Help with P90X3?

I started it almost 2 weeks ago and I think I'm doing well with sticking to it. The problem is that I have been having a lot of trouble with the moves they do. I know I'm doing them wrong but if I attempt them using proper form then I wouldn't be able to do them at all. I do girl push ups and use a chair with my pull up bar..


  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I did a round of P90X a while back and I did the same thing you did in the beginning--"girl" push ups, and barely managing a couple pull ups with the chair. If you're only 2 weeks in, give it some time. Eventually you'll get stronger and graduate to "real" push ups and pull ups.

    I had great results on it even beginning with those modifications...although I still couldn't do a pull up at the end. Lol.
  • alyciamoyer5
    It's so intimidating to me. I really am trying. It's 7 days a week but only 30 minutes. I haven't skipped a workout but I mean.. Standing splits are you kidding?!
  • cjrusso3
    cjrusso3 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats on sticking with the workout for the past two weeks. You have to keep in mind the old adage of quality over quantity. How sure are you that you're doing the moves incorrectly? By doing the push-ups on your knees and using a chair for your pull-ups, you are engaged in a modified move and slowly providing your body with a foundation to build upon. Eventually your body will get stronger and you'll be able to ditch the modified moves. Your journey may take a little longer but proper form is important.
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    It's so intimidating to me. I really am trying. It's 7 days a week but only 30 minutes. I haven't skipped a workout but I mean.. Standing splits are you kidding?!

    I started doing P90X3, and it really did seem needlessly complicated. I loved the simplicity of the original...Chest and Back, Shoulders and Arms, Legs and Back. If that's an option for you, I'd go try the original program...but it all comes down to preference, really, and whether you have time for a 60 min workout instead of 30.
  • alyciamoyer5
    cjrusso3 wrote: »
    Congrats on sticking with the workout for the past two weeks. You have to keep in mind the old adage of quality over quantity. How sure are you that you're doing the moves incorrectly? By doing the push-ups on your knees and using a chair for your pull-ups, you are engaged in a modified move and slowly providing your body with a foundation to build upon. Eventually your body will get stronger and you'll be able to ditch the modified moves. Your journey may take a little longer but proper form is important.

    Thank you. I use a lot of mods. I guess I just expected to be able to do more than 3 push ups so I do them on my knees and I can do more.
  • jfay67
    jfay67 Posts: 6
    Mods are great! I did all 3- still my fave is the original. I agree with Ryudori with it's simplicity and effectiveness, but yes unfortunately, it's long. Keep going with the mods and you will get it it. I know may people who did either p90x, x2, x3, max 30, etc and they are all over the place. But they're there, showing up and focusing for that 30 min or however long it is. Eventually it gets easier. I was horrible at yoga back in the day- HORRIBLE. I was flexible, but those moves were so hard. I could barely keep balance. But as I got stronger and kept with it, I rocked that shizz! I'm confident you will too. And don't feel bad with the pull ups either. I couldn't do not a single one when I started. I would use the bands for pull downs, the chair, or literally just hang for as long as I could with my elbows bent. You can totally do it- don't give up!!
  • AReeves41
    AReeves41 Posts: 66 Member
    Im in my 2nd week of X3. Some of the mives are hard. Just stay with it. Yoga is really hard for me. I have no flexibility. But Im hoping by the end this that will be better. Feel free to add me.
  • copermen1
    copermen1 Posts: 31 Member
    im in the middle of my second week of P90X. Due to my weight I have to modify some of the moves. but just the small improvements I have experienced in some of the exercises the second time around vs the first time around are reassuring me it will be no time before I can do the unmodified or more of them. Good work so far, keep with it, it will make a difference.. Also download the workout sheets if X3 has them and record what you do and how you do it.. as the weeks go on you will see how and where you did more.. I am a man an old one and I do some girl push up too.. I start out with x number of real push ups and my back gives out before my arms do so I jump into girl push up mode and keep going. I already did two more regular push ups this week as compared to last week and I anticipate that direction will continue..

    Keep it up you are moving and that is all that truly matters.. The form will come, the quantity will come.. They will all meet in the middle and you will improve.
  • badbradclark
    badbradclark Posts: 47 Member
    If you could start off doing the moves like they do on the DVD, then well, you wouldn't need to do it. The goal is to end like they are doing them, not to start like they are doing them!
  • alyciamoyer5
    Thank you everyone! I appreciate the motivation!