd be starving once I got off in the evening and I used that as an excuse to eat all the wrong things and way too many calories thinking, it's evening and I've blown it anyway by being hungry this late in the day. Logging and seeing when and where I'm weakest and then fixing that has cured that issue for me.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited March 2015
    One of the things that fascinates me about weight and fitness condition is how much in denial we can be.

    I think a lot of us went through that path and used excuses, twisted "fatlogic" (starvation mode, low blood sugar, I eat 800 calories and do not lose weight...) or we are in plain denial.

    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit?
    What were your go to excuses to be that way?
    What popular myths were your go to?

    Low blood sugar is twisted fatlogic/an excuse??

    Muh sugahs ... I gots to keeps muh sugahs up ... om nom nom nom ...

    Yeah. It is a giant excuse for folks.

    You don't need to eat half a cake, the whole pint of ice cream, and a snickers bar to up your sugars. About a third of the snickers would have done it. Or a slice of bread. Or an apple ...

  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    I just didn't care. I had so many other things going on that I didn't feel like I had the energy to care. I was also breastfeeding for 3 years between 2 kids and was scared to lose my milk supply (both kids have special needs and my mind was hellbent on breastfeeding because I was convinced it was vital to their development- I think it was just my way of dealing with the lack of control I felt around their diagnosis).

    I convinced myself I didn't look that bad though I knew I wasn't think (5'5" and 175lbs). Prior to my first child in 2007 I had been 130lbs. I mained at 145 after she was born but then gained 50lbs with my next pregnancy. I did get back down to 150 but started working overnights, went back to school full time and stopped exercising. All that combined o gained 25lbs. I only gained 4lbs with my 3rd pregnancy and was 179 the he was born. I went down to 168 and then gained 7lbs back over the next 2 years. And that brought me to jan 1, 2015 when I realized for me to care for my children I needed to care for myself. I've lost about 20lbs and am now 154 and hope to be 140 by summer.
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    I was in denial until I saw pictures but my excuses were my age and the fact that I had kids and my husband loved me the way I was. My myths were slow metabolism and thyroid issues.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    Before I even discovered mfp, when i was 50 lbs overweight, i always told myself that I was just curvy and I looked fine and my boyfriend loves me as i am so i should just move on and let myself eat whatever as long as i was happy.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2015
    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit?

    I've let myself get obese twice. The first time I knew I was overweight and out of shape, but was in denial about how bad it had gotten for a couple of years until I saw a photo that snapped me out of it. (I'd always been someone who was average if a few lbs more than my preference without worrying about what I ate, and had never dieted, which meant I had no sense of how it worked. That proved to be helpful once I figured out that it was possible, since I had no baggage from years of dieting or pop advice.)

    The second time (I started regaining after maintaining a loss for about 5-6 years), I knew I was obese and unfit basically as soon as I was.
    What were your go to excuses to be that way?

    None, really. The first time I simply felt out of control and didn't really feel like I was doing anything to gain the weight, but I would have agreed that I was being too sedentary and not watching my diet.

    Hmm, thinking back, this is not entirely true: I definitely did think "but I don't eat that much" at that time and felt it was unfair that I'd gotten fat. I got over that when I forced myself to really be honest with myself about how I ate and how many calories things probably contained (I was working late constantly at a job that let us order in food from all kinds of restaurants and also had a lot of travel/opportunities to go to fancy restaurants, and I rarely cooked for myself). I also briefly had the "I don't have time to cook/work out" until I saw that plenty of people in my same situation did and then forced myself to figure out how to do it.

    The second time I was disgusted with myself, but other stuff was going on that simply meant I wasn't ready to deal with my weight and relapse into a sedentary lifestyle. But in both cases I certainly would have placed the blame on myself.
    What popular myths were your go to?

    Can't think of any. Toward the end of my maintenance period I'd told myself that I could stop watching what I ate in terms of calories so long as I ate "real foods" (my version of eating "clean," and which for me contained plenty of fat--before that I didn't count calories, but I had carefully watched portion size and monitored higher calorie items), but once I knew I was gaining I didn't really have any question as to why. It was simply a matter of not being motivated and not knowing how to get motivated/care enough.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jenlo1971 wrote: »
    I am a substance abuse therapist so I tend to think of this as similar to relapse "justifications". The things that people tell themselves in order to make them think it is ok to drink or use drugs.

