I'm half-way there! 45 down, 45 to go.

wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
edited September 27 in Success Stories
I reached a milestone that was once just a dream. I can't believe it. It's amazing what a good diet and daily walking can do.

In the past month I've added some jogging with my walking and now I've worked my way up to jogging 15-minutes without stopping and no pain afterwards.

I wish I had some before & after pictures for you... maybe next time.

For those of you just starting or feeling in a slump, keep at it. Keep going! I had several weeks where I thought I was failing, but I stuck with it and now I'm feeling giddy.


  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    Way to go! Keep up the great work!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Nice job, sir. Thanks for sharing -- I needed to read this today!
  • WeakCalves
    WeakCalves Posts: 32 Member
    Great job! I'm happy for you. Thank you for sharing.
  • mok33
    mok33 Posts: 46 Member
    fabulous feeling.... and a great inspiration to post!
  • Soupskin
    Soupskin Posts: 74 Member
    Congrats and a high 5.

    I'm right there with you.
  • j_desmet
    j_desmet Posts: 17 Member
    That's awesome!!! I needed to read this today as I am in the "slump" as I have lost 20 pounds but getting really SICK of eating the healthy stuff. I know I need to stick with it, but I really want a pizza and some corn chips!! ughh!! Thanks for the story!!
  • Sindy71
    Sindy71 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome job! Keep it up. I lost 120 pounds a few years back and put 97 of it back on so here I am starting back at square one. I just started this site 3 days ago so here I go again! Hopefully I can do it twice in a lifetime. Never let your guard down and never stop walking and you will get there.
  • moneysam
    moneysam Posts: 11
    congratulations. This inspires me to keep it moving...I bet you look great...
  • WOW GREAT JOB!!!!! KEEP IT UP :smile:
  • slick_fox
    slick_fox Posts: 85 Member
    GREAT! I just started and you have given me encouragement. Also I will now take pictures of myself.

    Keep up the good work.
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    That's awesome!!! I needed to read this today as I am in the "slump" as I have lost 20 pounds but getting really SICK of eating the healthy stuff. I know I need to stick with it, but I really want a pizza and some corn chips!! ughh!! Thanks for the story!!

    I still have a piece of pizza about once a month. It's very difficult to stop at one serving though. I just ask myself, "Would you rather have that extra piece or meet your goal weight this weekend?" After that I can usually put those extra pieces away and eat them for lunch at work that week.

    You can do it.
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    ...nice... Thanks for sharing!!!!
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