Zumba, Shred or both??

I am wanting to ramp up my exercise -- I've been thinking about doing Zumba (at home) or Jiliian Michael's 30-day Shred. I currently walk 3-4 times a week, and occasionally do "dance aerobics" in my living room (1/week or so). I get out of school for the summer in two weeks (YAY!! Even teachers need the break!!) and want to really work hard this summer, lose some inches and pounds, and get into a daily workout routine. I need to be able to work out at home for a variety of reasons. Maybe eventually I can move up to a gym.

Anybody with experience with one or both -- please give me details and/or suggestions!! THANKS!


  • teachparents
    teachparents Posts: 225 Member
    i do the shred one day, run the next to change it up.. so my 30 day shred is more like a 60 day shred.. but my "love handles" are disappearing.... losing inches, not pounds but i feel great!!

    good luck with whatever you choose!
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    I have been doing Zumba since January (love it). But just recently started the 30 Shred for the days I don't have Zumba. I am enjoying both!!!
  • connieholiday
    Hello....I have been doing the Zumba on my Wii at home. I am loving it! It is super hard at first, until you learn the steps, but you get to sweating fast, and it really does seem to get the old heart pumpin. Plus it is getting easier by the day. I as well am not much of a dancer, so it may be easier for you. Good luck!!!! Connie
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've done Zumba once, it was a ton of fun. I haven't tried Shred.

    My best suggestion is to go to the library and check out DVDs of both. See which you like. Actually, I rarely buy any videos, just go to the library, because they're free, and I can change my routine regularly (very important for keeping the metabolism up, plus I get bored easily). We also have netflix, and I like to browse their fitness videos (they have a TON), and try the instant watch ones. I've also ordered a couple of DVDs from netflix, but I don't like having that tie up my queue most of the time.
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    I do BOTH... Zumba at my Community Center... I have the DVDs but they are terrible and aren't *anything* like the class. The Shred is awesome and will kick your butt.
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    I absolutely love Zumba. I've done it at home on the Wii and in a class at my gym. It is fun at home but I really recommend doing it in a class setting. There is just so much more energy dancing with a group of people rather than by yourself at home. However, it may be a good idea to start it at home so you can learn some of the moves.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I LOVE my new Zumba set! I can't do 30 Day Shred because of all the jumping jacks and other high impact stuff she makes you do and says there are no modifications for. I only got my Zumba dvds on Tuesday and I've only done Activate and Mix, but Mix is AWESOME! It was a great workout and you do dances from all over the world. I also do the class at the Y. Super fun.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I do both - try to slip in Zumba class once a week (Wed/Sat) and the shred is my go-to morning workout or quick workout during the weekday. I also run intervals or walk. Always great to change up or intensify your workout!
  • MrsRono75
    MrsRono75 Posts: 14
    I havent tried Shed, but am a fan of Zumba. I like that no matter if you are new or have been taking it awhile, it gives you a great sweat. Gets the heart pumping and feet moving. Plus, I have gotten the "exercise glow" afterwards. I really enjoy it!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I'm not doing Jillian Michaels, but Chalene Extreme. I have continued doing my Zumba with this.
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Sounds like I can do both -- maybe start by doing the every-other-day thing, then move up to doing the Shred everyday and adding Zumba 4-5 times/week after I build up my endurance levels. Thanks for your input!!