Kettlebell experience?

So I was browsing articles on home fitness equipment and came across a few different ones that mentioned getting a kettlebell. Next thing you know I am on Amazon and "poof" today a 20 pound kettlebell appeared on my door step ! Anyone use a kettlebell? Favorite moves or workouts?? I own it now so I have to use it!


  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member I love their workouts! I finished their 12 week program just before the holidays, its free and they have a great support system. I used a 15lb and 30lb kettlebell and it was plenty enough to get a good workout all the way through. Also has a few good kettlebell workouts too.

    Favorite 'move' would be the turkish get-up, only because it works everything, but definitely swing/snatch because it feels bad-*kitten*.
  • verapal
    verapal Posts: 38 Member
    Love love love kettle bell. If I had to choose one equipment to work out with I would definitely choose kettle bell. You can burn a lot of calories and build muscle with it. Check out
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I also have a 20lb baby sitting on the floor. I absolutely LOVE my kettle bell, though I do not use it often, I appreciate having one. The exercises you can do with one are endless. Just google/youtube "kettle bell exercises".

    I will often take mine to do some quick squats, you can do sit-ups, arm lifts, swings, rows.
  • mike_bold
    mike_bold Posts: 140 Member
    I highly recommend you check out Steve Cotter on youtube. Snatches, cleans, swing, clean and press is what you need
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    1. Find a certified instructor (SFG, RKC, IKFF, WKC)
    2. Participate in at least one session with said instructor (spend the money, it's worth it)
    3. Swing it, squat with it, carry it around. Make it your new friend, and enjoy your time with it because it can make you awesome.

    No offense, but a person who just received a kettlebell today, has no business even thinking about snatching yet......patience.
  • NightShiftMedic
    NightShiftMedic Posts: 59 Member
    KBjimAZ wrote: »
    1. Find a certified instructor (SFG, RKC, IKFF, WKC)
    2. Participate in at least one session with said instructor (spend the money, it's worth it)
    3. Swing it, squat with it, carry it around. Make it your new friend, and enjoy your time with it because it can make you awesome.

    No offense, but a person who just received a kettlebell today, has no business even thinking about snatching yet......patience.

    ^This. Especially the last part.

    My favorite thing to do with a kettlebell is the good old swing. And the one arm swing. And the clean. And the snatch. And... I suppose I just really like my kettlebell.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    KBjimAZ wrote: »
    1. Find a certified instructor (SFG, RKC, IKFF, WKC)
    2. Participate in at least one session with said instructor (spend the money, it's worth it)
    3. Swing it, squat with it, carry it around. Make it your new friend, and enjoy your time with it because it can make you awesome.

    No offense, but a person who just received a kettlebell today, has no business even thinking about snatching yet......patience.

    ^This. Especially the last part.

    My favorite thing to do with a kettlebell is the good old swing. And the one arm swing. And the clean. And the snatch. And... I suppose I just really like my kettlebell.


    Until you know how to express power in the swing with the hip drive, you'll never do a satisfactory snatch.

    My advice: Learn a rock solid swing (preferably from a legitimate source), learn to goblet squat.

    From this solid foundation, build the clean, press, high pull and snatch.

    Once you've got these down, learn more exotic moves like TGU's and windmills.
  • izalac
    izalac Posts: 20 Member
    Live instructor helps a lot. One session made a ton of difference. You want to be sure you're activating proper muscles and keeping good form, it makes workouts much more effective :)

    I also used fitnessblender for some routines. Good stuff.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Kettlebells are excellent, but with any exercise with weight, you need to practice good form. A few you can try:
    1) Russian Kettlebell Swing (20lbs might be too light once you get into it)
    2) Single Arm Kettlebell power cling
    3) Single Arm Kettlebell push press
    4) Turkish Get Up (20lbs might be too heavy at first)
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    Kettlebells are excellent, but with any exercise with weight, you need to practice good form. A few you can try:
    1) Russian Kettlebell Swing (20lbs might be too light once you get into it)
    2) Single Arm Kettlebell power cling
    3) Single Arm Kettlebell push press
    4) Turkish Get Up (20lbs might be too heavy at first)

    Thank you for the tips on the weight. It was definitely an impulse buy and I just picked 20 lbs without a plan!! Excited to try the moves!
  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    KBjimAZ wrote: »
    1. Find a certified instructor (SFG, RKC, IKFF, WKC)
    2. Participate in at least one session with said instructor (spend the money, it's worth it)
    3. Swing it, squat with it, carry it around. Make it your new friend, and enjoy your time with it because it can make you awesome.

    No offense, but a person who just received a kettlebell today, has no business even thinking about snatching yet......patience.

    I live in the Chicago burbs so am lucky to have access to fitness classes I will see what I can find- good idea I agree form is important and having someone else watching form and correcting is important!
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    Good luck to you. It's really fun, as you move up in weight, to watch the deliveryman bring them to your doorstep.