Newish here and have some questions.

Hey there!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am 5'2 127 pounds. I would like to be back to 110 because on my frame that's what looks best. My stomach/hips and thighs are thick right now and I am very self conscious especially with my husband touching my stomach. I also just need to eat better (was eating tons of fast food & honestly don't know a whole lot about good nutrition) and work out in general so this app. is perfect for me.

Now my questions....

My fitness pal currently allows me 1200 calories a day. I set it that I want to lose 2 pounds a week and I have it set on "lightly active" work wise. I've noticed that on days that I do not exercise, I get fairly close to my calorie goal (but rarely go over). When I DO work out I work out for 50 mins on the elliptical or go hiking or walking/jogging and try to burn 500 calories each workout. (Tracking the calories/heartrate with my polarf4) On those days...I have so many extra calories (like 900) and Myfitnesspal keeps getting on to me and telling me I need to eat more. I would think having extra calories remaining would be a good thing? I take an anti depressant that has really lowered my appetite. So with all that being said I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to lose weight if I'm not eating enough or consuming the amount of calories myfitnesspal wants me to? It won't even give me my "if every day were like'd weigh..." thing when I have so many left over calories.

Should I force myself to eat extra healthy snacks and maybe smoothies low in sugar...
Any tips, healthy snack ideas, really anything would be appreciated!

Thank you!


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member

    My fitness pal currently allows me 1200 calories a day. I set it that I want to lose 2 pounds a week

    The wall of text made me stop reading here. Don't set it to 2lbs per week. Enthusiasm makes people do that but they just get disgruntled because they are hungry and what not, over eat, don't log, and yell about how they are't losing. Set it to 1lb per week and re-evaluate after a month or so.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »

    My fitness pal currently allows me 1200 calories a day. I set it that I want to lose 2 pounds a week

    The wall of text made me stop reading here. Don't set it to 2lbs per week. Enthusiasm makes people do that but they just get disgruntled because they are hungry and what not, over eat, don't log, and yell about how they are't losing. Set it to 1lb per week and re-evaluate after a month or so.


    Also MFP sets ALL females to 1200 if they choose 2lb/week. Clearly demonstrative of MFP being a flawed system.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    edited March 2015
    With only 7 pounds to lose aiming to lose 2 pounds a week is too much. I still have 19-20 pounds to go and I've dropped myself to lose 1 pound per week. I'd say go with .5 pound per week.

    Using that calc, putting you at 1-3 hours a week of light exercise and a 10% calorie reduction you could eat 1684 per day and still lose.

    Your BMR is 1360, and that's the caloric level you don't want to eat below.

    Also feel free to do some reading of awesome posts with solid advice...
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    What do you mean wall of text? The rest of my post is important. Here's the rest:
    and I have it set on "lightly active" work wise. I've noticed that on days that I do not exercise, I get fairly close to my calorie goal (but rarely go over). When I DO work out I work out for 50 mins on the elliptical or go hiking or walking/jogging and try to burn 500 calories each workout. (Tracking the calories/heartrate with my polarf4) On those days...I have so many extra calories (like 900) and Myfitnesspal keeps getting on to me and telling me I need to eat more. I would think having extra calories remaining would be a good thing? I take an anti depressant that has really lowered my appetite. So with all that being said I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to lose weight if I'm not eating enough or consuming the amount of calories myfitnesspal wants me to? It won't even give me my "if every day were like'd weigh..." thing when I have so many left over calories.

    Should I force myself to eat extra healthy snacks and maybe smoothies low in sugar...
    Any tips, healthy snack ideas, really anything would be appreciated!

    Thank you!
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    What do you mean wall of text?

    I saw the rest but it was a wall of text.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    What do you mean wall of text?

    I saw the rest but it was a wall of text.

    Yup. TL;DR. Sorry, but it's almost 11pm. either add more paragraphs or make this into a bulletpoint.

    I work in retail part-time. Trust me, we don't need your life story in order to help you out, despite what people seeking help seem to think :/
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    With only 7 pounds to lose aiming to lose 2 pounds a week is too much. I still have 19-20 pounds to go and I've dropped myself to lose 1 pound per week. I'd say go with .5 pound per week.

    I have 17 pounds to lose not 7. I'm really confused because I feel like no one is answering my questions about food intake vs lots of remaining calories.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    What do you mean wall of text?

    I saw the rest but it was a wall of text.

    Wow, Now I know why I never wrote in here before. You guys are extremely rude.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited March 2015

    I have 17 pounds to lose not 7. I'm really confused because I feel like no one is answering my questions about food intake vs lots of remaining calories.

    Can you shorten your question then? Like, what is your primary question?

    17lbs = 1lb/week or 0.5lb/week goal because losing 17lbs in about 2 months is probably not feasible at your weight.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    What do you mean wall of text?

    I saw the rest but it was a wall of text.

    Wow, Now I know why I never wrote in here before. You guys are extremely rude.

    Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. And I am only one person not "you guys". There are many helpful people here - including me I hope - I just call it like I see it. Some people are much more tactful than me. I seriously hope you keep posting here and just ignore me if you don't like me. Like I said there are a lot of helpful people here.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »

    I have 17 pounds to lose not 7. I'm really confused because I feel like no one is answering my questions about food intake vs lots of remaining calories.

    Can you shorten your question then? Like, what is your primary question?

    17lbs = 1lb/week or 0.5lb/week goal because losing 17lbs in about 2 months is probably not feasible at your weight.

    - On the days I workout I have so many extra calories (like 900) and Myfitnesspal keeps getting on to me and telling me I need to eat more. I would think having extra calories remaining would be a good thing? I take an anti depressant that has really lowered my appetite. So with all that being said I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to lose weight if I'm not eating enough or consuming the amount of calories myfitnesspal wants me to?

    -Should I force myself to eat extra healthy snacks and maybe smoothies low in sugar...
    Any tips, healthy snack ideas, really anything would be appreciated!

    I don't see how I could spell it out any clearer. These are my questions/concerns if you will.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Yeah I totally didn't read it all either. Short attention span on my part. Also, when you see someone so close to their goal setting their loss to 2 pounds per week you pretty much stop reading. That's not an appropriate setting for the amount you want/need to lose, end of story.

    And damn, I read that as 7 pounds but *did* enter the info on Scoobys Workshop correctly. Though your ticker does say a 5 pound loss is your end goal.

    I think I need to go to bed now. I has the derp.

  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    What do you mean wall of text?

    I saw the rest but it was a wall of text.

    Wow, Now I know why I never wrote in here before. You guys are extremely rude.

    Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. And I am only one person not "you guys". There are many helpful people here - including me I hope - I just call it like I see it. Some people are much more tactful than me. I seriously hope you keep posting here and just ignore me if you don't like me. Like I said there are a lot of helpful people here.

    I was referring to both you and ana3067. Obviously I know you aren't two people. I am extremely new to this, extremely depressed -which is why I started working out in the first place to hopefully help that and also help me have a healthier lifestyle and this is my first post ever in here so I am sorry if I don't write or say the exact things you want me to.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »

    I have 17 pounds to lose not 7. I'm really confused because I feel like no one is answering my questions about food intake vs lots of remaining calories.

    Can you shorten your question then? Like, what is your primary question?

    17lbs = 1lb/week or 0.5lb/week goal because losing 17lbs in about 2 months is probably not feasible at your weight.

    - On the days I workout I have so many extra calories (like 900) and Myfitnesspal keeps getting on to me and telling me I need to eat more. I would think having extra calories remaining would be a good thing? I take an anti depressant that has really lowered my appetite. So with all that being said I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to lose weight if I'm not eating enough or consuming the amount of calories myfitnesspal wants me to?

    -Should I force myself to eat extra healthy snacks and maybe smoothies low in sugar...
    Any tips, healthy snack ideas, really anything would be appreciated!

    I don't see how I could spell it out any clearer. These are my questions/concerns if you will.

    MFP uses net method. Meaning that whatever your calorie goal is set at, that is how much you should eat every day to lose weight. If you do added exercise on top of that, you need to log it and eat at least half of those calories back.

    You should eat to your calorie goal. "Healthy" and sugar have no bearing in weight loss. Eat food within your calories. I've lost over 30lbs eating jelly beans, chocolate, pizza, etc.

    So... eat whatever food you enjoy and that oyu plan to eat once you are in maintenance.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Enter your data into MFP and consume to the goal. If you exorcise then eat back some (half'ish) of these calories. Don't eat below 1200 calories.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    Yeah I totally didn't read it all either. Short attention span on my part. Also, when you see someone so close to their goal setting their loss to 2 pounds per week you pretty much stop reading. That's not an appropriate setting for the amount you want/need to lose, end of story.

    And damn, I read that as 7 pounds but *did* enter the info on Scoobys Workshop correctly. Though your ticker does say a 5 pound loss is your end goal.

    I think I need to go to bed now. I has the derp.


    I don't even know what a ticker is.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Also adding, the Scooby Workshop number *include* exercise, so no eating back calories (which is what MFP has you do).
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Yeah I totally didn't read it all either. Short attention span on my part. Also, when you see someone so close to their goal setting their loss to 2 pounds per week you pretty much stop reading. That's not an appropriate setting for the amount you want/need to lose, end of story.

    And damn, I read that as 7 pounds but *did* enter the info on Scoobys Workshop correctly. Though your ticker does say a 5 pound loss is your end goal.

    I think I need to go to bed now. I has the derp.


    I don't even know what a ticker is.

  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2015
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Yeah I totally didn't read it all either. Short attention span on my part. Also, when you see someone so close to their goal setting their loss to 2 pounds per week you pretty much stop reading. That's not an appropriate setting for the amount you want/need to lose, end of story.

    And damn, I read that as 7 pounds but *did* enter the info on Scoobys Workshop correctly. Though your ticker does say a 5 pound loss is your end goal.

    I think I need to go to bed now. I has the derp.


    I don't even know what a ticker is.


    Found the ticker after prizepopple mentioned it. Had no clue what it was or that it showed up. Jesus.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
