Meals are OK but I want a low calorie snack!

I've been reading other discussions about how some people are finding it hard to eat 1200 calories a day. I have a 1440 allowance and I'm finding it hard to stay within that whilst still eating what I consider to be a healthy balanced diet. I originally liked the sound of IIFYM but I find that when I have the choice of a bag of skips at 78 calories or a banana at 136 calories, I am torn. Do I choose the healthy fruit or the lowest calorie thing that I can lay my hands on when the munchies hit?

NB I ended up eating both!!

I love fruit and would happily snack only on fruit but its so high in calories compared to other 'snack' foods. I eat 3 meals a day and usually have 2 snacks, mid afternoon and late evening.

What do you snack on?


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here's my list:

    I shoot to pair a protein with my carb to keep my protein numbers higher.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    edited March 2015
    I snack on fruit but I pair it with something.

    berries and cottage cheese, apples & pb& yogurt, jerky & melon, etc.
    but I also have a higher allowance then you and don't really GAF about it lol
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    For me snacking is popcorn :-) In the uk we can get bags with less than an oz in, they weigh in at around 100 calories, have differnt flavours and give you plenty to munch on. Its mainly carb as well so it fits in with the amount of cardio I do
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I usually reach for raw veggies as snacks. I like crunchy things. Green beans are my favorite.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i like raw veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, celery, etc) with a bit of non or low fat ranch dressing.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    1 oz thinly sliced cheddar + 6 triscuits
    Siggis Icelandic Yogurt
    Cottage Cheese and pickles or lacto-fermented veggies
    Grapefruit (both halves)
    hard boiled egg
    1/2 serving PB&Co Cinnamon Raisin peanut butter, right off the spoon!
    Carrot sticks and hummus

    Those are my common snack items...satisfying and they help me to hit protein and calcium goals in many cases. None of those options is over 200 calories.

    I love fruit but haven't been snacking on it as much lately because I don't find it satisfies my snack urges and there are more calories than I'd like in a banana!
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    I don't see how people survive on 1200/day, especially if they are working out. Nuh uh. Of course my fat butt can eat quite a bit more than that and still lose weight for a while. I've been working with a nutritionist and they feel no one should be at just 1200/day.. unless they add back in some exercise burn off. I don't use MFP's recommneded minimum calorie amount. I use it's recommendations seem much more reasonable!

    but to answer your question-I try to have a balanced snack- just like my meals. a little bit of healthy fat, lean protein source and whole grain carb. I like whole wheat wheat thins with some laughing cow cheese. PB on some apple or whole wheat pita. greek yogurt with some grape nuts, or other high fiber crunchy added. or, my favorite, a half sandwhich: lean nitrate/nitrite free ham, turkey or chicken, spicy brown mustard on slice of whole wheat bread, or small whole wheat tortilla.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    1 oz thinly sliced cheddar + 6 triscuits
    Siggis Icelandic Yogurt
    Cottage Cheese and pickles or lacto-fermented veggies
    Grapefruit (both halves)
    hard boiled egg
    1/2 serving PB&Co Cinnamon Raisin peanut butter, right off the spoon!
    Carrot sticks and hummus

    Those are my common snack items...satisfying and they help me to hit protein and calcium goals in many cases. None of those options is over 200 calories.

    I love fruit but haven't been snacking on it as much lately because I don't find it satisfies my snack urges and there are more calories than I'd like in a banana!

    ETA: I'm a lying liar who lies, the cheese and crackers are slightly over 200. The yogurt is only 100, though, and surprisingly, most flavors of gelato are 200 even for 100 grams.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    My usual snacks are:
    - an apple
    - an apple with some cheese
    - an apple with some peanut butter (don't you love my creativity?)
    - an orange
    - Fresh green beans
    - Baby carrots
    - popcorn
    - chips
    - ice cream
    - frozen yogurt
    - protein shake
    - Ghirardelli chocolate square (various flavors, current one is caramel)

    Different things for different needs. I'm now on 1650 calories, but I was on 1340 when I first started MFP. The list of snacks hasn't changed. I'm trying to wrap my head around your sentence that fruit "is too high calorie"? Most servings of fruit are well under 100 calories.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Mmmm hungry now! Thanks guys. Got some great ideas
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    My usual snacks are:
    - an apple
    - an apple with some cheese
    - an apple with some peanut butter (don't you love my creativity?)
    - an orange
    - Fresh green beans
    - Baby carrots
    - popcorn
    - chips
    - ice cream
    - frozen yogurt
    - protein shake
    - Ghirardelli chocolate square (various flavors, current one is caramel)

    Different things for different needs. I'm now on 1650 calories, but I was on 1340 when I first started MFP. The list of snacks hasn't changed. I'm trying to wrap my head around your sentence that fruit "is too high calorie"? Most servings of fruit are well under 100 calories.

    For me, fruit alone is "too high calorie" because it doesn't give me the satisfaction I need out of the calories it carries. That's a personal thing, though. Your apple with peanut butter sounds good, I used to do that all the time, I'll have to add that back in the rotation!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    My usual snacks are:
    - an apple
    - an apple with some cheese
    - an apple with some peanut butter (don't you love my creativity?)
    - an orange
    - Fresh green beans
    - Baby carrots
    - popcorn
    - chips
    - ice cream
    - frozen yogurt
    - protein shake
    - Ghirardelli chocolate square (various flavors, current one is caramel)

    Different things for different needs. I'm now on 1650 calories, but I was on 1340 when I first started MFP. The list of snacks hasn't changed. I'm trying to wrap my head around your sentence that fruit "is too high calorie"? Most servings of fruit are well under 100 calories.

