Anyone out there whose in in their 40s...



  • MarvinGardunio
    MarvinGardunio Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am 48 and sorta new here. I have lost almost 30 lbs, heading to 70. I log everything good or bad. I have great days and not so great days. I use the diary for self encouragement. I like to see what I am eating and how healthy it is. I have had to learn what to eat all over. Trying real hard here and every day is a challenge as my job keeps me in a motel out of town a lot. Add me as a friend and will do my best to encourage you also.
  • shopgirl0423
    Hi, Add me please! I'm 47 and have lost a little bit of weight but needing to get more accountable with loggin my food every day. Need some motivation from others!
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 44 in two days and just getting back at it since 1/1. Log every day and open diary. Happy to be on the journey with you all. Everyone feel free to add me!
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I turned 40 last month and have lost around 20lbs so far with another 20 to go, I log on everyday and have committed to logging everything I put in my mouth, good, bad and wine! I'm going to start the couch to 5k in a couple of weeks so anyone with experience of that would be really helpful!