Need QUICK healthy meals, what's your fav?



  • :love:
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    my favorite is an omlette. couple eggs, half an avocado, a slice of cheese and/or a laughing cow wedge of cheese, maybe some other veggies if i have them around, and salsa. takes me less than 10 minutes.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I don't have any easy fast healthy meal, but what I do is on Sunday, when I come home with my groceries, I prep all my meals, boil my eggs, cut all my veggies and prep my fruits (wash and individual portion / cut all my pineapple)...that way it's fast and easy to grab something healthy and it's even easyer to just put something in the microwave for your dinner... Good luck

    I too find it easier to do a lot at one time and then use it all week. Those big bags of frozen chicken tenderloins are great - can be cooked quickly, even frozen, or set out in a marinade to thaw during the day and cooked even more quickly in the evening. I cook the whole bag and then get creative - just chicken in teriaki or some other marinde the first night, chop some up with some celery, grapes, nuts, an apple and some light mayo for salad the second night, chopped up on a tortilla with some salsa another night. I also keep containers of chopped onions, green peppers, celery, carrots, and lettuce in the frige at all times so I can make a quick salad at any time or throw chopped onions and peppers in whatever I'm cooking. If I'm going to chop or cook, why not do enough for 3 or so days at one time?
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Throw some Tilapia in a pan with a tsp of olive oil and some salt free seasoning, cook for about 3 minutes per side and eat with a salad. I also cook a huge pot of brown rice on Sunday and just eat 1/2 cup reheated with my dinners usually, having it done makes my meals take about 8 minutes from fridge to plate :o)
    Gonna try this ^^^

    Also, one I do if you have meat already thawed. Tear up chicken breast or lean strip steak & throw it in a skillet with whatever veggies are on hand (broccoli, peppers, squash, onion, etc.). Add a little terriyaki sauce + pepper to taste. I can do it in under 15 minutes & quite healthy.

    This is very close to every one of my meals. A ton of meat (any kind) in a skillet with a ton of veggies and eat it. Just don't eat anything that comes in a box.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    My 5 Ingredient 15 Minute Cookbook from Cooking Light has been a life-saver countless times! It provides a grocery list, nutritional info, complete meal ideas (sides and veggies to go with the main course), and hardly any of the meals take longer than 20 minutes from the time you start cooking to the time you set it on the table.

    Sounds awesome! I just bought this on for 5$ including shipping.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I use the slow cooker a lot to make meals in advance. You can freeze them, then just take them out as you need them. Fish is also one of my faaaaaavorites. I avoid the TV dinners unless I am just feeling rotten from fibro and need to eat but don't have the umph to actually cook, or I'm too spacy, mostly because of the sodium, but I keep some in my freezer for those days anyway.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    some super ideas here.. going to buy me some tubs when my student bursary comes through and then start doing all my veg and rice and stuff on the same day.. would really cut the time i spend in the kitchen in half!

    my fave meal at the moment is onions, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes all chopped up and fried/softened before being mixed together with 75gs cooked couscous.. I love it! takes maybe 15mins to cook depending on how much you want the pepper to cook and if you can do the two at the same time (soften the veg and put the couscous in a bowl with water - i still cant!)
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I cook several dishes on Sunday then mix and match during the week for lunch and dinner. All of my meals take less than 30 minutes start to finish most of the time. Ground meats cut down on cooking time one of my favorites is ground chicken with veggies (celery, zucchini, and onion) seasoned with taco seasoning and Mrs. Dash chili lime. I portion out all the dishes I make into plastic bowls for reheating and hit the easy button each day when I get home just microwave and I'm ready to eat in less than 5 minutes. Takes me about 2 hours or less to prep and cook 3-4 dishes and they are already in portions and measured so easy to put in my food diary too after I add the recipe to my recipes.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    my fave meal at the moment is onions, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes all chopped up and fried/softened before being mixed together with 75gs cooked couscous.. I love it! takes maybe 15mins to cook depending on how much you want the pepper to cook and if you can do the two at the same time (soften the veg and put the couscous in a bowl with water - i still cant!)

    Sounds good and easy.
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