Monthly Grocery Budget



  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    For my family of 2 (myself and my 18 yo daughter) I budget $200/mth. Thats strictly for grocery items. I have a staple of breakfast foods I always get (oatmeal, grits, eggs...additionally kiddo sometimes likes to have poptarts and cereal since she needs something fast for school days when she leaves the house at 6am)

    I cook a servings size of 4 for dinner, and that covers leftovers for lunch the next day..which kiddo generally packs to take to school. We're not big snackers..usually just some fruit and veggies on hand for that. Generally speaking, fresh fruits and veggies are the bulk of my grocery bill...and I often only spend about $150. We eat out once a week, sometimes once every other eat out budget is about $100 plus whatever surplus from my grocery budget added to that, so in total, I spend about $250-300/ mth on food.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Probably about $400 for the two of us though but it's hard to figure since our spending for groceries includes paper and cleaning goods, kitty food and litter, etc. I've been semi-joking lately that we need to eat more grain and bean-based meals both for health and to have enough money to support the vet needs of 3 elderly cats, the youngest of which is 16.
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    It must be cheaper in the us than in Australia. For two of us it's around 150 a week, and I don't buy convenience foods in jars or packets etc. we eat a lot of fish and chicken but when I buy read meat it is always the best like eye fillet steak which is around $40 a kilo but we only eat a small amount.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I grow a lot of our food so what we spend varies by season. Right now is the highest because the root cellar is almost empty, so most fresh vegetables must be purchased. It was also a lousy hunting season this year and we only got one deer so we've bought more meat than usual. I think we are spending about $500 a month for 2. If you remove alcohol from that, about $400. :#

    In the summer/fall when veggies and fruit from the garden are plentiful, we spend about half that.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    In Chicago here....I feed 5 people (2 adults, 3 kids (7,5,4)) on $500 a month. That includes all health and beauty items, and all paper products. It does not account for our animals or the baby's items like diapers and formula.

    I'm in the Chicago area too and that used to be our food costs for 4 people. But my little ones grew up and are now 2 teenage boys and oh my..... We are in the $800-$1000 month category for food, toiletries, etc. No soda, alcohol, or pets, and I shop Aldis and sales. The amount of food my boys go through here is astonishing.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    For 2, around 500.00 plus extra trips for fresh milk, eggs and things we run out of...

  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    for me and my gf i feel like I spend like 500 a month
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    $300.00. We eat a lot of steak, veggies, and I am always buying random spices. That is for two people.
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    about $400 AUD sounds right for the two of us.
  • goblue8426
    goblue8426 Posts: 41 Member
    about $500/month for two adults. i cook quite a bit, we make food for all breakfasts and 4/5 weekly lunches, and we are meat-eaters. it's often cheaper in warmer months when i can get more at the farmers market.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I bet it's 500 a month for my daughter and I. Maybe a bit more.
  • FemaleWarriorxo
    FemaleWarriorxo Posts: 222 Member
    For myself its 140$. Since Im training for tennis it went up to 250$
  • RedPanda85
    RedPanda85 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd guess around $400 for just myself.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Every time I try and cut the food budget I end up eating out more. I've decided home cooking deserves the best. It is still cheaper than eating out. And leftover nights are free.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    less than $200/month for one person. I haven't been buying meat b/c I was gifted a lot of hunted venison. I don't have access to fresh fish, and don't like buying frozen. I buy whatever produce is on sale, some organic. I buy lots of store brands. Lots of yogurt, but not greek because it's nearly twice the price. Since getting my portion sizes in order, I've found my food budget either: 1)stretches farther or 2) has some room for specialty ingredients to make yummier recipes! (weakness for imported cheeses and olives)
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Every time I try and cut the food budget I end up eating out more. I've decided home cooking deserves the best. It is still cheaper than eating out. And leftover nights are free.

    Totally agree!
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    100 EUR for myself, dog food, toiletries etc. not included. Just goceries. My Ramen lunches of 30 cents save a lot of money (yeees, I know they are the shittiest food you can eat, but it's cheap and so damn tasty :blush: )
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    $70-90/week, depending (so $280-360 I guess), 1 person. Not counting eating out (which I do maybe 2-3 times a week, no more than $12-15/plate). I eat a lot of meat and dairy.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I spend $150 / week for a family of 5.
  • cocobear29
    For me alone, I spend about 120$ a month, which equals every single meal being cooked from scratch at home. Mostly organic, totally vegan food.