I need motivation!

mandah2386 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I only have 10lbs to lose, 10 FREAKIN' POUNDS, but I can't seem to do it! I do good for breakfast, I'll work out, but at about 11 my diet goes down the toilet! then the rest of the day I'll say, oh well, I'll start tomorrow and the routine starts over again the next day. I'm sick of it! I want to lose this weight and look awesome and feel proud of myself! Everyday at work I get a candy bar, EVERYDAY!! I bring healthy snacks, like yogurt or string cheese, but really who actually wants yogurt or string cheese when you can have a candy bar?! I'm so sick of this and need some major motivation you guys! Help me! I mean, geez, I could lose this weight in 2 months if I would just suck it up and do it!


  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    switch to the mini candy bars! sometimes just that little bite is enough to squish a craving, especially if you have it with the cheese or yogurt!
  • lhannibal
    lhannibal Posts: 4
    If all you have are those snacks - no cash on hand to buy snacks...promise - you will eat those snacks. Anytime we give ourselves other options we will go for the ones that taste best to us even if they are unhealthy!
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    So.. suck it up and do it!! The only person that can do it is you, believe me, its awesome to see the success stories on here and be motivated.. but ultimately, the choices are up to you. Plan out your day for food if you need to, that has helped me a lot! I have actually not had cake in the lounge the last 5 times it was in there (this is a big deal!)

    And I will probably get some flack for this, but I saw this on another thread. And NO I am not anorexic, nor do condone anything that could emotionaly upset or trigger something like anorexia, BUT this saying kinda sticks in my head after I saw it: No food tastes as good as skinny feels. And let me re-do this so maybe I'll get less flack. No JUNK food tastes as good as skinny feels!

    Good luck!! And feel free to add me as a friend, I need some motivation too, especially on the weekends.. because by no means, I am completely on the right track!
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    It's so hard not to give into temptation, some times it's just a habit. I wish I could give u more helpful tips but I struggle with the same thing! Being on this site really helps and I'm not half as bad as I used to be :D
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    It's so hard not to give into temptation, some times it's just a habit. I wish I could give u more helpful tips but I struggle with the same thing! Being on this site really helps and I'm not half as bad as I used to be :D
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    Oops sorry didn't mean to post that twice :) feel free to add me as a friend !
  • gwendolyn73
    gwendolyn73 Posts: 1 Member
    wow...that sounds like the story of my life. i agree with what another poster said. no food is worth being fat for! when i'm feeling temped, i just ask myself, is this bite worth being fat for? is it worth feeling guilty about and bad about myself for? that usually helps me! but sometimes not..hence my extra weight. good luck! you don't have much left to loose!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Blah! I'm kinda the same way in not losing the weight. I'm doing everything great except one thing, I usually like to have a drink with dinner (or 2 :):drinker: ) and I know that is my major road block and I always say, well tomorrow I'll stop the dinner drink. Nope. Let's do this, feel free to add me!
  • One little change that would make the world of difference is to refrain from eating in the evening (past 8pm). The candy bar in the afternoon is not as big of a deal as it would be if you ate it in the evening because at least you still have the rest of the day to burn off the calories consumed in the afternoon. I had the same problem as you because I have to commute an hour every day and I did not get home sometimes until 9pm at night. So I have made a point now to eat dinner at work (totally sucks but is worth it in the long run).
    My friend who took weight watchers also gave me a little trick to help curb the late night hunger that actually works. Weight watchers taught her that sometimes it is not actually hunger but rather it is your body telling you that you are dehydrated and that if you are hungry to try drinking a huge glass of water and see if you are still hungry. Often times this is the trick that will make you feel full. Remember, if you eat past 8pm you are not doing yourself a favor. Your body's metabolism slows down in the evening along with your activity levels and therefore whatever fats and sugars you eat will not be burned off. This little change will make the world of difference in terms of losing weight.
    Hang in there girl, having been there myself many times before (and will be there again) I know that the last 10 pounds are the hardest lose and it often takes kicking everything up a notch (including activity) to lose it. Stay positive and stick with it. You will get there. ;)
  • mandah2386
    mandah2386 Posts: 8 Member
    thanks bellydancingqueen, you made a lot of sense when you said not to eat past 8pm. I work til 7pm and after work is my time to workout, so I'll go to the track near my work and walk/jog for 30 minutes then go home and pig out at like 8:30. I need to start fixing my dinner before I go to work and eating it about a normal dinner time while I'm at work! Thanks for the idea, I forget that I have that option, but I do have a fridge and a microwave at work!

    Thanks for all the other responses too. It's nice to have somewhere to vent and people that understand how hard this is!
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