


  • libbyadams2010
    libbyadams2010 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone I hope I can just use this as my motivation to keep losing....
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    That is horrible, what a jerk! You keep your head up high, like you said you'll get healthier and happier , while he will still be stuck miserable with an ugly personality. Congrats on your 22 lbs that's awesome! ! ! Keep it and stay strong :) Hugz
  • DaveNix
    DaveNix Posts: 78 Member
    I'm usually pretty mild mannered.

    That said, when someone decides to go down that road, I choose to interpret it as open season on ALL of their personal shortcomings.

    You should've seen the face on the "living at home with mommy, not getting any, stupid, insecure, broke-*kitten*, little hobbit f*c#", when I labelled him much in the same way he'd chosen to stick me with the label of "chubby".

    He's been a bit more cordial in class of late.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    yes! totally agree :)
  • DaveNix
    DaveNix Posts: 78 Member
    Dudes suck, screw him. I love it when a guy is hitting on me I'm "voluptuous and curvy" but when I turn him down flat all of a sudden I'm a FAT *****! HILARIOUS to me. Small peepees fo sho.

    At that point, does peepee size really matter? :laugh:

    Joke em' if they can't take a f*c#.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    That's happened to me before. I find solace in the fact that he undoubtedly has a tiny, tiny penis. :grumble:

    Bah hahahaha....Thanks a lot...I just snorted water all over my keyboard!!
  • Ekeras
    Ekeras Posts: 22
    Don't let his narrow-mindedness hinder your progress. You know you're beautiful and you know you're awesome for taking control of your body.. that's all the validation you need. The jerk probably has never committed to anything or worked as hard in his life as you have, be proud of yourself for that!

    Stupid people make stupid comments, it's just the way it is.. I'm sorry you had to go through that. We've all been there. Just keep your head up and keep doing what you're doing! 22 lbs is a MAJOR accomplishment. Be proud of it. :)
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    I was in Lane Bryant one time and this group of people were coming in as I was leaving. One of them said very loudly, "Oh this is Fat Peoples Clothes"....I walked by and said loudly....Wow, Thanks Jerk! The other people with them were very embarrassed and told that persom they were rude. In the past I would never have spoken up. Not today, I have come way to far for that!!! Don't let it get you down that people are Ignorant! You are beautiful!!!
  • haileyco
    haileyco Posts: 68
  • haileyco
    haileyco Posts: 68
    the HAHAHAHA was in response to the tiny tiny penis comment....not at you.....i thought i added the penis comment. oops. that sucks, I am sorry
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I can relate I have always struggled with my weight and always struggled to loose it, I had a pair of old scales and treated my self to a new set of digital scales when I got home the LCD screen was faulty on the way back I met my sister and her partner she enquired where I was going, I told her the story of the faulty scales and said that I was returning them she asked how much I had lost so far and I said 5lbs (at that time, I was still quite proud of my achievement) her partner said "phew yeah those scales are definatley faulty I'd return them too!" and laughed. If I am honest my feelings were quite hurt as anyone knows with a weight problem it is a sensitive issue. My husband realising my feelings were hurt and that a simple comment had probably made me ready to run for a family size bag of malteasers said you know what honey you have done amazing don't let anyone judge you just you prove him wrong!
    At 25lbs lost currently I have had a lot of comments about having lost some of my weight as at 5ft it does show when you are over weight but my proudest moment had to be when the same man crossed the street to say "Jeez missus you havn't half lost the weight!
    So I thanked him for helping me keep my focus to loose weight and that someday I hope to feel as confident in my own skin as he so obviously does to which he got very embarassed and apologised. Do this for yourself, use comment's to your advantage and remember above all else who is the better person in these situations.
  • libbyadams2010
    libbyadams2010 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all. Today I started back on my journey to lose 20 more pounds and this is all just motivation I need to follow thru with it.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Sorry to hear, but you know what? You are better and stronger for having your attitude about continuing your weight loss. Good luck!
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    The other day, Julie (my housemate who is also on here) and I were in the supermarket when a not at all skinny, middle-aged, balding man with glasses walked past us - the only people in that section at the time - and muttered, "Ugh, disgusting; like fat f*****g animals."

    I just stood there at first gobsmacked, but then decided to give him a taste of his own, ignorant medicine. It's not big and it's not clever, but we quietly followed him around the shop making equally malicious comments just loud enough for him to hear. I hope the nasty little wimp got the message about making stupid, cowardly comments like that.

    He was hardly an Adonis himself!
  • GoChica
    GoChica Posts: 14 Member
    Libby, yes you can girl! Use this as your motivation "fire" to continue to lose weight. Keep the positive attitude, as this will be your best friend in your attaining your goal.

    Keep up the good work!
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    21 August 2013 I decided was the last day anybody negative comments (wrong focus) will ever bug me not ever again, not for all eternity. So here is my take, on this person words, turn it around look at it like an echo, something you said to yourself and its just like an echo ( you know the ones, one does surrounded by mountains) , now we all are going to stop any negative self talk as well, peace with what is & focus only on the great parts of myself & increase that even if i only see a mustard seed now even that can grow huge, so says Yshua. Today all negative self can go f* itself. I am done with it. 25 August 2013. The last day I ever use the word "stupid" on myself for allowing this to happen. (NB: sometimes we use fat to protect ourself emotionally therefore "emotional eating") , fat cell protect the body from taking in too much toxins. I say LOL, lets have fun/joy/laughter & get rid of these toxins forever. The last laugh is on us :) They can just have this round, we can get rid of the fat, they will still have their personalty right.
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