Isogenix -- what am I getting myself into?

Been really frustrated with the slow weight loss, and saw my dr. today who also agreed that I'm plodding along too slowly and suggested increasing Metformin to twice a day. Lo and behold, on the very day I'm frustrated with my dr. visit, my neighbor posts on Facebook her miraculous results with Isogenix and how she's never felt better and has lost 16 pounds and XX inches in 2 months. So, I thought I'd find out more information from her and said I'd talk to her in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I did a quick search on the Internet and I'm not sure if this is 1) safe and 2) anything more than an "Amway" type of presentation. Now I don't know how to back out of this conversation where I think I'll feel pressured to buy a bunch of stuff I'm not sure about ... So, anyone try the Isogenix and have good results???


  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Yeah, it's a MLM scheme a lot like Herbalife. I'd stay away if I were you.
    Also, Metformin? Are you diabetic or have PCOS?
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    Isagenix is expensive and not worth the money. You can make your own shakes. They claim that their protein is superior to others (to justify the cost) I think protein is protein.
  • NightShiftMedic
    NightShiftMedic Posts: 59 Member
    I would guess that you're better off not trying it. Maybe explain that after researching it you don't think it's right for you. It's ok to be firm. Good luck.

    P.S. Also, if you're on Metformin for diabetes, you should definitely check with your doctor before trying something like Isogenix.
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    I'm not diabetic at this time ... the dr. says I have a "metabolic disorder" since my insulin levels are on the high range of normal. They are trying to use the Metformin to keep the carbs from converting into belly fat and also to prevent the associated diabetes in the future with the higher insulin levels. So far, I've seen no benefit from the Metformin in terms of weight loss help. I agree, I just need to back away from this Isogenix product. I really don't want to do anything other than keep on trying to make good choices with food/moderate exercise.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Metformin is a great medication that helps with all sorts of issues for those of us with metabolic disorder. I'd go for that.

    As to how to back out nicely, just be firm with your friend that you've decided not to. You do not have to justify yourself or give any reasons. Hard sales will be ready with an argument for every one of your protests so just don't go there. Dig in your heels and refuse to engage.
  • jennifergoettlrutt
    Isagenix is amazing!! I started my new lifestyle change a little over a month ago and have had amazing results so far. I've lost 23lbs and 29.75inches. My hubby is also doing it he works construction so he doesn't need to lose weight just build lean muscle. He is doing amazing also. I have gained so much so far from being on Isagenix I have more energy, I am less stressed, I can focus better, I eat healthier and ale better choices!!
  • mamma1st
    mamma1st Posts: 13 Member
    One of my friends just mentioned Isagenix to me last night. I had never heard of it. She's been on it 2 weeks and is down about 5 lbs (she has about 30 pounds to lose). When I asked her to tell me more about it, she told me she drinks shakes for breakfast & lunch and then has a light dinner. And something about doing juice cleanses every so often.

    Honestly, I think if you buy a good protein powder, and make a meal replacement shake for breakfast and lunch, it would give you similar results. I personally like the ON Gold Standard Natural Whey protein powder because it doesn't have any artificial sweeteners in it. And there's only a handful of ingredients listed, instead of a huge paragraph size of ingredients.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I know people who are on it and have had seemingly "miraculous" results... Although, these were women who were pretty small to begin with and also work out 6X a week. They both are ridiculously cut. But I think anyone who dedicates working out 12 hours a week and eating right will have amazing results. With or without an aid.