Hi....1st day on Fitness Pal!

easomgirl Posts: 12 Member
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself

I have had this app before but that was about 3 years ago and I don't think I ever really used it.

I have a big appetite and eat a lot of high fat food (takeaways, chocolates, drink wine) and have been eating soooooo much rubbish over the last few weeks, more than usual, despite having a month of Diet Chef meals at home (think comfort eating!).
I feel gross so today I've decided to start watching what I eat and entering it all into here! Would like to be in contact with other people starting or really early in their journey for some mutual support!



  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member

    It's easy for what we eat to get out of hand. Whether you need to lose weight or not, it's always a good idea to be aware of what you're putting into your body. Read labels, making sure the things you eat hold some nutritional value, etc.

    Tracking what you eat can be complicated and seem bothersome at first, but you get used to it over time and it becomes a natural habit. Just learning the proper portion sizes (weighing your food on a food scale is the most accurate) can help a great deal. Anyway, hope you like using the app, it's done wonders for me.
  • Size06Soon
    Size06Soon Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. I'm new to using the forums. I've been using this app inconsistently for few months. In the past month my weight has been increasing instead of decreasing. I would like to help others and receive help in this weightloss journey.
  • m7mdth
    m7mdth Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome ...

    I hope you reach your goal
  • Hi, starting again 3rd time round today..... tried logging on/off for the last couple of months and not really getting anywhere, other than adding a few pounds. Comfort eating due to stress and too much alcohol..... so here goes.
    Would like to be able to find a few friends for support :smile:
  • longwings
    longwings Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    I too have not been using this application. Starting today I'm going to use this to bring me back on track also. Summertime is around the corner, and bathing suit season will be here before you know it. As long as we keep each other encourage, it will help to make journey better
  • davidbur
    davidbur Posts: 11 Member
    I've used Fitness Pal mainly to maintain my weight after losing 50 pounds several years ago. When used right, accompanied by serious commitment to proper eating and exercise, weight loss and maintenance will occur.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    :p Hi! I'm not new but "new again". This is what got 40 lbs off for me. I got lazy and stopped tracking and slowly but surely some of it came back on... but it works, believe me! Feel free to friend me :smile:
    Consistency and patience and not just throwing in the towel and ordering 3 pizzas when you get off the rails is the key
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! I am not new to MFP but I thought I could offer some support as a bit of a veteran of the weight loss battle. I have been working hard at this since 8/2014. I found myself at 450 and miserable. I have lost 131 lbs with 119 to go. Anyone can feel free to add me for additional support.
  • easomgirl
    easomgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! I have added you hug put my name as Rose instead of easomgirl
  • I've lost weight before counting calories. I'm hoping that I can commit to using this so I can be where I want to be.
  • Lancerchick86
    Lancerchick86 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! So I'm not new to the site but I have been inconsistent and not sure if I'm doing it right. This is the first time I am using the forum so bare with me. Lol I have let myself go weight wise and I am at my heaviest. I love my wine and great food which has been a huge contributor to how I am now. I have a gym member ship but haven't gone in over a year. It's sad. Ever feel like you're so down that you feel why bother? That's the stage in at now but I want to change it. I have a step daughter that I want to be able to keep up to. My goal is to find myself again and become the woman I can be at my best self while learning how to eat properly and actually exercise. Here is to losing 60 lbs at least! I'm a great motivator just need someone to motivate me as well.
  • susang19
    susang19 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey! So I'm not new to the site but I have been inconsistent and not sure if I'm doing it right. This is the first time I am using the forum so bare with me. Lol I have let myself go weight wise and I am at my heaviest. I love my wine and great food which has been a huge contributor to how I am now. I have a gym member ship but haven't gone in over a year. It's sad. Ever feel like you're so down that you feel why bother? That's the stage in at now but I want to change it. I have a step daughter that I want to be able to keep up to. My goal is to find myself again and become the woman I can be at my best self while learning how to eat properly and actually exercise. Here is to losing 60 lbs at least! I'm a great motivator just need someone to motivate me as well.

  • susang19
    susang19 Posts: 26 Member
    I had a membership too . Didn't want to go because I was well over 50lbs overweight. Just woke up one morning and went.
    Always in the back row treadmills but it's fine. Red face and sweaty I'm back on track . I just ran my first race ever 8k ran half walked half signed up for another. I am soooo not a runner but I can do this and so can you !
    I'm sicilian and cook like crazy I'm just learning a new life style . Lots of support out here.
    You Can Do This !
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I think the forums help with motivation...logging in and reading through some of the others' questions and answers is helpful. Tracking your food, even the food that you think is horrible is a great habit and will make you more aware of what you are eating and help you think more "is it worth it?". If the answer is yes, and you cave in on a high calorie junk meal...track it and move on.

    This is a journey, it's not a quick fix. You will see on the forums people who have lost 100's of pounds...let them inspire you!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome Back to the return members... glad you're here :)

    Welcome to the brand new members... good to have you join us!
  • 1unstoppablemom
    1unstoppablemom Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! This app was recommended to me by my physician and I am so pleased! This is my 5th day, and if I can do it, anybody can! Wishing you all the successes on your journey!
  • easomgirl
    easomgirl Posts: 12 Member
    I think we all have to be patient and realise there are no quick fixes! I'm not very overweight but every year I'm creeping up a few pounds and not doing anything about it and now starting to feel self conscious and bursting out of clothes!! I have no discipline with food and diet and often start something but only last a week or so but today decided to actually join forums to try and stay focused and be encouraged and help encourage others!
  • easomgirl
    easomgirl Posts: 12 Member
    m7mdth wrote: »
    Welcome ...

    I hope you reach your goal

    Thank you so much!
  • easomgirl
    easomgirl Posts: 12 Member
    susang19 wrote: »
    I had a membership too . Didn't want to go because I was well over 50lbs overweight. Just woke up one morning and went.
    Always in the back row treadmills but it's fine. Red face and sweaty I'm back on track . I just ran my first race ever 8k ran half walked half signed up for another. I am soooo not a runner but I can do this and so can you !
    I'm sicilian and cook like crazy I'm just learning a new life style . Lots of support out here.
    You Can Do This !

    Good for you well done! Stick at it x

  • ladylambeau
    ladylambeau Posts: 38 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me! I am not new to MFP, but newly committed! I love having an active dash board here and hope to provide motivation and encouragement for all of my friends. PLUS, my diary is open!