I wouldn't call it a success story, it's just part one of my journey...

luvforever Posts: 502 Member
I really need a pick me up and I am hoping this will help me focus better on my goals and not on the short term stalls I've been experiencing recently.

I'm Audrey, I'm 33 years old and I started working on weight loss on 06/10/2014. I was trying to wait till my anniversary to do a post (and I may still do one then if I lose enough weight between now and then to make it worthwhile) but I needed a pick me up today and I'm hoping this will help.

I started my journey near 380 pounds. I used my starting weight as my last reported weight taken from my doctor's office of 378 but I've fluctuated all the way up to 400 pounds in the past.

In May I took a new position at work that left me with two free hours in the morning. I decided to join the gym at work and see how things panned out.

I got sick though, and that prevented me starting in May. As soon as I was feeling better I started my journey.

At first it was miserable. I could barely manage 60 seconds on the elliptical and a 24 minute mile had me out of breath. I slowly started cutting out soda and the headaches were awful.

Slowly I noticed changes. I could do 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and now 30 minutes on the elliptical and not feel like it was going to kill me. My mile walk is down to 20 minutes or less and it's fairly comfortable. I've added in HIIT training, weights, another half mile walk on my lunch break. And soda is something I only have on rare occasions.

And the most odd things? I miss the gym if I don't go one day. I like water now. Greasy foods make my stomach feel gross...

But there are still things I struggle with. I love sweets, and salty foods. I like to eat (obviously or I wouldn't have reached 378 pounds). Food will always be a necessity and an evil because I want to eat all the wrong things. I'm still learning.

Now, I weigh 284 pounds. I am still huge. I still have a long, long way to go. And I've stalled. It's frustrating and it's disheartening but I *know* I can do this and I know I'll start to move in the right direction again soon.

The only thing that I hate is that it really takes pictures for me to notice a difference. I always see the old me looking back from the mirror. I am a big advocate for before pictures, no matter how painful they are (trust me, I really didn't want to).

Here I am near the beginning of my journey... I would have been roughly 378 pounds in these pictures...



And here I am now at roughly 284...





  • WitchofWashington
    WitchofWashington Posts: 158 Member
    Wow! That is amazing how much you've lost already, what a great job you've done, and you're right, you CAN do this! I'm adding you to my friends, so I can see your progress continue. :D
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Wow! What an incredible difference! Great job! Be kind to yourself - you've come such a long way, and you've made so many great changes in your life. You WILL continue on your journey.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    You are nearly 100 pounds from where you started! HUGE success in my book! I'm glad you posted because sometimes it takes these side by side comparisons to realize how far you've come already and encourage you to keep going. You've done great and I know you will continue to be amazing :)
  • arkowalyshyn
    arkowalyshyn Posts: 132 Member
    You've got this! Your progress so far is impressive and very obvious. Add me if you need a friend
  • Dorychumb
    Dorychumb Posts: 4 Member
    This is my first post in the MFP forums. I love looking at success story pics, and this is the first time I really felt the need to comment. You look great! There is such a huge difference in your two pictures. You should feel awesome. You've come so far which proves you can be at any weight that you want. You can do it! Keep us posted! :)
  • 3293green
    3293green Posts: 19 Member
    Congratulations on what you've achieved so far! Try not to be so hard on yourself. As long as you don't go crazy I think sometimes a break is just as useful. Making such big changes is tough for long periods of time. Give yourself a break and then re-focus. You can do this....you already are!
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    You are definitely a success. Look at all you have achieved in your post. Weight loss, improved fitness, and improved diet.

    Sometimes, all you need to do to get out of a plateau is make another small change. Adding strength training or a new type of fitness (Pilates, yoga, Zumba) can get you over the hump. Your body just may need a jump start.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    You have done amazing! Nearly 100 pound weight loss in 9 months time! Your face is so much thinner (and I'm sure your body, too). You really look a lot younger in second pics.

    Don't give up. You are obviously on the right track. I have been at a plateau for weeks and need to do something different myself, so appreciated @betsysjl‌ suggestion to change up the workout and try to get over the hump. As many have said, this is a marathon not a sprint.

    One suggestion . . . . Girl, you need some new workout clothes! You're wearing same t-shirt that you wore at the beginning and it must be huge on you now. I think getting new workout duds can also help re-inspire you!
  • allunits
    allunits Posts: 95 Member
    You look amazing! So inspirational.
  • corbinskiii
    corbinskiii Posts: 135 Member
    I think you're absolutely amazing and I've loved being your friend on here and celebrating all of your wonderful progress. Stalls suck. But progress is progress and even if it slows down, you're not gaining! Just try to shake up your routine! :-) <3
  • corbinskiii
    corbinskiii Posts: 135 Member
    Ps- you absolutely are a success story!
  • debm109
    debm109 Posts: 5 Member
    You are fantastic! You truly do look great! There is such a difference in the 2 pics. I like the idea of changing things up. And treat yourself to a new exercise outfit. That should help tremendously. You could be adding muscle and still losing fat. That might not make much of a difference in the scale. Go by how you feel and just keep doing what you know is right. Don't weigh yourself for a while. I'll bet you'll see a difference in a couple weeks! Friend me! I'd love to stay in touch!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Audrey, you have done an amazing job! You have lost a hundred pounds in nine months! Wrap your head around that........stalls happen for lots of reasons, some you can control and some you cannot. The good news is, you can change the things that you control and the things you cannot will take care of themselves. Continue to work at it. Continue to educate yourself. Continue to log and strive to be as accurate as possible. Continue to push yourself with exercise. The weight will begin to move again. You are already doing it, so Just keep on.
  • rmw10c
    rmw10c Posts: 10 Member
    WOW!!! That's an amazing transformation! You've come such a long a way--even if you're not at your goal yet, be sure to love yourself and treat yourself to something nice along the way.
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    That's so awesome, congrats! It was a very good idea to take before pics, I didn't take any full body before pics which I regret. I took some recently so I can visually see any further changes to help motivate me.

    It's so difficult for our brains to process drops in weight, especially when you start out fairly heavy (I was 318lb at my highest). Even though I'm down to 219lb now, I look in the mirror and don't really see the difference. I still feel more like 250lb or so. It was especially discouraging to me at first because it took me a quite a while and quite a bit of weight loss until I needed new clothes...larger sizes tend to have more leeway in between them, you don't go down a size every 15-20lb like smaller people might.

    Keep doing what you're doing, the progress is amazing!
  • wateryphoenix
    wateryphoenix Posts: 644 Member
    WOOHOO! Look how far you've come! Keep it up, girlie! You'll get there =D
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Fantastic job -- keep up the good work! And, you ARE a success story; proud of you!
  • jennaatsuad
    jennaatsuad Posts: 35 Member
    Amazing job! You look fantastic, and so much happier!
  • adriennel502
    adriennel502 Posts: 72 Member
    What do you mean you wouldn't call it a success story? I certainly would. Just because you're not at final goal weight yet doesn't mean you haven't had amazing success so far! (And I love your new hair). You are amazing and inspiring.
  • MargueriteMuguet
    MargueriteMuguet Posts: 230 Member
    I m right here with everyone! You did amazing already and you have the right attitude that will last after you reach your goal.
    Your hair looks great, your face glows, your progress is absolutely noticible and you are doing it on your own! *applause*

    Don't trust your view of yourself if it makes you feel bad. Look at the pictures you took, of where you are now and give yourself one compliment, or two or a thousand! It's important you don't believe everything you think when it's not serving you.

    Cheers for the next pounds!
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