Seeking friends to help me get and STAY motivated

i am a 39 yr old woman who has 2 young kids... 5 and 7 and works as a part time teacher. I have been dieting most of my life and want to make this the last time I lose this weight. Looking for some friends to keep me accountable and motivated on my journey.


  • pamelambrock
    You can do this.
    Being a mom myself we have to make our time too.
    Keep calories to 1200 a day and exercise or walk 6days a week. Its helping me.
  • lysskay1
    lysskay1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 26 with 6 & 1 yr old boys. I am a server & also go to school. I'm not big but want to be fit again and eat healthier. (& pass that habit on to my kids) also need motivation! :) plus I'm never home so any on the go, can't microwave food suggestions would be great. Fast food gets tempting sometimes or eating where I work (which has healthy items,but I don't want to spend the extra monies 5-6 days a week on it...)
  • saritadevalle
    I'm 42 and just getting started with my diet journey. It feels good to do something for me. You can do it! ( ;
  • erincricket
    erincricket Posts: 26 Member
    I added you as a friend. 1200 calories is not enough unless you don't move all day. Read the stickies at the top of the forums, they are helpful. I read them to keep me motivated. Remember CICO- calories in calories out--its a good mantra to repeat. I'm all sympathy with how difficult this is, but losing weight is for the best!
  • kezzle76
    kezzle76 Posts: 1
    I'm 38, two kids aged 16 & 7. Work full-time for a website.
    Started MFP almost 2 weeks ago, and just starting to notice where I seem to go wrong alot of the time with weightloss.
    Never used to eat anything during the day just surviving on caffeine, then after evening meals at home the dreaded munching would start!
    Have now started having breakfast and lunch throughout the day, however still feeling like I need to be snacking at night. I know its just a habit I need to get rid of.
    Really need the support to do this. 6lb down so far but still a long way to go.