what does your typical food day look like?

I know many people eat the same foods on a regular basis to stay within your calorie goals. I'm curious what people generally eat to see if there's something else I can try. Lately I just don't feel satisfied with my food choices so I'm looking for a more mentally sustainable plan.


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Friend me and check out my diary. Or open your diary so we can see what you are eating and make suggestions.

    Variety is key in long lasting weight loss efforts in my opinion. I definitely get on kicks with certain foods, but I've learned to adapt and adjust when I start getting sick of eating that one thing.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I typically have a protein shake after my workout and a big dinner, usually meat/protein heavy. Occasionally I'll have leftovers for lunch. My diary is open if you're interested, though eating patterns have been a bit erratic lately as I've been struggling with my workouts.
  • KLouHerout
    KLouHerout Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks. I usually do great through the day but as soon as I get home I lose my mind and easy everything in the house. While I pretty much only keep whole foods and homemade things, so it could be worse but I'm just steadily gaining, so hearty and filling food plans would be great to see. And I'm just always curious about what people's plans look like.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Upping the calories you eat during the day may help. I like to eat a 1/4 cup of a nut mix like an hour or two before I leave work. Because I too can easily go home and eat everything in the fridge. Adding the snack helps reduce hunger. I feel like I have time to actually measure out my food for dinner.

    You can also try pre-logging what you will eat in the evenings so you don't have to make a choice. You do what you had planned on :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I don't eat the same things every day, or even often. But, I typically eat about 300 calories for lunch (around 2:00 p.m.) and 1000-1200 for dinner/dessert in the evening (starting around 8 - 8:30 p.m.)
  • holzeeg123
    holzeeg123 Posts: 14 Member
    Breakfast: porridge with banana cooked into it
    Lunch: Either beans on toast or a sandwich
    Dinner: This varies quite a lot, but always has LOADS of veg cooked into it and some lean protein (like chicken or fish) and wholegrain carbs

    This only ever takes me up to about 1200 and my goal is 1700, so throughout the day I'll have snacks like an apple, a handful of nuts, yogurt raisins etc. It's surprising that although this never looks like much food, it's all really yummy and filling, and I never usually feel hungry other than around meal times
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    KLouHerout wrote: »
    Thanks. I usually do great through the day but as soon as I get home I lose my mind and easy everything in the house. While I pretty much only keep whole foods and homemade things, so it could be worse but I'm just steadily gaining, so hearty and filling food plans would be great to see. And I'm just always curious about what people's plans look like.

    I'm the same way, which is why I save most of my calories for dinner/after work. I have minimal cals throughout the day, then can have a huge dinner and a good snack/dessert before bed without having to worry too much.
  • DucklingPrincess
    DucklingPrincess Posts: 36 Member
    Usually I start out with a bigger breakfast, usually eggs and fruit but I sometimes shake it up. I aim for about 400 calories, but usually I end up closer to 350.... then I don't eat anything all day because school lunch is vile and it's too much work to pack something. Also I don't have friends so I don't have anywhere to sit at lunch other than the library and food isn't allowed there. Then once I get home, I have whatever's available for a snack and log that as lunch. Usually that's about 100-200 calories. Then I have whatever's available for dinner as well, sometimes I cook and sometimes I have leftovers, but I aim for about 400. Then at 9 or so, I realize that I haven't had enough calories for the day even though I wasn't hungry so I'll eat something with avocado (avocado, tomato, and feta cheese is actually very good), and I'll eat however much of that I need to get above 1200.
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    my journal is public feel free to check out my diary... I aint scared :p
  • malsipos
    malsipos Posts: 9
    My diary is open if you'd like to have a look. Not every day is great and I find it challenging some days to have variety as I'm quite picky and don't eat fish among a lot of other things lol add me as a friend if you want :)
  • ivoluntas
    ivoluntas Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2015
    I skip breakfast since I fast.

    Lunch - burrito bowl at Moe's or chicken sandwich at CFA. Packed lunch with a pb and j and some fruit. Lunch on the weekends is usually a gluten-free pizza, some variety of baked chicken, and lots of grains.

    Dinner - usually the best and most packed meal calories-wise since I have more time to prepare and because its my post-workout meal. I usually have baked chicken, fish, or a steak. Potatoes, brown rice, rice pilaf, corn, spinach, or broccoli for sides. Chicken tacos. If I have calories for pasta I have chicken tortellini with some pesto sauce.

