Always Eating Over Calorie Limit



  • mathial
    mathial Posts: 4 Member
    There's been some good advice posted above. Personally, it helps me to only eat meals and to cut out snacks completely (or for the most part). I know that snacks are good for you, but I find that I lose control, and it's easier to maintain my calories better when I eat only well rounded meals instead. If I keep snacks in the pantry, I'll be tempted to eat them when I'm bored, but cooking a meal takes much more effort. Also, sometimes it simply takes a few weeks of failure to get into the habit of eating a certain amount. I've been on and off the wagon several times, and it always takes a little while to get past that bump and back into the habit of things. Once you get there, smoother sailing.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Wow! Thank you all SO much for your suggestions!!

    I really never thought about it, but it's true: I have definitely not been commuted to sticking with it. And I'm definitely going to try to apply some of your awesome suggestions (like eating salad with meals, having junk food as a treat not as my main meal, making sure my food is nutritionally healthy, etc.)

    I also am going to look at my mental motivations and stuff and work on those areas too.

    Thank you SO much again :) there are so many areas (that probably should be obvious) that I didn't even think about!

    And if you have any more ideas/suggestions/comments feel free. I'll take any help I can get haha

    Find out who runs your campus food service, chances are it's Sodexo or Aramark or one of the big companies, several of them have stuff in the database, which may help your logging.

    DEFINITELY hit your dining hall salad bar. I actually ate mostly salad bar back in my horse-and-buggy college days, the entrees were all so sad looking, and I more appreciated the nice array of veg that was all laid out and prepped and washed for me!

    My dining hall also had a microwave, and I often would fill a bowl with mushrooms and/or broccoli and melt cheese over it. Now, cheese is calorie-dense, so use a light hand, but I ate it as my main dish for lunch lots of days.

    Drink water and unsweetened tea and coffee only.

    If you are really wanting dessert, choose one that is either mosly fruit, or a SMALL dish of ice cream. Get it when you get your meal, and commit to yourself that you have places to go, things to do, no time to get up and get more food!

    Oh, and walk everywhere. I was amazed at all the people who would drive across campus. (The best were the people who would drive half a mile to the fieldhouse so they could use the treadmills)
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    If you are serious about losing weight--really serious--then you need to sit down and talk to the dietician who plans the meals for the college. That person will work with you, explaining which meals are coming up, explaining how to know how much is in a portion, explaining what to do if you need something different from what is on the menu, etc. They will cooperate with you. Then you can talk to the person who is the head of the kitchen. They will also cooperate with you. They will even cook things for you that aren't on the menu if you need something different for dietary reasons.

    If you are If you are serious about losing weight--really serious--then you need to stop eating things like ice cream cake and brownies for your meals. You are pretty much living on snack food. The college isn't responsible for that. Every college provides healthy meal choices. The problem is that you aren't choosing the healthy meal choices.

    Every college has salads, cooked vegetables, fresh fruit and yogurt available, in addition to meats. Make the right choices. Skip the junk food and have real meals. You don't need to have dessert with every single meal. Fill up on healthy things so you won't need to fill up on crap.

    If you want to have junk food for a snack, limit it to once a day. And choose wisely. Have a cookie or a scoop of ice cream instead of 600 calories worth of ice cream cake.

    The main thing is that you need to stop blaming your circumstances and start realizing that it's up to you. And that you can do it. Then, do it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You are eating a lot of processed foods. Try more protein and fats like avocados, nuts, nut butters, as they keep you sated longer.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited March 2015
    My daughter is in college, and I make a point of sending her food that I know she likes, but that aren't too "junky" (almonds, mini bags of microwave popcorn, the Kashi granola bars that she likes to have for breakfast). It's easier for her to limit the real crap that's close at hand, if she has better choices right there in her room. Maybe you can ask your family for such a care package to help you out.

    She will try to get into town when she can (she doesn't have a car on campus) to get granny smith apples and some cheese sticks.

    As for her meals, she eats at Subway a lot (seems that many schools have a Subway right on campus where you can use your "food dollars"). She limits the cheese and sticks to protein and veggies as much as possible. It's not ideal, but she's doing the best she can with what's available.

    Of course, there's a restaurant near campus that delivers and serves ONLY junk food. That's who she calls when she wants her deep fried Oreos. ;) But at 4'10", she knows that treats like that has to be few and far between.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I see a lot of cant. I dont think you are ready yet because I get the impression you either dont understand what it involves or wont commit. You need to get your mind in the right place and then o through how you are going to tackle each aspect of your diet and food plan so you can be in deficit. Besides logging, you will need to pay more attention to portion control. As people are pointing ot there are many changes you cna make which when added up and applied consistently will help you get to a more effective method of creating a deficit.

    You have to decide if you are willing to do what it takes and commit.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I didn't have to go far back in your diary---too many treats, not enough fruits and vegetables. I don't know if you know what a "well ballanced" meal is? Everyday you should be eating alot of veggies, some fruit, protein, some carbs and a treat if it fits in your day. And be very careful of sauces and condiments since they have alot of hidden calories. That's what your "macros" at the bottom of your diary are for--to track these things. If you distribute your calories correctly among your macros, it's easier to hit your calorie goal, and you will be healthier. I agree that if you can contact your school dietician (any food service must have someone that figures out their menus) they can help get you on track. It's hard to lose weight if you don't distribute correctly. Otherwise it's a shot in the dark. I wish you well, and really hope you will do this, or at least read up on it, since it's important information for the rest of your life. Best. :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you're eating a lot of foods that are very calorie rich.

    I'm a huge proponent of eating out, eating junk foods, etc but it HAS to be in moderation. I eat out a lot, but i eat HALF my meal, and save the rest of it for my next meal, or the next day. I don't eat out every meal, or have desert every day. The majority of the meals i make at home (Which I'll say is about half of what i eat) are pretty balanced in nutrition and reasonable in calories. I also work out pretty much every day to give myself a little more wiggle room.

    You and ONLY YOU can control what goes in your mouth. If you live off excessive calories, junk food and take out, then the scale will keep going up.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Surely there are healthier options in your uni canteen? I lived on campus for my first year of university (in England) and I mainly ate salad, or a jacket potato with tuna or similar. I don't remember there being a huge choice though, and definitely not loads of desserts. At breakfast I usually got a yogurt and some fruit (when I could be bothered to get up in time lol). I finished university a LOT thinner.

    Could you get some salad, and something like chicken and veggies, then yogurt and fruit for dessert if you're still hungry?
  • RainbowKitty37
    RainbowKitty37 Posts: 14 Member
    I have days like that and it is normally when I am carb'ing out (meaning that is the majority of my calories). I will have to go back and make sure I get enough protein or I will be extra hungry. Fiber also helps, but if you aren't used to it then make sure you increase your water intake along with it.