Hiking for weight loss. Help, tips, tricks please.

I'm looking into hiking for losing weight too. But I have ZERO clue where to start. Even less idea than bicycling. I'm in Southern Utah, so we have an idea what kind of terrain I'm looking at.

What materials do I need? Any tips or tricks?


  • Boganella
    Boganella Posts: 42 Member
    You talking long distance hiking or just a few hours out of the city on a trail?
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    If ur just starting just get good hiking shoes and a water bottle and get out there! Doesn't have to be complicated. Maybe wear a hat. As u progress u can look into higher end additional geae
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    'Gear' sorry
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Boganella wrote: »
    You talking long distance hiking or just a few hours out of the city on a trail?

    What is the difference between the two? Wouldn't I go a long distance being out a few hours anyway? o.O
    See learning already
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    What do you mean by "materials"? Hiking is just walking with sturdier shoes.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    What do you mean by "materials"? Hiking is just walking with sturdier shoes.
    uh, no. Maybe if you're mall hiking.

    OP - depends on what you plan to do, if you're doing long distance stuff there will be a list of 13 essentials, and then a larger list of optional/ nice to have stuff.
  • 1motorpsycho
    1motorpsycho Posts: 13 Member
    If you have a pedometer, it will help you track your progress regardless of the trail. About 2,000 steps per mile.
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    I plan on at least taking an hour out to hike, some of it may involve light rock climbing, the kind of rock climbing that doesn't require safety equipment. But I don't know if it'd be considered long distance or not. I need someone to break the two down for me.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Doesn't really matter but I wouldn't consider less than 5 miles long distance. Even 10 mikes isn't really long. Some people do week long hiking trips. U don't need gear then besides shoes
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Doesn't really matter but I wouldn't consider less than 5 miles long distance. Even 10 mikes isn't really long. Some people do week long hiking trips. U don't need gear then besides shoes

    I have some sketchers slip-resistant work shoes. Very sturdy, but not technically for outdoors. Would those be okay?
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited March 2015
    I recommend extra soles like Superfeet or memory foam soles and some hiking trousers that are light but windstopper/waterproof. For longer trips a food thermos and a sitting pad. Enjoy :)

    Edit: Re the weight loss part. Umm...exercise is more for health and an investment in a better functioning metabolism. Plus forest bathing is good for the soul. I've done a lot of hilly, brisk walks lately and it has strengthened my hamstrings, glutes and tendons around bad knee. I suggest you do it at your pace and just enjoy doing something that is good for you :)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Good shoes, backpack with snacks and water. All you do is like, walk. Hiking is fun if you're in a good area, and Utah seems pretty cool to me. Where I live there is nothing cool to see so hiking is pretty lame :(
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    If you are just starting out in the hiking world... You should start with day hikes. Get a decent pair of hiking boots or walking shoes. That really depends on the terrain. Pack a lunch and leave it in the car or carry it in a small backpack or fanny pack. Bring a bottle of water. I like to track my distance and change in elevation so I use a GPS. You can probably use your phone for that. Oh yes. If you find a good place to hike you might want to bring a camera for those scenic views. Don't wander too far off the beaten path. It can be dangerous depending on where you are hiking.
  • cantumelia
    cantumelia Posts: 59 Member
    edited March 2015
    I´ve been a long time trekker here in Southern Spain. I guess Utah is a very hot and sunny place indeed so my tips may be useful for you too.

    You´ll need:

    - A pair of good shoes with rubber soles and a good grip of the ground. (Trekking boots or trail running shoes).
    - A backpack
    - A water bottle
    - Sandwiches, apples, nuts, snacks...
    - Sun screen (skin cream and lip balm)
    - UV filtering sun glasses
    - Light clothes in light colors: cotton or technic t-shirt, lycra leggings, etc.
    - A good pair of socks: bad socks with thick seams may give you blisters.
    - A good hat/cap in light colors
    - Your cell phone ALWAYS charged: reccomended a good replacement battery


    - Poles. People don´t really mind for a pair of good poles, but believe me, you´ll be able to support yourself in difficult terrains and what´s more, you´ll work out your arms and back you´ll be able to walk a lot more distance without getting tired therefore burning much more calories than walking without poles (like with nordic walking). Just mind you use them correctly. There are good tutorials around in Youtube. And poles are always useful for chasing away furious critters (dogs, pigs, boars, bulls, rats, snakes...) I recently bought a good pair at Lidl for 17€

