Skipping Dinner? Accelerate weight loss



  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I try too look at food/calories etc like a financial budget. Everybody has a different amount they can use in a day. It's just numbers. But if you do not want to put on weight, you have to hit or come under that budget. You can invest it wisely and spread it throughout the day, or you can blow it all in one go. Either way. Just stick to your budget, whatever number that is to you. No wonder we have an obesity crisis and an economic crisis. People feel entitled and don't budget. This post was semi serious, and I made up this analogy as I was typing!
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    emilee974 wrote: »
    Some studies (I know, it is just studies...) show that when you skip a meal, your body tells you "wtf" and the next meal, it will take what you eat as "fat".
    It is the same problem if you don't eat enough calories, body does not want to lose ( @callsitlikeiseeit‌ I read your post about lose/loose :p) anymore.

    It is hard for me to explain that in English, easier in French ^^

    provide said studies...

    OP, personally, I skip breakfast since I'm less hungry in the morning. Also, largely, social engagements are around lunch or dinner time so from a career/social/romantic standpoint, it makes more sense to skip breakfast not dinner. It's obviously personal choice, but it's how I view it. Look up intermittent fasting
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    emilee974 wrote: »
    Some studies (I know, it is just studies...) show that when you skip a meal, your body tells you "wtf" and the next meal, it will take what you eat as "fat".
    It is the same problem if you don't eat enough calories, body does not want to lose ( @callsitlikeiseeit‌ I read your post about lose/loose :p) anymore.

    It is hard for me to explain that in English, easier in French ^^

    I'd like to read those studies.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I think trying to explain something based on what people imagine our ancestors did is a lazy way to do science and is often just dead wrong.
  • abel_teklai
    abel_teklai Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the input. Sometimes for me it is inconvenient to have dinner on weekdays since I workout after work and don't get a chance to eat till 9 or 10...And also I have big lunches and maybe need to budget my calories better so it'll make sense to have dinner. But like today for example, I was already 50 calls under my goal after having an afternoon snack of nuts and my protein powder..So I'm skipping dinner tonight so I don't go over. On the weekends when having dinner is more reasonable I'll most likely have it. Also, does eating late at night contribute to weight gain or is that a myth??
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.

    Speak for yourself! I had ancestors in the Middle Ages who were living into their 70s if they didn't die in battle or have their heads chopped off. One of the reasons why I want to stay fit and active is that I have massive longevity on both sides of my family and I'd like to be a healthy old person instead of a sedentary one.

    If you are having two snacks, you are probably getting the same number of calories as you would if you had dinner. I don't really see anything wrong with rearranging when/how you eat as long as you are not hungry and not tempted to binge.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yeah, I usually eat at 9 PM or later. I tend to have a light dinner and a bigger lunch.

    There are lots of cultures where eating at this time or later is normal. It won't hurt you if you want to do it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Thanks for all the input. Sometimes for me it is inconvenient to have dinner on weekdays since I workout after work and don't get a chance to eat till 9 or 10...And also I have big lunches and maybe need to budget my calories better so it'll make sense to have dinner. But like today for example, I was already 50 calls under my goal after having an afternoon snack of nuts and my protein powder..So I'm skipping dinner tonight so I don't go over. On the weekends when having dinner is more reasonable I'll most likely have it. Also, does eating late at night contribute to weight gain or is that a myth??

    This is a myth.

    Eat whenever you want.

  • rpgfreak128
    rpgfreak128 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey bud my advice is take it slow don't do anything that might make you feel bad also going over your limit once or twice a week by a few calories is no big deal never feel guilty just think w.e you are doing now is better than before do w,e makes you stick with it and that gives you results ofc. also you can eat at anytime of day or night it will make no diff as long as you create a caloric deficit eat however you want.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    because I work 7p-7a three days a week, I track midnight to midnight and just monitor my total calories for the week.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    i feel like when I eat 3 meals a day I am so close to going over my calorie goal...And many times I have. I heard skipping dinner is a good way to put your body in fat burning mode, since our ancestors where constantly in either periods of feast or famine. I feel like I can afford to skip dinner and get most of my nutritional needs from breakfast lunch and protein powder + a couple snacks. Thoughts?

    Um, no.
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Our ancestors also didn't live very long.

    There will have been an increased mortality rate from infections and accidents, childbirth etc. compared to survival rates with modern medicines- not sure what that's got to do with nutrition though.

    Even accounting for that, life expectancy was pretty abysmal. And yes, some of that would have been because of nutrition.

    Signed, Archaeologist

    (but, get your calorie intake however and whenever you want :) )
  • abel_teklai
    abel_teklai Posts: 24 Member
    Ok good info, thanks guys!!
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Thanks for all the input. Sometimes for me it is inconvenient to have dinner on weekdays since I workout after work and don't get a chance to eat till 9 or 10...And also I have big lunches and maybe need to budget my calories better so it'll make sense to have dinner. But like today for example, I was already 50 calls under my goal after having an afternoon snack of nuts and my protein powder..So I'm skipping dinner tonight so I don't go over. On the weekends when having dinner is more reasonable I'll most likely have it. Also, does eating late at night contribute to weight gain or is that a myth??

    That's pretty much how it works for weight gain. If you are close to you daily calorie budget early on in the day (Had a big breakfast/lunch etc) then you have to limit yourself in the evening so as not to go over, unless you exercise to gain a few more calories back. The odd day here and there will not hurt, but if it becomes a habit, slowly weight will creep on. For this reason, I do not really eat that much in the day (prob 500 cals) and eat a huge dinner of an evening (about 2000 cals) that I really look forward too .
  • clipartghost
    clipartghost Posts: 32 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Eat in whatever pattern suits your lifestyle and makes it easier to adhere to your calorie and other goals.

    You don't have to do anything special to put yourself in "fat burning mode". It's happening several times a day without any intervention required - as soon as you have finished digesting your last meal you are using your energy reserves.

    Well worth experimenting with different eating styles. Have a look at the Leangains site if you feel the eating window style of IF may work for you.
    I do a different version of IF (5:2) and it made weight loss much easier for me compared to more regular ways of eating at a daily or weekly deficit.

    Obviously calorie deficit is the crucial thing for weight loss but the way you eat can make a big difference in terms of ease of adherence for some people.
    Great advice. I do currently eat 2 meals per day (and I'm gaining, not losing) but that's just because it's more convenient for my lifestyle and I enjoy it more.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Know what you mean, OP. I used to get so uptight on Mondays because I didn't get home until 9-ish, and I dislike eating that late. Plus I was often ravenous by then and would get overly worked up about traffic. Then I decided dinners on Mondays were maybe overrated for me, and I went to an IF plan. I was so much happier and relaxed. That's not my schedule now, but it really worked for me then.