I feel like such a failure.



  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I agree with Q. That's wayyy too low. I'm also 5'8. My goal weight is 140 maybe a little under that but that is borderline underweight. Be careful hun. Just tone up! :D
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    I know you might think for my height 120 is too low, however I was 120lb up until a year ago, I haven't been happy since, I just want to be me again, I didn't look unhealthy, I have a very small frame! I'm also 5ft7.7, not quite 5ft8, but still.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Don't sweat it and just keep sweating off the calories. It could still be retained water, constipation or any number of other minor setbacks. Hell it could even be cake. However just keep moving forward and you'll balance out.

    If it is retained water may I suggest avoiding salt and red meat during that TOM?

    I am a vegetarian, and take a look at my diary, I am a very low salt eater x
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    if I were to get weighed now I would weigh 3-4lbs more than in the morning, drink water sleep well get weighed after your first pee then post your weight please..... gonna look you up in the morn, night night de stress! :)
    I will do that :)
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Try ZIGZAGGIN calories! You may be at a plateau or gaining muscle also. STOP WATCHING the scale! I used to torcher myself abou the scale and I have learned weight might not change but inches ect WILL and do!. ZIGGZAGGIN Calories is eating a different amount each day, and eating more on heavier exercise days... ie.

    sun1700 calories

    Thanks what my schedule looks like, I feel like its working to get more weight off me =) I hope this helps ADD me if you need SUPPORT =)

    I have been zigzagging since monday, I've been doing 3 days at 1200 and then 4th day at 1800 then 3 days at 1200 then 4th at 1800 and continue etc etc. I think it was a bad week to start it because of TOM I won't get to see proper results.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    When people post things like this (and it's very frequent so you're not alone!) the first thing I check is their current weight and height.

    If they are in a healthy bmi range (20-25 say), then my advice is always the same.

    Your body doesn't see the need to lose weight, it's going to hang on to every last pound it can. Those last few pounds when you're already at a healthy weight are very very slow to come off - and maybe you should ask yourself if goal is really a certain number on the scale, or should it be more your shape and size.

    YES YES YES!!!! Me too, I always check current weight and height and I when they're already in their "healthy" zone I always think to myself....maybe your body is good where its at! I think we all have a # in our heads that we want but it may not be what will work for your body.

    Thank you for posting this sane observation!
  • Clowntype
    Clowntype Posts: 6
    Don't give up! Measuring weight in a moment of time is just a guideline - not a full definition.

    Reasons you may have "gained" :
    " got in a stress looking in the mirror "
    Believe it or not, your body can translate >>any stress<< into "save that fat". So, while you were feeling a bit down about the bloat and had that physical discomfort, and then a bit depressed about weight -- your body may well have been holding on to a few extra bits. No matter where the stress comes from (physical, mental, emotional) your body will do what it can to bring you comfort. Unfortunately that means it will "store fat". And as my nutritionist explained, it can also tell you to "eat" because it is easier to solve 'hunger' than it is to solve other pressing problems.

    So take heart -- It is probably not a problem at all, and in a day or two, another couple will drop and you will be back on your way :)

    Great job, by the way! Aint it great to see a change in shape? I have started finding my old legs again too, and it was like a new inspiration. My journey is still long, but it is so fun to watch the transformation, it is helping me to focus less on the scale.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I didn't read all of the replies, but I have a friend that tells me the same thing Californiagirl10 said about zigzagging. Something about your body gets used to it if you eat about the same, so she tells me to shake it up. I guess so it keeps my body guessing?

    Anyway, do NOT feel like a failure. Weight loss is a funny thing because our bodies are a funny thing. There is so much going on inside there. I am super impatiend to be honest, and I have to CONSTANTLY remind myself to give it time and have patience...so I will tell you the same. :) If you're doing everything right, and you KNOW you are...then don't fret. Your body's just doing whatever it's doing right now, but as long as you keep doing what YOU're doing...it WILL get better. :) (((HUGS))))
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    When people post things like this (and it's very frequent so you're not alone!) the first thing I check is their current weight and height.

    If they are in a healthy bmi range (20-25 say), then my advice is always the same.

    Your body doesn't see the need to lose weight, it's going to hang on to every last pound it can. Those last few pounds when you're already at a healthy weight are very very slow to come off - and maybe you should ask yourself if goal is really a certain number on the scale, or should it be more your shape and size.

    YES YES YES!!!! Me too, I always check current weight and height and I when they're already in their "healthy" zone I always think to myself....maybe your body is good where its at! I think we all have a # in our heads that we want but it may not be what will work for your body.

    Thank you for posting this sane observation!

    I'm not under any delusions that I'm 'fat' or anything, I know I'm a healthy weight, and I know a lot of people would be grateful if they were my weight, but I was a lot thinner than this a year ago, and I am literally a shell of a person now, I never go out, I don't feel like me, I just want to be back to where I was and i know some of you will think I'm just being a brat but I just feel so unhappy in my own skin nowadays. I just want normal Maille back.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    I didn't read all of the replies, but I have a friend that tells me the same thing Californiagirl10 said about zigzagging. Something about your body gets used to it if you eat about the same, so she tells me to shake it up. I guess so it keeps my body guessing?

