Returning to MFP and running (and lifting) after an injury...

Little back story: I started running about 4 years ago when I first started MFP under a different account. Felt great, lost weight, gained confidence, all that stuff. Then a little over a year ago, depression sneaked up on me and I lapsed. Felt bad, gained weight, lost confidence, all that stuff.

I got my mojo back just in time to mess up my SI joint last summer. I thought my running days were over. I could barely walk without shooting pain from my bum to ankle. That was about 7 months ago.

After several months of PT, I started running again in October, but lapsed again when the weather got bad and because the holidays are crazy - I work from home as an artist and spent every waking moment filling Christmas orders - and because I was angry and disgusted that the 10 pounds I slowly lost over the summer and early fall came back with friends shortly after I got a steroid injection for my back. Please no arguments about whether or not medications can "cause" weight gain. I understand CICO. ;)

I got back into it all again at the beginning of the year. Restarted MFP, started running, started lifting again. I've lost about 11 pounds so far, with about another nine to go. More or less. I don't really care what the scale says, I just want to get some more extra fluff off me.

And yesterday, I ran my first 10k distance in over 2 years. It was pretty brutal by about mile five (so windy!), and I ended up with raging exercise-induced sinus issues for about 12 hours after, but I did it. :)





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