103 pounds down, nextstop the 200's


Hi just wanted to update my progress so far. To say that I have struggled here and there would be an understatement. I haven't been to the gym near as much as should, and my eating gets out of whack from time to time, but I drink water like its my job and at least 5 of 7 days food is perfectly on point. Since May of last year I have lost 81 pounds the first 22 took me about 4 months because I did not know what the hell I was doing. I have researched nutrition, and followed many successful people on here and now I know what to do, (I just have to do it)
My routine is nothing extreme. I prefer lower carb, higher fat and protien. I drink the minimum of a gallon of water a day but most days about 150 ounces. I drink coffee with creamer too thats the one thing I refuse to give up. I rarely drink soda. And yes I drink DIET when i do decide to indulge. I dont care about whats in it, I just need it to say ZERO calories~
I exercise infrequently but way more than I used too and its mostly walking, and some strength training.

I know its just a face pic but dang at the difference 103 pounds lost makes...


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