Women who lift!!



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I think there are a lot of women on MFP who lift.
  • erikatunneyho
    erikatunneyho Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 44 and never worked out until January 16th 2015. Since the my arms aren't as flabby I went from 158 - 140 lbs and my jeans waist size went from 32/34 to 28/29. I used this app put in my goal weight and log my food ALL OF IT EVERY DAY and it tells me how much I can eat without exercise BUT I added o lifting and mini WODS so I'm sure that is why I've had dramatic results in 60 days. I. All about changing my body to be STRONG not thinner. I lift only without nachines. Squats? Burpees, Kettle Bells planks.....you got this girl and we Raise up.around here ♡♡♡♡♡
  • erikatunneyho
    erikatunneyho Posts: 14 Member
    I am one of the few, the proud, the women that lift!!! Haha

    Me too :)
  • erikatunneyho
    erikatunneyho Posts: 14 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    I'm probably older than all of you but I've been working with a trainer for 18 months now. At first it was to get over a back injury and lose some weight. Since September though I've been with a new trainer and I'm lifting kind of a lot of weight for me I think.

    I love planks on rings, Russian twists & farmers walks too
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    edited March 2015
    I lift! We go 2-3x/wk, but this week we actually got in 4x! We focus on bench, squat, OHP, row, and deadlift; but do other accessory lifts as well. I got sick a few weeks ago and it really took its toll on my lifts. Trying to get them all back up again. My deadlift is probably where I struggle, it hurts my back to go heavier or more sets. Last year, I had a 1rm at 175, but only lift 135 3x5 now.
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All, Ive been lifting for quite a few years but recently got serious due to an injury that happened almost 3 years ago. I got a cortisone injection called kenalog in my hips the doc did it wrong. He hit a nerve didnt get it in the muscle deep enough, got in the blood stream, atrophied my gluteal muscle as well as hamstrings,could barely walk for about a year. Anyway finally took a turn for the better about 6 months ago. my deads are 135,squats 130,press 70 etc these are my working weights my one rep max are better ") just so happy to be back in the game! I"ll be 55 here in a few months. My goal is to continue to get stronger, build my muscles back up and lose some belly fat ha! the latter is what I seem to be having a hard time with. right now i'm at calorie deficit while holding my own with strength so hopefully the fat will be coming off soon while maintaining the muscle I have. It's very cool to be a part of a group full of strong women!
  • I'm in!

    Background: 50 years old, 6'1", lost 120 pounds through diet and exercise (hiking hills daily) over 15 months in 2011/2012 to get to190. Broke my right foot last winter which sidelined me for six months, and put about 20 pounds back on, so started with a strength trainer 2x/wk in July '14, in addition to hiking.

    Started with body weight and baby kettlebells. Now doing the 5-3-1 program with deadlifts (215), bench (115), squats (100, just started) and shoulder press (75, just started).

    I didn't worry about my weight while we started, but now that I have a strength base I want to get back to 190 while maintaining/growing my strength. My eventual goal is 300 deadlift; 175 bench.

    I love lifting heavy things, and I'm happy to weigh whatever, as long as it's muscle!
  • Emnelltt
    Emnelltt Posts: 14
    edited March 2015
    Back before kids (mine are 3.5 and almost 2) my husband and I lifted with an LA Fitness trainer. We both lost 30lbs easy with calorie counts and 2x/week. Now I am doing Crossfit and love it. Did a WOD (workout of the day) with 50 deadlifts of 85# about two weeks back. I have a bad back (degenerative disk disease) but I have never felt stronger and more able to move my body without fear of muscle spasms. I love the community feel and after I did my first unbroken 50 burpees I proudly slapped that Crossfit bumper sticker on my car! I love being stronger!
  • Because I want to build muscle, I'm thinking of focusing on body fat percentage (BFP) more than weight; in fact, I'm getting measured in a BodPod on Monday morning to figure out actual BFP and metabolic rate so I can set the right goals.

    Has anyone used a BodPod before? And what BFP are you aiming for?
  • apple173
    apple173 Posts: 140 Member
    I love lifting. Love it!
  • I lost 60 lbs last year and just changed to a lifting program at the end of last year. Seeing some good definition in my upper body, still working on losing the flab around my belly, hip and thigh area. I feel stronger than I ever have at almost 45 years old. I love lifting! Had to take a 2 week hiatus due to a weird infection. But I am back and look forward to continued gains!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I do Wendler's 5/3/1. I'm not done cutting so my lifts are starting to stall out a bit. Hopefully I can get these last 5 pounds off so I can at least lift in maintenance and possibly bulk in September!
  • I love this thread!! I am working toward being a beast!! I live too far to go to a gym, so I do home workouts... I don't have a weight bench but I am just doing workouts with dumbells now. And I lift a fare share of hay bales in the summer! I have always been a small person, so I actually surprise people with how much weight I can currently lift. However, I have goals to gain a lot more muscle!