Alcohol...what NOT to drink ✌️



  • hoodi90
    hoodi90 Posts: 105
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Whatever you enjoy that fits within your calorie limits, in moderation.

    For me that is usually a glass or two of wine every night although we are having pizza tonight so I will probably have a beer.
  • CamoGirl1985
    CamoGirl1985 Posts: 41 Member
    Be VERY wary of Tonic Water.... it may taste like it doesn't have a lot of calories, but it does! I think it is 100 calories per 8 oz or something. Stick with club soda, it is calorie free! I like to do Tanqueray Rangpur Gin with soda water and a squeeze of lime. So refreshing! Cheers!!
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    The dangers are in the mixed drinks. Jumbo Texas Margaritas can be between 800-1200 calories. Everyone here has great advice though! Yes to the wine! Even if you drink a whole bottle, it'll still be less than most margaritas (and we definitely all have those times where a whole bottle is needed).
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Be VERY wary of Tonic Water.... it may taste like it doesn't have a lot of calories, but it does! I think it is 100 calories per 8 oz or something. Stick with club soda, it is calorie free! I like to do Tanqueray Rangpur Gin with soda water and a squeeze of lime. So refreshing! Cheers!!

    Oh are so right about tonic water, which I had suggested. Im such a G&T freak though, that I cant imagine it without tonic LoL! (My choice is Bombay Sapphire) Have never tried it with soda water, will have to give it a go just to see. Or just ditch all that and have a martini o:)

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    ryanhorn wrote: »
    The dangers are in the mixed drinks. Jumbo Texas Margaritas can be between 800-1200 calories. Everyone here has great advice though! Yes to the wine! Even if you drink a whole bottle, it'll still be less than most margaritas (and we definitely all have those times where a whole bottle is needed).

    I let loose on my biz trip a couple weeks ago and had 2 standard sized margaritas... 1000 cals. I couldve died!! Oh well though. It was good and it didnt halt my progress. But definitely not something Ill be doing too often or too soon again!!!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Check out

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Check out


    LoL interesting... but it rates alcohols based on how many calories from alcohol..the lower the alcohol, the lower the rating, regardless of calories or taste. For someone who just wants to get wasted, this works.

    For someone that just wants to savour an adult beverage with friends but looking for a low calorie option...not so helpful! lol
  • Hi There! I totally feel your pain... socializing and drinking are an aspect of my business (yes, actually) and I'm constantly struggling to find a balance. I'll go several days being super healthy and then have an event, only to wake up and get on the scale to find that I'm right back where I started. It's one of the biggest reasons why I yo-yo so much. I'd love to motivate each other and exchange tips on how to manage a diet with a social life!

    Here are some of the things that have helped me a lot (when I use moderation, of course):

    I'm a HUGE wine drinker and could normally put back 3-4 glasses in one single evening out. (like basically a whole bottle! I know, so bad). I didn't realize until recently just how many calories were in that much wine but I loved it too much to give up completely. Plus, wine compared to almost all other alcoholic beverages is so not as bad for you. In fact, having a glass of wine or two every now and then is supposed to be good for you, and good for your heart. You can sip and savor it slowly over the course of hours without getting too sloppy since the alcohol content is much less than in regular drinks. My trick has become to mix my wine (yeah seriously) with soda and a bit of ice. If I'm drinking a light red (I normally have Pinot Noir or Shiraz), I'd add a little lime or orange slice and it's almost like sangria without the sugar. This trick really works best with white wine and is similarly like white sangria. Unfortunately with dark reds it's not really possible and just too weird tasting. I'm sure true wine enthusiasts would find this sacrilegious but hey, I need to be healthy AND have my cocktails. I had a bartender pour this for me once and he gave me a weird look, but ask me if I care (No). Apparently this is a very European (or maybe German?) thing to do, which I didn't know - my friend from Berlin taught me this trick on her last visit to the US. It's very light and refreshing and feels like summer. I've grown to love it and I can drink the same amount as I normally do but consume half the calories. If you're not an avid wine drinker already, the trick is to find a type that you love. Go to a local place that offers tastings and try different regions and bodies. I always say I never fell in love with wine until I fell in love with pinot noir. (Just stay away from sugary dessert wines like Riesling, Moscato, or Port - hello hangover). I've even heard of a US company now bottling and selling wine with half soda as sort of a "diet" wine - and I'll definitely be trying it at some point.
    As far as cocktails, I've completely eliminated anything but plain old Vodka, Soda and Lime. I used to love Apple Martinis and Margaritas but WOW how fat they made me. I never drink them anymore, except for the very occasional "skinny" margarita. I first switched to Vodka Tonic with lime, but soon realized tonic actually has way more calories than necessary. I replaced with Soda but I didn't like the taste as much at first so I compensated with a little extra lime or a (tiny) splash of fruit juice. You can try flavored vodkas too but again, careful about the sugar. Plain vodka really is best - I think of it like Sprite. Grey Goose is my favorite, very smooth. Don't go cheap on your Vodka, either, it won't taste as good and you can't sip it as slowly cause you're choking it down. Belvedere, Ciroc, or Grey Goose really the best way to go. I don't drink cocktails very often but when I do, VSL is all I'll have. (You can also substitute Gin if you prefer).

    Hope this was helpful and I'd love to hear more about your own tips and tricks!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Oooh, soooo weird and yet I am soo intrigued by the idea of a wine spritzer!! Okay, Im going to have to try that. I dont like sweet wines, I drink very dry reds. I have my moments with Shiraz though, I can see that working...Im sure this would go over especially well with a rosé.

    Im not at all a vodka drinker..mostly because it has no taste! Lol Ive heard of VSL, but couldnt wrap my brain around it...or figure out, why not just drink soda with lime since you cant taste the vodka anyway? Which is what I do a lot. BUT never occurred to me to do that with gin! I *love* gin, and a gin soda with lime, okay that goes with what Camogirl just talked about so its settled..Im going to have to try that too.
  • salgal65
    salgal65 Posts: 2 Member
    I make flavoured green teas and chill them and add a nice shot of vodka when required :wink:
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    • There are no diet alcoholic drinks.
    • Have what you like.
    • If people gotta slam it down to be social, let them
    • Cheat. Ask the bartender for diet soda and float a spoonful of liquor on top. Smells and looks like a drink to other people.

    The calories in hard liquor is based on the alcoholic content.

    A 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof is 97 calories, same alcohol calorie content as a bottle of Budweiser.

    Beer is not that much worse. Budweiser is a good example: 5% alcohol,10.6 g carbohydrates, 145 calories per 12 oz. Carbs are 5 calories per gram, so 53 calories from carbs and 92 from alcohol. (

    Throw in sugar for a liqueur and a shot rises to 165 cal, same as that beer.

    Feelin' like the Big Lebowski? A White Russian is
    1 shot vodka (97)
    1/2 shot kaluha (83)
    1/2 shot light cream (87)
    267 calories

    A 10 oz sugar soda mixer (Canada Dry ginger ale) is 110 calories
    With a shot of whiskey and you are around 200 cal. For one drink.

    I manage to fit one homebrew per day into my calorie goal. Life is good.

  • karinagw
    karinagw Posts: 25
    Guinness Draft is 125/12 oz bottle. And I can make that last way longer than a hard liquor drink. I do, have to splurge with champagne once a favorite wine.