    Things I am interested in trying: tuna quesadillas, protein pancakes, fruit smoothies, anything with egg whites and greek yogurt as substitutes. Like you, I am trying to find some new things as well. It's challenging but worth it.
  • emmacken
    emmacken Posts: 161 Member
    Breakfast: Carnation instant breakfast mixed with cashew or almond milk
    Lunch: 2% Greek yogurt and a serving of homemade soup. I've been making a new variety of soup every Sunday and use it for lunches all week. I portion it out in Mason jars and throw one in my lunch bag everyday.
    Dinner: This varies quite a bit. I enjoy cooking, so there are usually three or four home cooked meals a week. I'll tend to heat up a thin crust frozen pizza once a week because while I love to cook, I hate doing the dishes. I also go to trivia night every week with my family, so one of my dinners ends up being a few craft beers and french fries. :smile:
    Dessert: Friendly's Ice cream bar or a couple 100 calorie-sized Klondike bars.

    If I feel the need to snack, I enjoy Smart Food Delight white cheddar popcorn. The entire family-sized bag has less than 800 calories so even if I go nuts and destroy half the bag in one sitting, the damage is minimal.

    I haven't been logging my food recently, but I was pretty diligent about it between August and December if you are curious.
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I've been stuck in a rut of Quest bars for breakfast with a black coffee. I've been trying to clean my fridge and drawers out though, so I'm ready for a big grocery trip so I want to get some good cereal. Lunch is usually 8-10oz of protein, a pasta or rice side and a veggie or salad. Dinner is either a regular meal, similar to lunch, or a free for all lol.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Breakfast: Cereal with milk and a fruit OR Oats made with milk and a fruit

    Protein shake
    Coffee with milk and sweetener

    Lunch: 100g of protein (I eat all types), 250grams of mixed vegetables, and half a cup of rice/pasta or a medium sized potato. This is mostly. 2 times a week I have pizza, wraps, tramizinni, mac & cheese or any other food that throws that balance off.

    Protein shake
    Tea with milk and sweetener

    Dinner: 100g chicken/fish with 250g mixed vegetables/salad, OR 1 cup cottage cheese mixed with flavoured yoghurt, and topped with cereal for crunch.

    Tea with milk and sweetener.

    200-250 calorie sweet for dessert.
  • zepeda602
    zepeda602 Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same question. I need new food ideas as well. Anyone feel free to add me or any suggestions would be helpful my diary is public to friends. :)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, 100 calorie English muffin

    Lunch: 4-5 oz meat, 100 grams sweet potato, 100 grams veggies

    Snack #1: Kashi bar

    Snack #2: Banana and 100 calorie vanilla bean almonds

    Dinner: 4-5 oz salmon, 1/2 cup brown rice, kale salad

    Snack #3: 100 calorie bag popcorn
  • valleemic
    valleemic Posts: 103 Member
    Breakfast - protein shake... 1 scoop of vanilla powder, water, frozen berries, mix in Magic Bullet. Black coffee.

    Snack- Grapes and cheese

    Lunch - a "wrap" on whole wheat pita, 3 oz chicken, spinach, onion, tomatoes, pickles, tzaziki, hot sauce. Celery sticks with light cream cheese.

    Snack - almonds and an apple

    Dinner- chicken breast stuffed with roasted red peppers, Italian spices, fresh basil, mozzarella and topped with Parmesan cheese. Served with asperagus.

    Snack - decaf hazelnut coffee with dark chocolate covered chai berries.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My diary is open...I'm logging for a limited time only.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    My diary is open, I log most days. Anyway, on office days I usually eat the following:
    7.30: 200gr low fat quark with 90gr fruit (banana/mango/blueberries), 15gr honey, 5-8gr nuts, cinnamon
    10.30: a mandarin orange and half a protein bar
    12.45: 1 slice of bread with avocado and lean ham, mixed green salad with 40gr cottage cheese, optional (if I'm hungry): 1 rice cake with sliced chicken or hummus
    15.30: 1 apple and the other 1/2 protein bar (I have the bar later if I go to the gym that evening)
    18.30/19.00: 100-150gr meat (depends if I use ground beef/turkey or chicken breast) with a ton of veg and carbs if I feel like it
    20.30: sometimes I'll have some quark or half a slice of banana bread
    22.00: bed time!
  • RachelLM73
    RachelLM73 Posts: 21 Member
    Fantastic post :)