    For me, fruit alone is "too high calorie" because it doesn't give me the satisfaction I need out of the calories it carries. That's a personal thing, though. Your apple with peanut butter sounds good, I used to do that all the time, I'll have to add that back in the rotation!

    Ah, see I find the fiber keeps me feeling full. Fruit is usually a pre or post workout snack for me. I find that I can run after an apple or an orange, where I'm in trouble if I have something else instead.
  • enigma9051
    enigma9051 Posts: 3 Member
    For a snack I turn to Act II popcorn (movie theater, butter ). A bag is 2-1/2 cups and only has 25 calories per cup. Fills me up for only 62 calories.
    I would avoid anything with a lot of sugar (fruit and candy ). Your blood sugar will spike , then drop after a couple of hours making you hungry again.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I try to have an apple for my morning snack and tree nuts for the afternoon snack. Not the most low calorie options but my body is wanting something besides air to put some fuel in the tank. I don't eat anything that is artificially sweetened or low calorie unless that is the way it grew.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    My usual snacks are:
    - an apple
    - an apple with some cheese
    - an apple with some peanut butter (don't you love my creativity?)
    - an orange
    - Fresh green beans
    - Baby carrots
    - popcorn
    - chips
    - ice cream
    - frozen yogurt
    - protein shake
    - Ghirardelli chocolate square (various flavors, current one is caramel)

    Different things for different needs. I'm now on 1650 calories, but I was on 1340 when I first started MFP. The list of snacks hasn't changed. I'm trying to wrap my head around your sentence that fruit "is too high calorie"? Most servings of fruit are well under 100 calories.

    For me, fruit alone is "too high calorie" because it doesn't give me the satisfaction I need out of the calories it carries. That's a personal thing, though. Your apple with peanut butter sounds good, I used to do that all the time, I'll have to add that back in the rotation!

    Ah, see I find the fiber keeps me feeling full. Fruit is usually a pre or post workout snack for me. I find that I can run after an apple or an orange, where I'm in trouble if I have something else instead.

    Yeah, it's weird. I definitely need carbs and fiber during meals to have them be satisfying, but most of the snacks that work for me go for the protein.

    Moral of the story, OP, figure out which macros leave you feeling the most satisfied at what times and go for that. people are sated with different foods and it's good to learn about your own preferences.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    1 oz thinly sliced cheddar + 6 triscuits
    Siggis Icelandic Yogurt
    Cottage Cheese and pickles or lacto-fermented veggies
    Grapefruit (both halves)
    hard boiled egg
    1/2 serving PB&Co Cinnamon Raisin peanut butter, right off the spoon!
    Carrot sticks and hummus

    Those are my common snack items...satisfying and they help me to hit protein and calcium goals in many cases. None of those options is over 200 calories.

    I love fruit but haven't been snacking on it as much lately because I don't find it satisfies my snack urges and there are more calories than I'd like in a banana!

    ETA: I'm a lying liar who lies, the cheese and crackers are slightly over 200. The yogurt is only 100, though, and surprisingly, most flavors of gelato are 200 even for 100 grams.

    a lying liar LOLOLOL
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member

    Moral of the story, OP, figure out which macros leave you feeling the most satisfied at what times and go for that. people are sated with different foods and it's good to learn about your own preferences. [/quote]

    I'm not quite a month into calorie counting and haven't really seen a pattern but I haven't really been looking for one either. I will have to pay more attention to my body. I work different hours on different days and I do know that being at home at lunchtime leads to fridge raiding. I often eat in the car between jobs and a small lunch of fruit and deli meat and water satisfies me but if I'm home I want lunch, desert and a post lunch snack!
  • babylaur99
    babylaur99 Posts: 10 Member
    Progreso lite soups are 60 calories and between 12-15 carbs per cup, easy to heat and very filling! Kroger carb master yogurts are 60 calories and 4 carbs per container and very yummy. Also packed with 9 grams of protein. Lite laughing cow Swiss cheese has 35 calories per wedge and 1 carb, plus 5 grams protein. Slather it on some celery or a few non salted saltines :) 4 pieces of sliced deli turkey is 50 calories, 2 carbs, and 9 grams protein. And pretty tasty. Lastly baby carrots are 35 calories and 8 carbs a serving. Dip them in spicy mustard for a kick with only 5 calories and no carbs!
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    One of my new favorite snacks when im craving sweets at night- a no sugar added fudgicle! 40 calories!

    If im hungry though, snacks such as-
    -greek yogurt
    -apple with peanut butter
    -protein shake with pb2
    - popcorn
    - Bagel thin with cream cheese
    - Broccoli, celery, or carrots with dip
    - Fruit or fruit smoothies
    - String cheese (50cal)
    - Goldfish (55pieces for 140cal)
    - Natures valley peanut butter or dark chocolate granola thins
    - Oatmeal
    - Cereal

    Whatever fits... These are snacks to me. Meals have much more calories and heathier choices
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Hummus and veggies, popcorn, hard boiled egg, quest bar.