Energy Boost Supplements

Hello Everyone,

I am currently working out 5 days a week. 2 of those 5 days are long workout sessions (2 hrs). I am looking for a pre-workout supplement that will boost my energy for the duration of the workout where I don't feel like I'm having to push myself through it. Any ideas will help. Thanks


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Supplements will give either caffeine or high GI carbs (or a combination of the 2).

    I had a quick peak at your diary and, assuming the couple of days I looked at are representative, you don't need supplements you need to eat more (more carbs). If you get your nutrition right (and it takes some tweaking sometimes) you don't need overpriced, sometimes questionable supplements.
  • im using haymaker fruit punch pre workout and it works. its like 40 cal/serving... 8 oz cost me $17 at vitamin world
  • evarga12
    evarga12 Posts: 55 Member
    Pre-works out will help you get energy but your still going to have to push through it.

    C4 (2 packs for 40$ @ costco)
    Jack3d - Its like $27-35 if you have a vitaminshoppe near you.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I was doing 4-5 high intensity hour and a half to two hour workouts a week with no energy booster. I'm very anti-energy boosters. Love my recovery powders though lol. It is definitely in learning how to fuel your body with food before, during and after your workout. Sleep and hydration are also very important!

    Also, make sure you are listening to your body....depending on your definition of "pushing through", it could be your body saying you need to slow down. I've had to cut my workouts dramatically because I was bordering if not had Overtraining Sydnrome (OTS). I started having major calf cramming issues and other symptoms. Now I'm resting a lot and starting to incorporate more low intensity endurance training.
  • TCO76
    TCO76 Posts: 242 Member
    Green tea or coffee. If you like the tingles add a little beta - alanine.....

    Those companies that market and sell these preworkouts make bank.

    There is no special hulk blood in that stuff.

    My work here is done.......
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Supposedly beet juice is really good for an energy boost.
  • misstangieb2012
    misstangieb2012 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses, it all really gives me something to think about when opting for a energy booster. Maybe I will just try and go more natural by adding a multivitamin; I don't currently take one.