Fast easy meal?

MarvelousMrs Posts: 197 Member
We've been having frozen Digornio pizza pretty much every Friday at my house for a long time. It's the perfect quick no-brainer dinner! Trouble is, I'm having a hard time getting it to fit into my calorie goals. Maybe once a month it would be ok, but not every week!

Anyone have any quick & easy dinner ideas for when I'm in a rush? Something lower calorie than pizza?


  • superstarkezza
    how many people are you cooking for? could you make double portions of something you make earlier in the week and freeze? Or I will often make a batch of marinara sauce on weekend then freeze that in ziplocs in i can make a quick grilled chicken or whip up some meatballs (in 20 minutes) ..makes cooking that dish super you have a spiralizer? pasta sauce, zucchini spiral 'noodles' and meatballs is super quick and easy if you have the sauce premade!
  • vilagege
    vilagege Posts: 1 Member
    I like to use a Pillsbury pizza crust and then dress it how I like. Just use some canned pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella, and pepperoni. If you make it yourself you can control how much cheese and pepperoni are on your portion. (I use 2 ounces of cheese on my half and 14 pepperoni slices.)
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Nothing beats planning ahead and cooking extra, as others have said.

    But if you are really stuck, try London Broil. Really. 3 minutes per side in a hot pan, 7 to 10 minutes in a 375F oven. Rest for 10 minutes before slicing and it will remain juicy. Slice as thin as you can. Spiff it up with some ground pepper before frying. While it is in the oven nuke a bag of frozen veggies, any mix you like.

    From the fridge, the whole meal will be on the table before your pizza arrives.

    And it is a cheap cut that will provide leftovers for sandwiches or stir-fry the next day.
  • MarvelousMrs
    MarvelousMrs Posts: 197 Member
    These are all great ideas! I never thought about making a double meal and then reheating it for those time - crunch nights!
  • grinwen
    grinwen Posts: 1 Member
    I have made pizza for the family and for me make a pizza out of tortillas. Spread sauce and toppings on a tortilla and bake. It is crispy thin crust at its best and I never feel like I am missing out on what they are having. Delish!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    There is a pizza thread under "Recipes" lots of good ideas there.

    Chicken in the slo cooker?,chili ditto,Bean soup....any soup.Sandwiches with chips & salad on the side.Have pizza for them & a low calorie frozen dinner with a whole lot of salad & any veggie you like. An omelet with veggies & mushrooms with a bit of melted cheese....yum
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    You can cook a cup of rice with 2 c. water, a chopped onion, a can of black beans and a second can of black beans, mashed, 2 of those tiny cans of mile green chiles and some salt on simmer, covered, for about 20-25 minutes and eat it either as beans and rice or as filling in a whole wheat burrito wrap with some chopped lettuce and store-bought guacamole.