Making time for excerise

I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

Example of my day today:

Wake: 6am
Leave for work: 7:15
Work: 8:30-5
Get home: 6:15
Sons Ball Game: 7pm
Leave Game: 9pm
get home: 9:30
Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Thats an overwhelming schedule. If it were mine I would hire help and work out at that time. Weekends are a great time for exercise too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?
    Get husband to go to son's ball game alternatively? If not, there's always the 7 minute workout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited March 2015
    What about walking or running up & down the side of the field during part of the game, or before the game when they're warming up?

    My schedule:

    Mon-Fri up at 6am, work 8am-5pm with 1 hour lunch & 1 hour commute. I sometimes walk at lunch.

    Monday I leave work an hour early for a 5-7:45pm class. Tue & Thur I pick up son at 6:15 when his last class is over & we get home just before 7pm. (Have about 30 minutes extra to kill - sometimes will walk on campus, or have something to eat so I'm not eating then waiting for food to settle when I get home.) Friday I work a 2nd job from 6pm-9pm.

    My kids are older, so can handle some things on their own. But of course without supervision lots of things don't get done! I get my activity in generally 8pm-10pm or later. Saturdays: errands and what not, no set schedule. Sunday I work the 2nd job from noon-8/9pm.

    I try to combine activities. Walking on the treadmill while watching a show, or while reading for class. Doing active things with the family on Saturday.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yeah, it can be tough with that schedule! And I've found that sleep is very important in this whole process.

    You don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight, but it does help and can be a mental benefit for stress relief or whatever.

    My only suggestion would be getting up a half hour earlier for an intense 20-30 minute workout first thing in the morning. Quality work in a short amount of time is still worth it. But you have to also gauge which is more important and necessary for you - that early workout, or the 30 minutes of sleep.

    Is there anything you can cut out of the evening routine to make an earlier bedtime? What about saving laundry for the weekend, and picking clothes for the week at the same time? Make a space in your closet to put those outfits together so they're all ready to go. Can a kid be tasked to load the dishwasher, have them each get their own evening snack, and help with or prep their lunches themselves (not sure how old they are)?
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member

    [/quote] Get husband to go to son's ball game alternatively? If not, there's always the 7 minute workout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



    I have to adamantly disagree with this one. While I am struggling to get the exercise in, I would never sacrifice time with my kids in order to do it. I do not ever want my girls to look back and say "Mommy is soooooo fit, but I sure wish she had seen me play."
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I agree with having the kids help on chores. Age dependent help, of course. Teaches them important life lessons as well. Though in the beginning, it might not actually save work for you. :)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited March 2015
    sanren79 wrote: »
    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    OK - that' is/was today. So you don't work out today. You work out tomorrow, when your son doesn't have a game. Or the night after, or whenever.

    I have an hour+ commute to work, too. I'm also furthering my education and have 4 pets to take care of - three that need medication (fun, trying to get a cat to take a pill), in addition to spending time with my wife. I also do all of the laundry and about half of the dishes. I sometimes cook, too. I have no problem getting up by 5 AM to go to the gym before work.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    I have the same scheduled minus the baseball game. I used to be at the gym 2 hours 5 days a week. Since I have had kids I have not been able to figure out a time. A gym just opened across the street from work so I am thinking wake up at 5 monday and friday so I can see my kids in the a.m. tues, wed, thurs and try to get in a work out at lunch on wednesdays. We will see if this works. Nights are out because its family time.
  • zipitzippy
    zipitzippy Posts: 86 Member
    Try and get more active during the day - I have 1 1/2 hour commute to work too so I feel your pain! But I make up for it by walking the longer route to work, walking for 30-40 mins each lunch hour. Taking breaks often. I get in gym sessions after 8.30pm, but I know it would be impossible with kids. I've started an exercise class each week I say to myself I can't miss regardless of how tired I am, and that helps too...perhaps your hubby could look after the kids that evening. Or rope your kids into your workout, and dance/exercise at home? Hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I get up at 5am to exercise before work. I have a 90 minute commute, work full time hours, and have other commitments to fit into the day also. I personally find getting up earlier and getting it done before I have time to make excuses (or other things happen which derail my good intentions!) is the only thing that really works for me!
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    You're not alone in feeling like you have to sacrifice sleep for exercise. I wake up at 5 am and go to the gym from 5:30 to 6:30 every morning. I usually go to bed between 10 and 11. However, I doubt your son has a game every day. You just need to plan for some you time. How long do you get for lunch? Use that time to walk, lift, do stairs. Make dinners in the crock pot so you don't have to cook when you get home. Planning is key.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    What about walking while you are at the ball game?
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    Get some walking in while at work such as during breaks or lunches. Get some walking in while at the game. That's a great time to do it imo. What about days you don't work? You had some time to write this....

