"this is getting outta hand"

fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hiya everyone

Ok so ive been doing this now since january 2011 and ive only manged to lose 17lbs!!!! aaaarrrggghhhh!!!! a little annoyed coz

i've practically gained 6/7lbs in the last two weeks!!

Im getting so frustrated as I find that when I do lose weight it only takes literally two days then Im atleast up 2/3lbs, I then find im

either skipping meals in order for me not to weigh too much the next day!!! or I jut overeat because the scales are making me


Ok so you might say im a little obsessed,I literally weigh myself everyday which I somehow cant control and I think this is

where im going wrong coz the scales on a everyday basis seems to determines what I eat!!!..lol yeah I know ludicrous..lol

not only that Every month a drastic change occurs T.O.M!!! aaaarggghhh I always gain atleast 5lbs then spend the following

week trying to lose it which I must say is sooooooo depressing!!!! and my crvings for sweet thing increases tenfold!!!

OK so Ive given up on trying to combat water retention during T.O.M coz thats just biology..lol but I'd like it if anyone has any tips

on how to prevent myself from weighing everyday... please help me!!! coz i think this is probably where im going wrong!!!!

Im a bridesmaid in 14 weeks and really wanna lose atleast two stones!!! Im currently 14 stones 6lbs, and although the dress

is being made my boobs(sorry!!!!!) look huge in the dress. Dont get me wrong I love being top heavied but being a cup size

down would make me feel less self-conscious at the wedding!! It probably doesnt help that the other bridesmaids are shorter

and slimmer than me!!! im gonna look like a hippo....lol

Need to just be focused!!!!! and I feel that if I combat the scales and the weighing everyday thing, it would be a start!!!

Thanks everyone!!!



  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    OK - you can do this but you're looking at this the wrong way.

    Try this (it worked for me):

    Breakfast: 2/3 weetabix and skimmed milk and a banana
    Mid-morning: piece of fruit
    Lunch: light salad (150 - 200 cals) and fruit
    Mid-afternoon: energy bar
    Dinner: 500 - 600 cals plus a weightwatcher's dessert if you're starving

    No booze - 6 pints of water a day.

    Do that Mon - Thurs and make sure you exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes each of those days.

    Friday through Sunday up your calories by about 300 - 500 per day (with at least 45 mins of exercise on Saturday).

    I allow myself one cheat meal a week - usually something like a roast dinner and a piece of cheesecake for dessert. Yum! I've never put on weight as a result and often lose more in the following couple of days.

    I stuck to this religiously - no cheating at all - and lost 14lbs in 2 weeks. I'm now down 42lbs and it's only got hard in the last month or so.

    If you weigh yourself every day you will drive yourself crazy - try two or three times a week just to make sure you're heading in the right direction.

    As for the time of the month - I put on between 3 - 5lbs and it takes a week or so to lose it again but I just put it to one side.

    Good luck!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156

    Number 1: Your body will NOT lose weight when you keep changing the game plan every day. Your body doesn't know when you are going to starve it - so its learned to hold onto all the fat it can - and not the good fat, but the bad fat that weighs a more and makes you feel yucky.

    Number 2: This journey is NOT about a number. This journey is about you being healthier and happier LONG TERM. Stop making this a numbers game. Put the scale away. Take it out 2xs a week - Sunday morning and Wednesday morning (or whatever MORNINGS you choose after potty, before shower & breakfast) and check your progress. ONLY record one day's weigh-in online.

    Number 3: This journey is LONG TERM. So. Lose the weight reasonably. It doesn't look like you're morbidly obese (from your profile pic) so you SHOULDN'T be losing massive amounts of weight each week. Shoot for 10lbs over a month-5 weeks. Don't stress about not losing 2lbs THIS WEEK - look at the bigger picture.

    Number 4: When your body gets thinner, it will make it harder to lose even 2lbs a week - because you are closer to health. I know this sounds backwards, but its the way it is. Your body gets closer to it 'right' weight and it slows down the losing process so it can adjust and stay healthy.

    Number 5: Always eat as healthy as you can - but try not to cut out foods entirely and DON'T SKIP MEALS.

    I have a 1400 cal goal each day. My breakfast is an omelet - protein keeps me going through the morning, and OJ. Lunch is some deli meat & a slice of cheese, a fruit and a veggie (water or ice tea to drink). Dinner is 4-6 oz of meat (chicken, salmon or steak), a sweet or mashed red potatoes, salad or steamed veggie (lemonade or 2% milk to drink). I use real butter to grease the pan for the omelet and use a little real butter on the potatoes each day. I'm ALWAYS under my calorie goal by 200 or so calories even after all this food.

    I work out regularly and sometimes treat myself to a bowl of ice cream or chocolate strawberries - if and only IF I've worked out 60+ minutes for the day & I'm 500+ calories left before the dessert. Even with dessert I never go over my calorie limit. Most days I have 200-500 extra.

    I lost 17lbs in my first 6 weeks.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I weigh myself every day - I am ok with it. I think it's helping me better see the effects of what I did the day before.

    Like after I eat pizza, everytime the next day I am up 1 or 2 lbs from the sodium / water retention.

    Perhaps you need to plan a little better and have some very easy to grab, know exactly how many calories type foods so you don't skip any meals - skipping might end up with your body going all haywire and deciding to hold onto as much fat as it can.

    Hang in there! Aim to be consistent for a few weeks and see how it goes. It's hard - but planning helps.
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks hun!!!

    will try it somethings gotta give!!!...lol its driving me nuts!!!

    I dont know how I can stick to such a small lunch though,dont know how you mange it!!! Im starving at lunch but I'll give it a shot

    im sure my body will just eventually get used to it!!!

    A couple of years a go I did the cambridge for two weeks and that was just liquids so im sure I can do this if I out my mind to it!!!

    thanks again hun!!!
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    All your advice is really useful, I think I aim for unrealistic losses and i kinda let myself down by eating a load of crap!!! yes I know

    its bad but some days I cant help it but I know i gotta keep positive,consistent and try hard to resist temptation!!

    I am pretty lucky most of my fat is on my bust and booty and my waist size ain't bad, but I know that for health reasons its

    important that i get my body in shape on the inside rather than focus on the outside so much.

    I think i have to just stick to my calories atleast for the first couple of weeks and get myself into a routine but CHOCOLATE

    unfortunately wont allow me too...lol DAAAAM that chocolate!!!

    Gonna really focus next week, gonna do a healthy shop try my best and check in with you guys jus to let you know im hanging

    on in there, cant say i'll religiously stick by the healthy foods but for atleast 6/7 days of the week!!

    Cheers!!!! xxx

    P.s as for the scales gonna weigh monday, lock it in my cupboard and bring them out mid week...lol I think...........
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