    So mine for food were things like, "it's a special occasion so I can have this 1/2 a cake". Or "look at all these other people eating junk food and they're thin-I should be able to eat junk food too". Or " I'm getting old- it's normal for people to pick up weight when they are old". Or even, "I'll start watching what I eat tomorrow, on Monday, or next week". Or "I've had three kids!" I've got a million of them.

    Okay, if we are thinking of excuses in terms of why we weren't motivated, vs. why we were fat, I had tons of these. I'll start tomorrow or it's not a good time because X were ones I said over and over.
  • crypsyx
    crypsyx Posts: 858 Member
    back in the day i always accused my being large on the fact that i had "a slow metabolism," which is hysterical to me now. a few years ago i came across a receipt that i still had in my pocket of my coat. it was from mcdonalds and was my lunch the day i was at work. a big mac value meal, a crispy chicken wrap, a double cheeseburger, and two apple pies. right. slow metabolism my foot. i was literally eating myself into the grave and the sad thing is i would have gone to my grave swearing i was eating okay and it was a because my metabolism crawled like a turtle.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    at my "worst" which I mean you mean fattest, I wasn't in denial. I knew I was obese. I don't know if I had an excuse, but at the time I flat out refused to restrict my eating. I worked out, ran regularly, but I had a rule that if I wanted to eat something I did. My reason was that I used to have an eating disorder and I was so afraid that if I started restricting, I would fall back into my old ways. This was why MFP made a huge difference for me- I felt like it was ok for me to watch what I ate once I had a tool that helped me make sure I wasn't not only eating too much, but to also make sure I wasn't eating too little.

  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I didn't make excuses, and I knew I was overweight. I resisted food logging because, reasons, but once was emotionally prepared to use food logging as a tool, I was able to face just what I ate in what portions. Making better choices and portion control have helped a lot, and I expect that I will need food logging as long as I have control over my food choices.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    One of the things that fascinates me about weight and fitness condition is how much in denial we can be.

    I think a lot of us went through that path and used excuses, twisted "fatlogic" (starvation mode, low blood sugar, I eat 800 calories and do not lose weight...) or we are in plain denial.

    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit?
    What were your go to excuses to be that way?
    What popular myths were your go to?

    Low blood sugar is twisted fatlogic/an excuse??

    Muh sugahs ... I gots to keeps muh sugahs up ... om nom nom nom ...

    Yeah. It is a giant excuse for folks.

    You don't need to eat half a cake, the whole pint of ice cream, and a snickers bar to up your sugars. About a third of the snickers would have done it. Or a slice of bread. Or an apple ...

    I think the thread is asking us "stupid" fat people to share our experience. Not seeking "smart" people to share their omniscient ignorance on the subject.
  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    at my "worst" which I mean you mean fattest
    Yes I meant fattest. I'm sorry if the word worst offended you. In my case I was seriously obese, but I was seeing myself as chubby.

    I will answer my own thread latter.
  • nsyeirli
    nsyeirli Posts: 2
    I work in a bakery, located in a foodcourt.. everyday i will reset my MFP to 0 streak day because i ate more than my daily calorie intake. But still, i need to lose weight to get preggy..
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member

    At your worst, did you see yourself as obese/unfit? yes, definitely.

    What were your go to excuses to be that way? blood sugar/reactive hypoglycemia. i could not get it under control and had to eat in order to correct the lows. i was eating moderate carb/low glycemic load foods and still crashing. i couldn't do moderate exercise without crashing and needing to correct. i couldnt eat without crashing. it was a cycle and i couldn't figure out how to stop it.

    What popular myths were your go to? i didn't have any. i literally had to eat to correct my lows. can't really let a blood glucose in the 40s go.

    medication followed by a very low carb diet helped me get to where i could eat and exercise without a blood sugar crash.