    Not to be rude but I'm sure there are some days when it's nearly impossible to get in some exercise but that's not everyday and you don't need to exercise everyday. Every little bit helps.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    walk around the field during the baseball game, that's what I do at my kids' games/practices (weather permitting, of course). you could get in the habit of waking up at 5am and getting in a workout, tons of free stuff on youtube, etc, that would def fit in that time frame. you can get a really effective workout in 30 min.

    my family knows that i have classified my workouts as priorities, so i will often get in my workout before chores - that can get done later or someone else can pick up the slack. and hey, sometimes the house is mess until the weekends. dishes out of the sink is prob the only requirement i have for daily cleaning :smile:

    make things ahead of time/prep on the weekends. it seems like you're doing an awful lot each night, maybe you can re-examine that.

    fwiw, i don't exercise at the gym, i prefer to do it at home so i can work it into wherever it will fit. i do a lot of youtube stuff in the living room, which the kids join me for sometimes, and i also have a treadmill. i am available during my workouts for the kids if needed (unless it's for a FOURTH snack, on their own for that one!) and during the fall/spring when the weather is nice i walk/jog while they practice.

    good luck!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I only exercise around 30 minutes most days. I don't go to a gym so there is no commute time. It isn't that hard for me to fit 30 minutes in.
    You could walk around during your sons game or during your break at work. Do a short workout in the morning. Exercise while you make dinner.
    You could do some of your nightly tasks for the whole week in one day- pack a weeks worth of lunches, pick out clothes for the whole week, do laundry one day a week only. You could delegate some tasks to husband or kids.
  • cheflaurawalke
    cheflaurawalke Posts: 42 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    This schedule right here is the exact reason I wake up at 3:45am to go to the gym. I have no other choice. Three kids, two jobs and I work 7 days a week.
  • laura3977
    laura3977 Posts: 191 Member
    My schedule is nowhere near as full as yours. I have a 2.5 year old daughter so no games/activities yet. HOWEVER, laziness (for me not for you obviously) has been a major roadblock. I have a gym membership that I pay $20 per year so I'm not about to give that up (LOL) but I was not going. What I did was that we purchased a stationary bike - this allows me to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in on most days and it doesn't feel like it interrupts my life since I just walk over and do it. Maybe having something at home like others have suggested will make it so it doesn't feel like it's taking up too much time from your other commitments.

    I will also agree on the walking during lunch/games.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    sanren79 wrote: »
    I want to know, how does everyone do it. I really don't want to hear the whole thing that if you really want to make it happen you can...I need to know if I am alone in the fact that I feel like I have to sacrifice sleep in order to get in the exercise.

    Example of my day today:

    Wake: 6am
    Leave for work: 7:15
    Work: 8:30-5
    Get home: 6:15
    Sons Ball Game: 7pm
    Leave Game: 9pm
    get home: 9:30
    Feed kids snack, ask repeatly to shower, clean up kitchen, start laundry, actually see husbands face, load dishwasher, shower me, pick clothes, prep lunches, etc byt this time its almost midnight.

    Yes, I do have over an hour commute to and from work.

    Am I alone in trying to get exercise in?

    Tell hubby you expect the bolded stuff to be done when you get home from baseball?
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Do something at home - videos - treadmill - that will cut out any sort of commute to a gym. For about 8 years I walked with my neighbor - from 5:15 am - 6:00 am every morning. Yes, it's early - but 'where there's a will..............'!
  • roady29
    roady29 Posts: 86 Member
    I have two boys and work full time mon-fri, I get up at 5am to excercise, and sometimes I try to sneak another 30 mins in while the kids are eating. Can you do any walking while your at your sons game?