    Anyway, do NOT feel like a failure. Weight loss is a funny thing because our bodies are a funny thing. There is so much going on inside there. I am super impatiend to be honest, and I have to CONSTANTLY remind myself to give it time and have patience...so I will tell you the same. :) If you're doing everything right, and you KNOW you are...then don't fret. Your body's just doing whatever it's doing right now, but as long as you keep doing what YOU're doing...it WILL get better. :) (((HUGS))))

    Thank you that was lovely :)
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Don't give up! Measuring weight in a moment of time is just a guideline - not a full definition.

    Reasons you may have "gained" :
    " got in a stress looking in the mirror "
    Believe it or not, your body can translate >>any stress<< into "save that fat". So, while you were feeling a bit down about the bloat and had that physical discomfort, and then a bit depressed about weight -- your body may well have been holding on to a few extra bits. No matter where the stress comes from (physical, mental, emotional) your body will do what it can to bring you comfort. Unfortunately that means it will "store fat". And as my nutritionist explained, it can also tell you to "eat" because it is easier to solve 'hunger' than it is to solve other pressing problems.

    So take heart -- It is probably not a problem at all, and in a day or two, another couple will drop and you will be back on your way :)

    Great job, by the way! Aint it great to see a change in shape? I have started finding my old legs again too, and it was like a new inspiration. My journey is still long, but it is so fun to watch the transformation, it is helping me to focus less on the scale.

    I know, I think i'm just freaking out tonight, had a bad day. It's just hard going from a high and feeling awesome and seeing my goal to geting smacked in the face by my body! haha I've calmed down a bit now, thank you for your message.

    It is great seeing change! Keep up the good work :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    There aren't failures, there is just learning which things are working and which things aren't. Give it another day or two and if the scale still hasn't gone down make some adjustments. Do you measure? If you haven't yet, you should! It's hard to remain objective when things are going so slow and the tape measure will give you a better idea of how things are going than the scale alone.

    If you're doing a bunch of exercise and not eating back the calories you may want to add a few back in. The lighter you are the slower you should lose the weight so your body doesn't freak out and start hanging on to the calories. Hang in there! There will be lots of fine tuning as you travel this journey!
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Mine will go up 2-3 day before and stay up for a few days after. Also if I don't get enough sleep my weight will be up the next few days. Hang in there!
  • citymom
    citymom Posts: 1
    It could also have a lot to do with water retention and/or your spin classes. I was on a big weight loss kick by changing my eating, I had a steady weight loss. Then I started doing a boot camp style of exercise and I was at a plateau for 4 to 5 weeks. It turns out I was muscle building. Muscle weighs more than fat. But once my body got used to that I dropped the weight and was able to maintain a lower weight consistently.

    Keep at it. Don’t lose motivation and soon you’ll see what you expect!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Use the mirror and not the scale to judge progress. We all have our fat days, sometimes fat weeks. Keep moving on and remember...baby steps.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    She told me something that I had NO clue about. When you work out vigurously and strenuously and put a ton of pressure on your muscles, breaking them down, the muscle groups actually secrete a type of "toxin," into your blood stream. This causes your muscles to SWELL BIG TIME, making you retain water so that the muscles can heal themselves.

    I have been wondering why it is I seem to lose weight after my day off from the gym rather than the day after the gym! I knew your muscles break down and then repair themselves, but I never thought about them swelling! This totally explains the variations! Thanks!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I'm sending "HUGS" your way. I know short-term stressers can throw your mind and body out of kilter - just hang in there -we're all here for you and as corny as it sounds, "The sun'll come out tomorrow!" One little tiny step back after so many big strong steps forward can't throw you off your chosen path - YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Don't worry, this happens to ALL of us, and as long as you keep doing what you are doing, the loss will eventually show. I know when I was doing Weight Watchers, at times I would have the most awesome week and no slips, then I'd go to weigh in and I'd be up. It made no sense! the body is a mystery in many ways, but if you don't give up the loss WILL show. It hasn't even been that long, it can take up to 2 weeks for it to show. So don't give up!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Thanks everyone for your kind words and advise, I'm going to go to bed and wake up tomorrow and I may weigh myself in the morning depending on how im feeling, or i might wait till sunday or monday.

    I love this website so much, it's like having a bunch of friends always ready to comfort you, thank you so much chicks x
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Don't sweat it and just keep sweating off the calories. It could still be retained water, constipation or any number of other minor setbacks. Hell it could even be cake. However just keep moving forward and you'll balance out.

    If it is retained water may I suggest avoiding salt and red meat during that TOM?

    I am a vegetarian, and take a look at my diary, I am a very low salt eater x

    I just looked at your diary sorry wasn't aware of that.
    However I also looked at your photo's you really shouldn't be that worried about a couple of pounds, you look fantastic.
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