    Tutorial on hiking poles

    - A flashlight just in case it gets dark.
    - Swiss army knife
    - Mosquitoes lotion
    - Band aid, painkillers
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Doesn't really matter but I wouldn't consider less than 5 miles long distance. Even 10 mikes isn't really long. Some people do week long hiking trips. U don't need gear then besides shoes

    I have some sketchers slip-resistant work shoes. Very sturdy, but not technically for outdoors. Would those be okay?

    this would depend on if the path your taking is paved. for any rougher surface i would recommend either hiking shoes or boots. i have an awesome pair of lightweight hiking shoes that are great for not too strenuous terrain. if your really serious i would go to a sports store and talk to an associate about the kind of walking your planning on doing and they will guide you.
  • Boganella
    Boganella Posts: 42 Member
    Boganella wrote: »
    You talking long distance hiking or just a few hours out of the city on a trail?

    What is the difference between the two? Wouldn't I go a long distance being out a few hours anyway? o.O
    See learning already

    Long distance hiking for me is 20 miles or more. And that comes with a whole list of things you need.

    For a few hours I'd really only recommend good shoes, water, sun screen, sun glasses, and your phone. Maybe a hat but idk hats arent my thing.

    And make sure you take out everything you bring in. I have personally walked many miles with bags of dog poop because its not only the law but the right thing to do.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    I plan on at least taking an hour out to hike, some of it may involve light rock climbing, the kind of rock climbing that doesn't require safety equipment. But I don't know if it'd be considered long distance or not. I need someone to break the two down for me.

    No, an hour is not long distance. It's really no different than a walk - all you need is appropriate footwear, dress for the weather and, if you like, a water bottle.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited March 2015
    cantumelia wrote: »
    I´ve been a long time trekker here in Southern Spain. I guess Utah is a very hot and sunny place indeed so my tips may be useful for you too.

    You´ll need:

    - A pair of good shoes with rubber soles and a good grip of the ground. (Trekking boots or trail running shoes).
    - A backpack
    - A water bottle
    - Sandwiches, apples, nuts, snacks...
    - Sun screen (skin cream and lip balm)
    - UV filtering sun glasses
    - Light clothes in light colors: cotton or technic t-shirt, lycra leggings, etc.
    - A good pair of socks: bad socks with thick seams may give you blisters.
    - A good hat/cap in light colors
    - Your cell phone ALWAYS charged: reccomended a good replacement battery


    - Poles. People don´t really mind for a pair of good poles, but believe me, you´ll be able to support yourself in difficult terrains and what´s more, you´ll work out your arms and back you´ll be able to walk a lot more distance without getting tired therefore burning much more calories than walking without poles (like with nordic walking). Just mind you use them correctly. There are good tutorials around in Youtube. And poles are always useful for chasing away furious critters (dogs, pigs, boars, bulls, rats, snakes...) I recently bought a good pair at Lidl for 17€

    Tutorial on hiking poles

    - A flashlight just in case it gets dark.
    - Swiss army knife
    - Mosquitoes lotion
    - Band aid, painkillers

    Being that it is utah, I'd strongly suggest keeping a compass, fire maker, and some insulating layers plus a light shell in the backpack.

    I've been out in that territory and it's gone from 80F to snowy in the span of 3 miles.

    OP mentioned scrambling. I'd add:
    - Small first aid kit, with splinting material
    - helmet

    Also, skechers aren't good shoes. I'd get some good shoes. Something with an appropriate sole.

    Also agreed, for the average person, one hour isn't a big deal, isn't long distance, and won't have them really off the road.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    You need a good comfortable pair of hiking shoes. Good tread is a huge plus if you will be hiking in mountinous/hilly areas. If you will be taking long hikes, I also recommend a camel back backpack that hold water. I love mine. No more stopping to dig water bottles out of the backpack, and lugging empties around. A GPSr is also a good idea. Mark your parking spot or starting point so you can always get back, should you become lost.

    Also, I suggest checking out geocaching. It's a fun way to find cool locations.
  • hallberghiker
    All good suggestions. For footwear, just use what you find comfortable. Make sure to take a map and compass and understand how to use them. Don't rely on electronics because they can break and run out of battery. If you go alone, be sure to tell someone where u are going and when u will be back. Most of all, have a great time !