Hello guys!! Newish to this and have some questions.

Hey there!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am 5'2 127 pounds. I would like to be back to 110 because on my frame that's what looks best. My stomach/hips and thighs are thick right now and I am very self conscious especially with my husband touching my stomach. I also just need to eat better (was eating tons of fast food & honestly don't know a whole lot about good nutrition) and work out in general so this app. is perfect for me.

Now my questions....

My fitness pal currently allows me 1200 calories a day. I set it that I want to lose 2 pounds a week and I have it set on "lightly active" work wise. I've noticed that on days that I do not exercise, I get fairly close to my calorie goal (but rarely go over). When I DO work out I work out for 50 mins on the elliptical or go hiking or walking/jogging and try to burn 500 calories each workout. (Tracking the calories/heartrate with my polarf4) On those days...I have so many extra calories (like 900) and Myfitnesspal keeps getting on to me and telling me I need to eat more. I would think having extra calories remaining would be a good thing? I take an anti depressant that has really lowered my appetite. So with all that being said I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to lose weight if I'm not eating enough or consuming the amount of calories myfitnesspal wants me to? It won't even give me my "if every day were like today...you'd weigh..." thing when I have so many left over calories.

Should I force myself to eat extra healthy snacks and maybe smoothies low in sugar...
Any tips, healthy snack ideas, really anything would be appreciated!

Thank you!


  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi Kristin welcome first of all.

    This is what I feel like telling you: first point is that MFP sets 1200 cals as the minimum amount of calories any human female should be eating. If you are below that, you are not nourishing yourself enough according to MFP. The second point is that you basically need to lose 17 pounds. If you set your loss at 2 pounds per week you're basically going to be done in 2 months, which is pretty fast right? If I were you I would set the loss at slightly less than 2 pounds per week so that you can eat all your 1200 calories and still lose weight on a regular basis. After all you're not one of these people that have to lose 50+pounds. That's the real pain trust me.

    However, if you want to stick to your plan no matter what, then I suggest you cover some of those calories during the workouts day. If you cover, say, 300 out of those 900 calories you will be perfectly fine and still be losing. If you were on a 2500 calories diet I wouldnt tell you to eat the workout calories but on less than 1200 calories during workouts days you're gonna put your body under remarkable stress, considering that you will lose not only fat but also muscle. I suggest you to lift weight and do some cardio so you will be toned up once those 17 pounds will be gone and definitely eat add those 300 calories during workouts with high protein foods. If you're not into chicken breast, eggs or this kind of foods you can then use some snack. I use the Quest Bars for example.

    Hope this will be helpful and Im sure you will hear advice from other people that have been here longer than me ;) Good Luck.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Kristin welcome first of all.

    This is what I feel like telling you: first point is that MFP sets 1200 cals as the minimum amount of calories any human female should be eating. If you are below that, you are not nourishing yourself enough according to MFP. The second point is that you basically need to lose 17 pounds. If you set your loss at 2 pounds per week you're basically going to be done in 2 months, which is pretty fast right? If I were you I would set the loss at slightly less than 2 pounds per week so that you can eat all your 1200 calories and still lose weight on a regular basis. After all you're not one of these people that have to lose 50+pounds. That's the real pain trust me.

    However, if you want to stick to your plan no matter what, then I suggest you cover some of those calories during the workouts day. If you cover, say, 300 out of those 900 calories you will be perfectly fine and still be losing. If you were on a 2500 calories diet I wouldnt tell you to eat the workout calories but on less than 1200 calories during workouts days you're gonna put your body under remarkable stress, considering that you will lose not only fat but also muscle. I suggest you to lift weight and do some cardio so you will be toned up once those 17 pounds will be gone and definitely eat add those 300 calories during workouts with high protein foods. If you're not into chicken breast, eggs or this kind of foods you can then use some snack. I use the Quest Bars for example.

    Hope this will be helpful and Im sure you will hear advice from other people that have been here longer than me ;) Good Luck.

    Thank you so much! You're post was extremely helpful and thorough. I posted this same post in a different category on accident and people are being extremely rude. Thanks for taking the time to answer me and help me! :) Have a great night!!!
  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    I inboxed you lol...I see you were having some issues in the other post :))
  • erikarezende555
    Hi, Kristin! My suggestion would be to supplement your diet with a protein shake after you exercise. I find the best tasting is the "Syntha6" brand. I got both the chocolate and the vanilla which I drink with Almond milk unsweetened and frozen fruits ( usually strawberries or pineapple). This way you will might reach the 1200 mark. It is also important to consume calories because otherwise your body will start "burning" your muscles as it thinks you must be starving on a survival situation.
    I hope this helps. Good luck.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, Kristin! My suggestion would be to supplement your diet with a protein shake after you exercise. I find the best tasting is the "Syntha6" brand. I got both the chocolate and the vanilla which I drink with Almond milk unsweetened and frozen fruits ( usually strawberries or pineapple). This way you will might reach the 1200 mark. It is also important to consume calories because otherwise your body will start "burning" your muscles as it thinks you must be starving on a survival situation.
    I hope this helps. Good luck.

    Thank you SO much! That really helps me! I will check that out tomorrow! :)
  • fat4now27
    My suggestion would be to try the military diet. It's a 3 day diet and you can look it up on YouTube. I personally did not try it but I'm planning on it but hey its okay.. because we're all fatfornow...
  • lwatson0
    lwatson0 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Kristin, both Gianni and Erika have given you good advice (and pretty much already said what I was gonna say). As Gianni says, don't go too far below your maintenance level, you'll only be stressing your entire system, losing vital muscle as well as fat and messing up your metabolism: which in the longer term will hinder weight loss and keeping the weight off.

    Ignore the idiots who'be been rude on other threads! You ever want advice or to chat about it, feel free to add me.
  • gypsydogmama
    gypsydogmama Posts: 24 Member
    lwatson0 wrote: »
    Hi Kristin, both Gianni and Erika have given you good advice (and pretty much already said what I was gonna say). As Gianni says, don't go too far below your maintenance level, you'll only be stressing your entire system, losing vital muscle as well as fat and messing up your metabolism: which in the longer term will hinder weight loss and keeping the weight off.

    Ignore the idiots who'be been rude on other threads! You ever want advice or to chat about it, feel free to add me.

    Thank you so much! :) That makes a lot of sense. And I will definitely try to ignore the idiots. I was just shocked because it was my first time ever posting in here and they were telling me I wrote too much and that I gave my life story and no one cares to read that....and that they stopped reading half way through my post. Why even respond to my post if they didn't want to read it? They want my life story? Ha! It would be like 30 pages long. It sucks when people have no idea what you've been through but feel the need to sit behind a computer screen and talk all big because they aren't face to face. But anyways- rant over- thank you so much for your great information and I added you on here. :) Have a great Sunday!